Chapter One

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“On our wait to ICON, gonna meet some sexy boys!” My best friend Sammi sang to all of the VIIBEttes in the van. All 6 of us were laughing our heads off.

I cant believe im going to meet them soon. The only name I could remember was Madison Alamia. As soon as I saw him, I was love struck, like thousands of other girls. Also, the FANTASTIC Nick Mara (note my sarcasm). I smiled, knowing that he was in for some serious shit.

“Get out! We're here and I don't want you guys to make a bad first impression” Lindsay screamed. Geo and her have been friends for a while and this is her first time showing him her all-star crew, and since he was her mentor she didn't want to dissapoint. I got out of the car and walked into the complex, dragging behind to finish a text.

My stomach was in knots. I cant believe I am meeting Madison. I mean, what if I embarrass myself? Im a wreck and I havent't even stepped foot into ICON yet. Better yet, what would Nick think of me now? I mean, would he still think of me as the 'Fat Chick' I was before? Why did I care?

“Welcome to the ICON Dance Complex, what can I help you with?” The lady at the front desk asked as I caught up to everyone else.

“Hi, im Lindsay Shaw from the VIIBE Dance Complex. The VIIBEttes and I are here to rehearse the performance for the Balloon Festival” My cousin said sweetly.

The secretary directed us to a room where Geo and the Boyz were rehearsing. When we walked in they hurried over and introduced themselves.

I said hello to everyone but Madison and Nick. Madison came up to me and flashed a smile that nearly made me faint. 

“Hi im Madison, and your name must be Angel, because that’s what you look like” I giggled and blushed. I heard Mikey say “Stop flirting Madison” which made me blush even harder.

I stepped on to Nick, my eyes glittering with newfound confidence. He looked at me quizzically, like he thought he knew me from somewhere.

“Hi, I'm Lelo. But you know that already” I smirked wickidly.

“Im Nick, and why would I know who you are? You do look familiar"

"Allow me to fully introduce myself. Lelo Santiago, or better known to you as 'fatty'" I laughed dryly.

"Lelo? Oh my God I am so sor-"

"Save it Mara. I don't want or need your pity" With that I turned on my heel and walked across the room to Sammi, making sure to send my best death glare in Mr. Mara's direction.

"Listen up boys and girls!" Geo clapped his hands and all of us hushed as we listened intently.

"The dance will be a partner dance. Each boy will have a girl to duet with" We all nodded in understandment. I just prayed my partner wasn't Nick.

“Okay so, since you two are the oldest, we paired you and Nick together for the number.” Geo smiled at me. I internally cringed and looked over at Sammi, who knew everything that happened with him. She just smiled and whispered 'its only one dance' and I mustered up the strength to nod my head once.

We all danced to Don’t Wake Me Up by Chris Brown. Nick and I had a little solo in the beginning, and when I touched him I could feel a tiny spark that made my body feel like it was burning.

 After the dance rehersal ended, Madison came up to talk to me. “Hey, Lelo. Nick told us what he said to you and I just wanted to apologize. I know that’s no consolation, just saying, I cant believe he did that to you” Wasn't he the cutest? I smiled and kissed him on the cheek, a bolt of electricity ran down my spine as I did so.

 “Thanks it means a lot, even if it isn’t coming from him” I stared down at the floor, feeling extremely uncomfortable with the topic of my past. It's over, I am a new person now, one who is stronger and all the wiser, and I didn't need Nick's apology.

“Hey, Lelo, can I talk to you?” Speaking of the Devil. My hair whipped around smacking Nick in the face. Good.

“you have thirty seconds Mara” I growled. Im usually the happy one of the group, but right now…lets just say you wouldn’t want to be near me.

“Lelo, im so sorry for what I said to you back in 6th grade, it was rude and a horrible thing for me to think, let alone say-“ 

“30 seconds up” I scoffed and I turned around to walk to Madison, who somehow made it across the room.

“Wait” Nick grabbed my wrist. Suddenly feeling self-conscious about my cut marks I tried to pull away, but he had already turned over my arm.

“I made you do this” He whispered so low only we could hear it.

“” I snarled. This boy was starting to get on my nerves, FAST.

“please I just want to be friends again” That did it for me.

“Again! Really Nick? Last time I checked you were far too disgusted by me three years ago to be my friend, and I bet now you only want to apoligize because im not that girl anymore!” I screamed. Soon, everyone in the studio was listening. “Think again Nick. I will be your friend when hell freezes over. I am never speaking to you again, our relationship is strictly business.”

He tried to open his mouth to speak but I beat him to it. “And to think I really liked you. I was SUCH an idiot” With that I walked away, feeling satisfied.

As I walked, images of him kept on playing in my head. What is going on with me?

“Hey, good job giiirrrlll” Sammi came up and patted me on the back, snapping me out of my confusing thoughts.

“What are we going to do now?” Josaline asked. I didn’t quite feel like Nick got what he deserved…yet.

“Im going to get revenge”


Im sorry to all you Nick lovers out there, I just had to make someone the bad guy, and I chose him.

Soooo, how and I doing? This is the first real chapter :D

Im glad I used famous people this time, plus, BELLA THORNE IS GORGEOUS. In a non homo way.

Okay, so love you all don’t forget to comment/vote

Question: whats your favorite hobby :D


Revenge and Regrets {ICONic Boyz Love Story}Where stories live. Discover now