Lunch Time Saves it All

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The lunch room was as packed as always. Students littered every available space possible, squeezing into the room like sardines. Glancing around, I didn't see any of the boys around. Grumbling beside me, North pulled out his phone and began to tap at it. Telling me they are out in the court yard, North lightly grabbed my arm to lead the way. The heat from his hand felt nice, and for a brief moment, I wondered what it would feel like on my hip. I was feeling chilly, and my skin pulling into goose bumps made it ache even more than after I ran into the stair railing. Shaking the thought from my head, I looked ahead at where we were walking. There were less people out here, but the noise hadn't gone down much. 

"What took you guys so long? The line was already so long we didn't bother to get food. We went to the vending machines instead." Nathan was munching on some chips as he talked to us, looking up expectantly from his place in the grass, waiting for an answer. 

"We went to (Y/N)s locker so she could get stuff for her next class. Did you get any for us?" Getting a nod in return, Silas pulled some food out of his bag and handed it to North. North moved and sat next to Silas, glaring at the offending bag of chips in his hand. 

"Do you not have any lunch (Y/N)"? Turing, I shook my head at Kota. Frowning, each of the boys offered me food. Turning them down, I stood there, looking like a fool. I didn't want to risk sitting down. My hip was hurting enough as it was, I didn't want my ego to be worse off when I wouldn't be able to stand back up from how sore it was. Getting some odd looks from the boys, they all turned and did their weird eye thing before North turned back to me.

"Why aren't you sitting down? Did you not want to join us?" Shaking my head, I didn't know what to say. If I told them yes, then I would lose my only friends. If I told them why I wasn't going to sit down, then Kota would feel bad. Deciding I puffed out my cheeks, and tentatively moved to stand by North and Silas. 

"My hip is sore, thats all. I'm just afraid that if I sit down it will be too stiff and sore for me to stand up again." Nodding, the two left it alone, but Kota didn't.

"Why is your hip sore? Did you hit it when you fell the other day because of Max? I know you were limping then." Not knowing what to do now, I just gave up with a sigh and nodded. Blushing, Kota looked away while frowning. 

"Why didn't you tell Dr. Green? He would have helped you look at it." Explaining that it wasn't that bad, they all glared at me. 

"I'll be the one to decide that. Since I wasn't there I can judge fairly." Silas said, the others looking at him in surprise. From what I had observed at the mall, he wasn't really one for talking much. Putting my head down, I took a few steps back toward him. Standing, he towered over me, his eyes dark with something I couldn't read. Moving his hands toward me, he pointed toward both hips and raised his eyebrows in question. Turning so he was facing the right hip, he still looked at me for approval. Sighing and nodding, I gave him permission. They would find a way to look at it anyway, so I might as well let it happen of my own violation. Tugging my shirt up slightly, he moved my bottoms in the opposite direction. The other boys had gotten up by now. Some of them moving to throw trash away, while some of the others almost seemed to form a barrier of sorts from some of the students. Looking down, Silas frowned the more he looked. Pulling my clothes more to get a better look, he got my bottoms about half way down my hip before he stopped. The more he looked, the more he frowned. Glancing at me as he put my clothes back into place, he didn't look happy.

"That isn't a little bruise, that is bad. You should have told us." Ashamed slightly, I looked at the ground. They couldn't have done anything about it anyway, so why bother them with it? Knowing they wouldn't see it that way, they told me to go see Dr. Green with one of them before I went home that day. Silas moved to sit down, and helped me lower myself to the ground with a steadying hand on my hips. Letting the tension go away, the rest of lunch was normal. 

After seeing Dr. Green I started on my way home. I wanted to walk again, and the boys were busy, so even if I had wanted a ride, I wouldn't get one. Thinking on my way home, I couldn't help but smile. I had friends to join my this year. Maybe school wouldn't be as hellish this year as it had been before. 


This is it for this first book! I am still planning on following the book series, but I will stray from some things, and I will also add in my own pieces. I hope you guys like this so far, and I will try and have the new book up and going in about two weeks. Also, I am going to try and update this book on Mondays for sure, and then any time through the week that I feel the need or motivation to. I am also going to be starting another Ghost Bird based book, and that one will have Sang in it, but with a twist. I should have that one up in about two weeks as well if you guys would like to check that out as well. If any of you have stuff that you want to see happen in the next book, or anything that you think I could improve on, please let me know. I want this book to be what you guys want. It's for all of us, so suggestions are welcome. Hope you are doing well!

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