The Blond Monkey

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The walk home was almost the same as always. There were the same trees, the same dirt path I'd worn down over the years, and the same moss facing north on trees and rocks. I say it was almost normal because of the blond boy that decided to follow me. I think it was the same boy who was in that group, the one that had left them right before I went home. He was sneaking around behind me, and I think climbing in the trees, at least from the sound of it. And, he would be the only one to follow me. Everyone at school who knew me wouldn't have bothered with following me, they know nothing would come of it.

Either way the Blond Monkey, I had chosen to call him that, followed me until the edge of the forest. I waited a second before continuing around the house, and climbed up my tree. Pausing before turning the corner to the side of the roof that faced the forest, I peeked my head out. There he was, clear as day, standing on the tree line, phone out. Sneaking around the corner while he was distracted, I finished walking to my window and went inside. Looking back out, he was still on his phone, long hair falling out from behind his ears. Should I be mean and sneak up on him, or should I let him play his game? Who am I kidding, he's learning a lesson today.

Once I had made it back outside, I went around the other side of the house and checked he wasn't able to see me. Walking into the tree line, I decided to play the same game on him. I found the nearest tree that I could climb, and went up. From there, I jumped and moved from limb to limb to get across the trees until I was above him. He had put his hair up into a ponytail now, and was sitting on the ground on a patch of grass. Phone out, he seemed to be playing some game, but his head wasn't facing towards it. Instead, his head faced the house. It was perfect for what I needed. He was distracted, and had sound coming from near him. I jumped.

Landing on the ground was always easy, landing on another person without hurting them or me I learned, was not. As soon as I came into view, Monkey reacted and moved, throwing off my balance. Instead of landing on my feet from the short jump like I thought I would, I stumbled as he moved his legs into my path, and went down onto my knees, head hitting his.

"What the... when did you... how did you... wha?" Monkey jumbled his words together, same as I would have if I wasn't speechless at the moment. I had meant to turn the game on him and spook him, then run or maybe start a conversation. Not to end up in his lap. Scrambling up, I dusted my skirt and stared at him.

"You weren't supposed to move, sorry about that". Finally words had found me. "Anyway, what are you doing here", I tried to keep my voice steady as I asked the question, but I knew I was still a little shook up, same as he appeared to be.

"Um... I don't know how to answer that. I guess I just decided to follow you..." he sounded unsure of himself, like he didn't believe what he was saying either.

"Hmmm, you don't sound too sure about that, want to try again". The question was unneeded, but I said it to fill the space anyway. "You know you won't scare me away, unless you planned to murder me or something. Then I might be a little weirded out". There, humor was always the answer. Well, most of the time.

"Only a little weirded out, why not screaming running in terror, I know I would". His voice was upbeat now, while slightly disbelieving. So avoiding the questions it was, so the hard way then. Information through contact. Time to make a new friend I guess.

"Well then, if you really wanted to get to know me, all you had to do was ask. Why don't you come inside, it's too hot out here to just sit and do nothing". Turning, I moved to the house and went to my tree. After he got up next to me, I started to climb up, then motioned for him to do the same. We were both silent as we walked over to my window, and climbed in.

Motioning for him to sit on the bed, I ran downstairs to grab some water, going down the back stairs to avoid Mom and her afternoon new special. Getting back upstairs, Monkey was wandering around my room. Stepping into my room, I handed him a water, and sat on my bed. He joined me, twisting the cap off and taking a sip before closing it and setting it on the floor.

"So... are you going to tell me your name or should I keep calling you Monkey in my head?" My voice was surprisingly steady, especially since I had just come to the realization that it was my first time having someone else my age in my room, and I didn't even know his name yet.

"I'm Luke Taylor, but I don't mind Monkey as a nickname, so you can keep using that too. I could ask the same question as you though Cupcake, I don't know your name either". Well shoot, he got me there.

"I'm (y/n) Hendricks. I don't mind Cupcake, but can I ask where that comes from?"

"I don't know honestly, you just seem sweet, and I love desserts. So... why is your room so plain? Not that it's a bad thing, I just thought girls always had pretty decorated rooms". He had started to look around again as he talked, leaning down to look at my collection of books.

"I don't know, it's always been more plain. I don't spend a lot of time here anyway, so it's never bothered me much". Not true, I used to have decorations; pretty lights hanging and paintings I had made horribly when I was younger. But when McCoy became part of my life, he took it all away, and my parents let him.


Luke had left after a couple hours. Both of us had talked about ourselves, bouncing questions off of each other until there was nothing left to ask. Well, nothing that wasn't too personal that is. I wanted to know more about his family, and who they all were. I wanted to guess they were the guys he was standing with earlier, but there is no way they could be biological brothers. Deciding to take a nap, I laid down, dreaming of vanilla scented monkeys running around in my forest. 

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