The Suit Store and Angry Birds

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      Walking, the boys stayed by my side the rest of the way to the store. Victor and Kota were on either side of me and Silas walked behind us, towering over my (Y/H) frame. Reaching the store the boys had an appointment at, they turned in unison and Kota, settling his hand on my waist, guided me. Sitting on one of the white chairs, the boys settled around me.

      "Is this the Morgan party?" An attendant asked, her voice high and slightly squeaking. Turning to look at her, her face was masked by makeup. Laughlines sat on her young face, her makeup adding valleys and crevices. Her blue eyes were surrounded by black, spider web eyelashes, and clumps of wax stuck together. The attendants white top did almost nothing to hide her large bust or her neon pink bra that was peeking through. Standing up, the boys turned back to me. Kota and Victor looked slightly uncomfortable, while Silas was fine, grinning like a fool and chuckling at the other two. 

     "Are you okay staying here by yourself? We can go in turns if you want, or maybe you could walk around and look at other stores?" Kota said his tone questioning. Silas looked over at Kota and frowned slightly. Victor followed suit.

      "She can't wonder off, then we would have to go find her. She can have my phone to play games on." Victor said. Handing me his phone, he told me I could play anything I wanted, then turned to go and get fitted. Silas smirked, then followed Victor. Turning back, Kota gave me a questioning look. Nodding that I would be fine, he turned and followed after the others. Following the boys, the attendant moved her head to the side and glared at me slightly. 

      Looking at the phone, I hit the home button. The screen lit up, and the piano key background melded with the time. Unlocking Victor's phone, it opened up to Angry Birds. Hitting the new game button, I began to play. Every once in a while, the boys would come out, asking my opinion.

      "Thank you, come again soon!" the attendant said. Looking up, the boys were back. Now in their normal clothes, they walked toward me and I stood up.

      "We are done now, is there anywhere you wanted to go before we leave?" Kota asked. Shaking my head no we began to walk toward the entrance of the mall. The boys still walked around me, their stances protective. 

      People passed by us in blurs, melding together. Kota was walking to my left, bumping into me every once in a while as he dodged other people. Victor was on my other side, weaving around others like a snake. Silas was in front of us all, almost acting like a bulldozer, moving people out of our way. Looking around, I recognized the doors we had came in. Walking through, Silas held the door open for us all. 

      "Do you want to come over to my house for a bit (Y/N)?" Kota asked. Turning my head, he was looking forward, his eyes locked on the car. Victor looked at him slightly, tilting his head. Silas did nothing, continuing to walk ahead of us. Thinking it over, I replied. 

      "Sure, if you want me to," I said. Turning my head back, I had just enough time to see a large pothole and jump over it before I face planted into it. Getting to the car, I waited while Silas opened the passenger door for me. Jumping in quickly, I twisted around and jumped over the center counsel. Scooting over to the passenger side again, I locked the door. Plugging in my seatbelt, I could hear Victor and Kota laughing at Silas' shocked expression. Sliding into the passenger seat, Silas looked back at me.

      "Thank you for the consideration (Y/N), and the show of flexibility. I will keep it in mind," Silas said, winking at the end and smirking slyly. Blushing, I looked to the side, only to be met with Kota's amused face. 

      "Oh look, she could be an Angery Bird!" Victor excliamed, then blushed slighly, mumbling about how he haden't meant to say that out loud when Silas burst into laughter. 

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