Max the Axe Murderer

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      Stopping back at Silas' apartment, we said goodbye to the Greek giant, and were on our way to Kota's house. Kota had moved up to the passenger seat, and I moved to the middle seat in back. At some point Kota had changed the station to a classic rock one, and I swayed my head to the beat, quietly singing along to We Will Rock You by Queen. Victor talked about some everyday things with Kota, and I tuned them out. Looking back out the windows, I watched as palm trees and green fields flew by in flashes of color. Pulling into a little cul de sac, we passed empty plots and some uncompleted houses. Passing a gray two story house, the door was covered in police tape. Looking away, I could see Kota looking at the house that we had just passed, his face filled with regret and sorrow, along with quilt. Tilting my head slightly, I tried to think of why he would be that way, but brushed it off. He would tell me if he felt like it. 

      Pulling into Kota's driveway, Victor parked the car and I was out in an instant. Closing the door behind me, I stepped away from the car and did a 360, looking around me. Kota's house was an off hunter green, the siding new and clean. Off white trim complimented the green and set the brown door apart from the rest of the house. The garage door was open, allowing me to see the clean garage. It was empty except for a dog kenel, which was empty as well. 

      Hearing the other doors close, I turned back to look at Kota. Smiling at me slightly Kota looked behind me. Hearing something behind me, I turned, catching Kota's look of worry as he began to open his mouth. Just as I turned around, I was slammed into. Hitting the pavement, my back ached and my head pounded. My hip felt as though it had been kicked, and my palms stung. Slime covered my face and something sniffed at my palms, licking them lightly. Groaning, I swung my hands around lightly, brushing my fingers against the snout of the horse like dog on top of me. 

      "Max, get off of her!" Kota yelled, his voice full of command. Pulling Max off of me Kota leaned down, putting his arm under me and lifting me up slowly. Helping me stand, he lead me inside and began walking upstairs, apologizing and telling me he would clean my hands once we got upstairs, Victor following us silently. 

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