Dr. Green

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      I do not own any of the characters created by C.L. Stone, nor the plots that I may borrow from her original series (Academy: Ghost Bird). I am just doing this for fun, and to get ideas out of my head and onto paper.


      Life can be interesting sometimes. You know those moments when you wake up, and you just know your day isn't going to be a good one? Like that sixth sense people talk about sometimes, not an actual sense, just the utter knowledge in your gut that it won't be what you expected or want? Yeah, that's how I woke up, that's how I knew my life wouldn't be the same from here on out.

      "(y/n), get your ass down here!" Mom always yelled, never asked, and expected immediate results when she called. Leaving the warmth of my blankets, I walked down our creaky steps as quietly as possible, tip-toeing around the worn down nails that always stabbed at your feet from the worn down wood.

      "Go do the dishes and clean that mess of a kitchen up. Why do you always leave it so dirty", her commands were always followed up with rhetorical questions, never to be answered as she went back to laying down on the couch and watching the news for the day. The news today talked about a girl from Summerville who tried to run away, only to be killed by her mother once she was caught. The newscaster gave a sympathetic smile to the camera, finishing up with the report and promising more details when they came to light. I walked away as it moved onto the weather for the day, hot and muggy expected as always.

      The kitchen was dark and cold with the AC running on high. Flipping on the light, shadows were cast across our worn counters and a stack of dishes laid next to the sink. Dragging the trash over as I sighed, I began to push all the old food off and set them into the sink. We had a dishwasher, I was just never allowed to use it. Mom always said I need to earn my keep and do the chores, because how else was I going to learn? Both my parents were big on teaching me to be an adult as fast as possible, that way they didn't have to coddle and parent me.

      Finishing up, I headed back up to my room. Moving the blanket back into place, I fluffed my pillows and set them against the wall that acted as a headboard to my bed, then moved to get ready. With it being 6:30 a.m. the air was heating up fast, so I decided to wear lighter clothes. Eventually, I chose a black skirt that flowed around softly when I turned, and landed just above my knee. Pairing it with a simple quarter sleeve that was lace with an underlying tank top, I grabbed my shoes, lacing them after putting them on. Deciding against going back down to hear how I needed to find a job after class sign-ups, I grabbed my mock schedule and shoved the window open, climbing out. My room sat in a convenient spot right above the extended roof of the garage, so I could climb out and walk across without anyone hearing me. I usually went down a tree that hung over the side of the same roof patch, but sometimes decided to just drop down and roll if I wasn't trying to stay presentable. Rolling my shoulders after stepping off the trunk, I headed toward the woods. The long way was the only way for me.


      By the time I stepped out of the brush and bramble covering the forest edge, the parking lot was filled to the max, with cars pouring out into the side streets beyond the school and market across the street. Students ran around, jumping and yelling. Others were standing in groups, probably talking about if they thought they would have matching schedules. There was a steady flow of people, both students and parents, walking through the doors. Joining the line, I waited until I could step into my corresponding grade, then waited for it to move.


      After arguing with the counselor and having all but two of my classes changed, I headed to the side hall towards Music Room C. Why they choose to have you go through two counselors and two schedule checks I'll never understand. Walking along, I moved between people, ducking under arms and around groups of students milling about. Shoved from behind, I ended up falling forward, only to bump into someone's back. Mumbling an apology, I started to move around to keep walking, then felt a hand pulling me back by my arm.

      "Miss Hendricks, where are you going, you can't just shove your way past people". Mr. McCoys voice was sticky as he talked down to me, like he was almost intending for this to happen. He was always one I avoided, mainly due to his fascination with my room whenever he visited our house. My father often had him over for beers or late night meetings in the office next to my room. He would usually find some way to show up and move things around. From moving my bed, to taking clothes he found 'unsuitable', Mr. McCoy was always a controlling pig waiting to end up on the sex offenders list. Groaning internally, I moved my arm away and began to give my apology, only to be interrupted.

      "And what are you wearing, that isn't in regulations. Go change now, I won't have my superiors daughter out here breaking rules and flaunting herself. You have a standard to uphold". Glaring, I took a step back and shuffled my paper around.

      "I'm within regulations, and I'm almost done anyway. There's no point to me leaving and coming back to just turn this in. I'm sorry I bumped into you, but I won't do something just because you can't be an adult", with my rebuttal given, I turned and started to walk away. I only got about two steps before I was grabbed by the arm again, yanked back to where I was before.

      "You don't ever walk away from me like that again, and you will go home and change. I will not have you out here acting like this, and neither would your father. Listen to what I say or you can deal with me again tonight, and I will not be as kind". McCoy gripped my arm harder as he threatened me. His breath fanned over my neck as he leaned in closer. Shivering with disgust, I turned my head and glared at him.

      "Mr. McCoy, please do release this young lady, if there is a problem here I am sure we can resolve it another way". The voice that spoke came from in front of me, and got closer as they walked up. Turning my head back toward the voice, I saw a young man, maybe even a student if I didn't know better, walking up. He stopped about a foot away, watching as McCoy gripped a little harder before letting me go.

      "This is none of your business Dr. Green, I was just trying to tell Miss Hendricks here that she needs to go change so her clothes match regulations before I would let her finish enrolling for her classes". McCoy grabbed at my list as he said this, and I side stepped away and toward who I guess was Dr. Green. McCoy grunted as I moved, and I could feel him reaching back out to try and grab at me again, only to be interrupted.

      "It is my business to protect students and make sure they are being safe. Now I see nothing wrong with Miss Hendricks clothing, as her skirt is within regulations, and she is wearing a long sleeve shirt. How about we focus our efforts more towards the students who are actually breaking the rules". Dr. Greens tone was stern yet friendly, like he was giving Mr. McCoy a nice direction rather than telling him off. McCoy huffed, then stormed away, parting the crowd as he walked off. Turning, I looked over Dr. Green as he did the same to me. He was about a head taller than I was, and had shoulders that filled his button up shirt. His curly hair was a dirty blond and rested around the top of his ears before curling around and going further down his neck. His eyes, much like his name, were green, almost like the color of grass as it started to sprout.

      "Would you like to come with me Miss Hendricks, we can figure that schedule out together in my office". Dr. Green asked me as he turned to stand next to me, and began to lead the way to the front office. Walking along with him, I waved to the secretary and she gave me an exasperated look as I moved past. We walked three doors down into the hall, and stopped. Dr. Green knocked on the unmarked office door, then after a couple seconds, opened it. A familiar melody played as he walked in, and I followed. 

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