Chapter Five

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Hiya guys im back!

I love you all soooooo much! I hope you like the new version of this story!



“HI MOM!” Amanda screamed nervously upstairs at her mom who just came home from work.

“SHIT! Im not allowed to have guys here! Hide or risk the wrath of my mother!” she screamed at all the boys. They ran into the guest room when her mom starting walking down the stairs.

“Hey, girls! Did I hear boys down here?” She said sternly at Amanda.

“Nope, just the T.V.” she piped. She was terrified.

“But, Mandy, the T.V. isn’t on” she said back. we are so busted! The rest of us took a huge step back, furthering ourselves from getting yelled at. Her mom was scary when she wanted to be.

“but it was…we turned it off when you came in because…ummm…we thought it was a murderer! Yeah!” Amanda said, so proud of herself.

“Where are the boys?” Her mom said.

“Wh-what boys?” Amanda gulped.

“Ughhh, nevermind! Im too busy for this! They cant sleepover, okay?” She threw her hands up in the air in frustration.

“Okay mom, love you!” Amanda screamed.

“ohhhh boooyyyyyyyyssss, you can come oooouuuuutttt nnnoooowwww!” I whispered when I walked into the guest room. Somehow, Chris and Mikey were wrestling on the floor while Madison and Nick were bickering.

“I so did not step on your foot bro!” Mad said. He looks hot when hes angry.

“Yes you did! I was walking in and your big clown foot decided ‘oh lets go step on Nicks beautiful feet and make them deformed like ours’” This was funny. I almost didn’t want to stop them. Almost.

“How did this happen in 2 minutes guys?” I asked, they all shot their heads up at me while the room went silent.

“Well, Chris said that Ruth was too good for me so I put him in a headlock, thus how the wrestling started.” Mikey stated, sending daggers at Chris. Him and Ruth would be such a cute couple!

“And this doofus stepped on my foot and almost broke it with his WHALE BODY!” Nick screamed the last part. I tried to hide a laugh when Madison came over and snaked his arm around my waist.

“You don’t think I have a whale body, right Lele?” he whispered in my ear, making me shudder.

“n-no” I stuttered. That boy gets me so tongue tied.

“IN YOUR FACE BRO! THE LADY DOESN’T THINK I HAVE A WHALE BODY!” Madison screamed at Nick and Nick just walked out of the room.

“Hey guys! Whats up with Nick?” Ruth walked in. all of the sudden Mikey’s expression softened at the sound of her voice. 

“Nothing.” I said. Then I had an idea to speed along the whole Mikey-Ruth dating situation.

I pushed Ruth forward, right into Mikeys arms.

“OH MY GOSH! IM SO SORRY BOO!” that’s what I call Ruth. I expected her to be mad, but she was at a loss for words in Mikeys arms. 

 “Thanks” Ruth said as she stood herself upright.

“I will always be there to help you when you fall” Ruth blushed. I swear, if they get anymore cute, itll come out their noses.

“We’ll just leave you two love birds alone!” I exclaimed while pushing all the boyz out the door.


“Bye Chris and Tristan” Amanda said while she kissed Chris on the cheek and they walked out the door.

In the past 10 mintues, most of the boyz left, leaving me, Amanda, Lucy, Sammi, Josaline, Madison, and Nick. Mikey and Ruth still haven’t come out of the guest room.

“Im gonna go get them” I said, springing off of the couch excitedly.

“Hiya-WHOA” I screamed when I saw Ruth and Mikey kissing on the bed.

“Just get together already you dorks!” I said while leaving.

I opened the door for a split second to say “oh and use protection” and see how much Ruth blushed after I said it.

“Okay what do we wanna do?” Madison said as I sat back down next to him. It was 3 couples, when Rikey {A/N: Mikey and Ruth :D} came back, and Josaline and Sammi off playing xbox. We need to find those two some boyfriends.

“OMG GO IN MANDYS POOL!” Lucy screamed while latched on to Nick. I know why she wants to go in the pool! To see Nick shirtless. Although, I wouldn’t mind that show either…

Stop Lelo, stop. For the first time, life is perfect, and I have to screw it up by falling back in love with a complete and total idiot. But I just have a feeling that im meant to be with Nick. Weird, right? I know.

“Here, you can borrow this!” Amanda said and flung a bikini at me. I ran into the bathroom and changed, not bothering to look in the mirror…which was a bad decision on my part.

“SHIT LELO!” Sammi said while trying to cover me, but it was too late. All three boys stood there with there jaws on the floor.

Because, as I forgot to mention before, I didn’t just cut my wrist. Slash marks were all over my bare stomach and legs from me hating how morbidly obese I had become.

Nick started to cry, which I didn’t understand. I just stood there, mortified and unable to move. I willed my legs to run but they wouldn’t budge.

“What happened??” Madison said, gesturing to the cuts.

"I fell on sissors? A lot of times?" I said, quesitoning my own lame excuse for what I did to myself. I looked up at Madison, who had tears in his eyes and he urged me to tell the truth.

“Well, I used to hate myself. I hated the fat person I became and wanted to get rid of it. So I cut at the fat, trying to make it disappear…but it never did…” I said. I looked up and Nick was sobbing.

“Why are you crying Nick?” I asked.

“Because I did this to you…”

“No you didn’t, I did this to me”

“But what I said, is unforgivable. I don’t get why you would ever talk to me again” He said, looking up straight into my eyes.

“Because I love you” I said, barely audible. Nick heard though, his eyes went wide as he looked up at me.

I pushed through the other people with tears brimming my eyes. I changed and walked out the front door, plugging in my headphones and listening to the music, which was strangely relatable.

“so tell me,

How does it feel,

To be like you?

I think your mouth should be quiet,

Cuz it never tells the truth now,

So tell me why,

Does it have to be this way,

why cant things ever change?

Im falling over and over again,

From all the words you said,

Its raining on my heart,

For everyone to see”

{A/N: YouTube video on the side. Listen, its so good!}

I wish Nick would love me too. But im that same girl from 6th grade, insecure and lonely. Hes still the jerk from sixth grade.

Hes just the jerk I fell in love with.

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