Chapter Thirteen

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"Lelo, we're letting you do this because of all that we put you through for this move. We believe that ripping you away from everything you knew except for us was indeed wrong, but we watched as you've grown from this change" My dad explained, pacing up and down the kitchen.

"Yes sweetie and although we don't understand why, we know how strong your feelings are for that boy and we believe it is time you see him again" my mom continued, "but I swear, if you don't come back or don't call us at least twice a day I will kill you and make another one just like you" it was impressive how my mother could make something so grotesque sound so sweet.

"I promise mom, this won't be like the last time. I won't let you guys down and I love you" I hugged them both and picked up my luggage. I walked to the front door and turned around to see my parents waving me off.

I sat down in the luxury car that my dad got to take me to the airport. I was going to Jersey for two weeks, and within those two weeks I promised myself I would make the decision about who I wanted to be with.


I just got back to Jersey and was sitting in Sammi's living room. It felt incredible to be back. Not that I didn't love my new life, it was just that I really missed who I was before the move and I was glad I got to go back for a while.

The rest of my old crew were there and an unfamiliar face.

"Lelo, this is Maria, the newest member of our crew" The girl turned to me and smiled. She was absolutely gorgeous, blessed with a flawless complexion that didn't need makeup and a figure that models would be jealous of. To top it off, she had incredibly gorgeous naturally blonde hair and seemed genuinely nice. When I left, I didn't think that the crew would replace me, so it was a shock to see that I was so disposable.

"It's great to meet you" she said and things went back to normal. The crew caught me up on what has been going on and I explained my life in California.

"We've actually been working with Nick a lot. Him and Maria have been doing the partner choreography in our dances" Lucy said and Maria smiled, the kind of smile I would get whenever I thought about Nick. It made my blood boil.

"That's fantastic" I said through gritted teeth, "where is Nick, anyways? He's kind of the reason I'm here"

"Alright, we'll just pretend that didn't hurt" Ruth said and the rest of the girls laughed, but I didn't find it the slightest bit amusing, "he should be here any-"

She was cut off by the doorbell. Sammi smiled and got up to get it. Nick had no idea I was coming, so I kind of stayed to the side as he greeted the rest of the girls.

I watched as he took his time hugging Maria, even kissing her on the cheek and whispering in her ear. I knew I shouldn't let it get to me. I knew that I should trust the genuineness of his words. I knew that he was in love with me, but I couldn't help but wonder, what if the distance was too much for him?

Before he could turn around to see me, I excused myself into the bathroom. I stared at my reflection, wondering what the hell I was doing. Was I really so self-conscious that I didn't believe anyone could truly love me?

No, that was shit that the old Lelo pulled. The new, confident Lelo was sure of herself and sure of the way Nick felt.

Great, now I'm thinking in third person.

I washed my face really quickly to calm myself down and stepped back out.

It was plain to see I wasn't missed much. All my friends were sitting and talking to each other as if I didn't even come. Nick was next to Maria, almost on top of each other if I were to be honest.

"Erm, hey guys" I said softly. No one heard and they kept talking. Nick turned his head to look straight at me, almost as if his heart knew I was here. He leaped out of his seat and ran to me.

"Lelo!" He said and hugged me. All my worries melted away when I was with him, I was safe and the happiest I had ever been in his arms.

"I missed you" I whispered into his neck and I could feel his goosebumps. Knowing I had this effect of him was, well, indescribable.

"I missed you more babe"

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