WAChapter Ten

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"Lelo Santiago, I don't think you should be here right now" Mr. Mara looked at me with a mixture of hatred and pure distain for my mere existence.

"Please, I just need to see him.. How is he?" I could see annoyance written across his features. He didn't even say anything back, just staring at me waiting for me to vanish.

"Haven't you ever been in love?" I asked and at this he chuckled.

"Love? Lelo, I don't think you're capable of love. If you were in love with my son, you wouldn't have left without so little as a goodbye. And now, you ask me how he is? He is a mess, Lelo and there is no one to blame but yourself. So excuse me for my bluntness, but you can't come in. Goodbye" He slammed the door in the face, the gust of air making my hair fly back. I was too shocked and hurt to fight back, his words making me both upset and able to realize the consequences of my actions.

But was he really still upset over me? I wasn't anything special, and it wasn't like he loved me or anything. He made that quite clear before I left.

But I loved him, and that's why I refused to give up on trying to see him. I was only in town for one night before I had to go back home, where my parents were probably going to murder me for not telling them I hopped on a plane and flew to the other side of the country for a boy.

"Isn't it the guy that's supposed to do this" I groaned as I scaled up the tree that was next to Nick's balcony. I jumped and impressively clung to the railing, before pulling myself over and finding myself standing in front of his bedroom window.

The curtains were slightly opened, which allowed me to get a better look at what I was getting myself into. His back was faced to me as he sat at his desk with his head in his hands. His phone buzzed, and he rapidly went to check it, before realizing it was someone I assumed he didn't want to talk to and returning to his previous state.

I knocked on the window, causing it shake slightly. Nick picked up his head and looked at his bedroom door as I heard him say "Mom, go away!" and putting his head back in his hands. I knocked viciously now, causing him to realize the noise was actually coming from behind him.

His eyes met with mine, the eyes that I could get lost in. He leaped from his seat to the window, unlocking it and pulling me into his room.

He poked me a few times before saying, "Is it really...? You're not a figment of my imagination or someone who looks like her that my mom hired to get me out of my room right?" He said and I laughed, but stopped when I realized he was serious.

"Nope, one-hundred percent Lelo Santiago here" I smiled warmly and he hugged me tightly.

"I missed you, Lelo. More than you could ever know" He said as he released me from the hug, but still kept a grip on my hands, afraid I might run away.

"Nick, I am not going anywhere" I said and pulled my hand from his, taking the liberty of sitting down on his bed. He sat next to me and I took the moment to take in his features. His eyes were sunken in, a clear sign of malnourishment and lack of sleep. His hair was disheveled, which was something I personally found to be quite attractive. It looked like he hadn't left the house or even bothered to change his clothes for weeks, to say he was a mess was an understatement, it looked like he had given up.

"Did I really cause you to turn into...this?" I asked as I looked into his eyes, but he adverted his gaze to the ground, ashamed of what he had become. I touched his face lightly, causing him to look back up at me again. "Sweetie, will you please take a shower? I want to talk to you and all, but I just don't think I can take the smell" I said and he stared at me a few seconds before bursting out laughing. The two of us erupting in a fit of laughter, and once we sobered up he stood up and went into his bathroom.

Once I heard the water begin to run, I decided to take the opportunity to look around his room. I have been in love with this boy for years, but yet know so little about him. I walked over to his desk, where a notebook lay open to a page addressed with today's date.

I have been waiting for months for her. She doesn't love me and I just don't think I can hold on much longer, I plan on doing it tonight. I screwed up majorly and I don't deserve life, not when I hurt the only person I have ever loved so deeply. No matter what, I still know at least one thing to be true.

Dead or alive, I will always be truly, madly and unexplainably in love with Lelo Santiago.

I just wish she could know that before I was gone.

I heard the click of the water as it shut off, and soon the bathroom door opened, revealing a lot of steam and a boy only covered by a towel.

I looked at him, and when his eyes rested on mine he held a look of confusion at my current state. Tears were streaming down my face as I clutched the notebook to my chest, wishing that what I read could be unwritten.

"You..you were going to kill yourself, tonight?" I looked right at him and he slowly nodded his head. I leaped across the room into his arms, shattering ever bone in his body with a hug so tight it could cut off all circulation.

"I just couldn't live in a world where I made someone as beautiful as you do something as horrible as that to yourself" He said as I sobbed into his chest.

"I don't have a fucking right to be crying right now! Nick, this isn't your fault. There is no one to blame for what I did but myself in the end. Sure, you didn't return my love and sure some bad kids called me some mean names, but in the end I was my own worst enemy. Nicholas Carter Mara, don't you EVER think that I don't love you, because the affection I have for you grows every second of everyday. No matter how I tried to forget you or hate you it never worked and it could never work"

"Before you have the chance to run away again I have to say it, out loud, for you to hear and finally get it through to you" He grabbed both of my shoulders and looked me in the eyes, "Lelo Maria Santiago, I am in love with you and you're the one, so please give me another chance to prove my worthiness to you" He looked desperately at me, angst growing with everything second.

"I would give you a million chances" I said and pressed my lips to his. Fireworks and butterflies and everything you could possibly experience from a kiss erupted throughout my body like a tidal wave.

He pulled his lips from mine, connecting our foreheads as he smiled.

"I finally found my reason to live" he whispered to me.

"You have always been mine, Nick."

Revenge and Regrets {ICONic Boyz Love Story}Where stories live. Discover now