The First Day of Hell: Part 2

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The teacher was droning out the class names, their voice as dull as the rest of the room. Hearing my name I said here, and continued to ignore the rest of the class. My mind was straying from the boys I wanted to be friends with, what my father had said, to the birds flying outside, playing and chasing the wind currents up in the sky. What could I do to get what I wanted? I didn't want to be a spy for my dad, to ruin these people I liked. But if I did what I want, became their friend, then it would look like I was doing what he wanted, and he would expect results. At the same time, if I didn't become their friend, then I would be losing something I want all due to my father again. Startled by the bell, I jumped at the hollow screeching and moved with the rest of the class to go to another room. 

The hallway was as horrible as always, full of people with no manners who just shove to get what they want. Walking on the side of the hallways, I tried to get out of the building and into trailer 10. Finally getting there, I took a seat in the far corner again and looked out the window. People were running around, frantically trying to get to class, while others stood around talking, not caring about being late in the slightest. 

"(Y/N)?" Turing at the voice, I was met with the face of Monkey, whose hair was down and twisting around his face and neck in a beautiful manner, showcasing his strong face and vibrant chocolate eyes. Looking around him, the rest of the class was now filled up. Kota, the one with the pretty green eyes surrounded by glasses, and Gabriel, the one who washed my hair, were both sitting by me, all three of them locking me in the corner. Looking back to Luke, I nodded in greeting and started to turn away, back toward the window. 

"Shit, did we do something wrong, why won't you talk to us anymore?" Sighing, I looked toward Gabe, and I knew I must have looked like a kicked puppy, even more than he did. 

"It's not that you guys did anything wrong, it's just family stuff. My father  wants me to do something that I don't agree with. I'm just figuring out what to do because if I do what I want, then he will expect something from me, but I don't want to give him what he wants." Spitting out the word father, their eyes widened a fraction before they settled back down and took an internal moment to think about what I had said. 

" May I ask what exactly Mr. Hendricks wants from you, and why it means you can't be around us?" Kota inquired, his voice lowered, almost with a protective tone. Tilting my head slightly, I looked at them all as the two others looked toward Kota with questioning eyes. Glowering, I repeated what I was told before. 

"He thinks that your group and the two new teachers came here for some negative reason, though he was mainly talking about himself. He wants me to watch all of you and use my body to coherence information about why your really here from all of you, though he also made it very clear that I was not well suited to use my body as I have no feminine charms in that term. I don't know what to do about it because I want to be your guys friend, but I can't do that if he wants there to be an ulterior motive to it, because that isn't fair to lie to you guys, and it isn't fair to me to be expected to ruin friendships I actually want. It's confusing and I don't know what to do about it fully yet. Is that all you wanted to ask, or is there more?" Glaring slightly, I challenged him to ask more. I was not in the mood to deal with twenty questions, so we might as well get it out of the way. Turing slightly red at the ears, Kota shook his head no and turned to Luke and Gabe. Glancing at each other, they did their weird eye talk and turned back to me.

"The fact that you have put that much f*cking thought into it, you obviously don't want to do it, so don't. Just be our friend, not some spy for you messed up asshat of a dad." Gabe spoke with a clear voice, no hesitation. Nodding in agreement, Luke turned to me.

"Yeah what he said, but I have a question. What do you mean "not well suited to use your body? That he doesn't want you to?" Shaking my head, I sighed and gave no response. Looking at me expectantly, Luke froze a split second later and whipped his head around to the other boys. Seeing their glares of disapproval, he turned back to me stiffly. 

"Do you mean he wanted you to try and seduce us, but said to try and be our friends instead because you aren't hot enough to be attractive? Is that really what he said?" Tense now, his voice took on an edge that I couldn't describe. Nodding in agreement, he shook his head softly. Kota frowned and Gabe swore softly under his breath. All looking at me, they hesitated and glanced at each other again. 

"Come sit with us at lunch please, we would all be happy to have you." Kota said, then turned to the front of the trailer as class began. The other two gave me side glances as they also turned to look at Ms. Johnson.

The rest of the classes went as to be expected. I found out I had Nathan, the boy from across Kota's street, and North, Lukes brother in my Geometry class. They introduced themselves as such, and both said they were more than fine with having me join their lunch group. My music class didn't happen today. Mr. Blackbourne had Ms. Smith tell me to have a study hall, and to meet on Wednesday. My last class before lunch was with Victor and North, and again they both sat around me, locking me in my normal corner seat. Besides the quick hello and invitation to walk with me to lunch, we didn't talk in that class. 

"Are you walking with us to lunch?" North was hovering over my desk, the normal glare in place. Shaking my head no, I told him I have to go to my locker, and that they should go ahead. "Victor can walk by himself, I'll walk with you. Beside him, Victor nodded confirmation that it was okay. Sighing, I stood and nodded. 

Walking in the hall, Victor went the opposite way as us. Starting to walk to my locker, neither of us talked. I had never met North before, but he didn't seem all that bad. Glancing at him from the side of my eye, he looked pretty normal. He was dressed in all black, and I remember seeing a gold hoop in one of his ears. He looked scary at first glance, but the more I saw, the less he looked evil, and the more he looked like a teddy bear. His eyes didn't have any malice, but instead a curious light with a slice of protective edge in them. Getting to the corner of the stairs, I started to turn, when someone shoved into me from behind. Grabbing the railing, my hip slammed into the corner of the railing, and I yelped slightly. Glaring behind us, North looked back at me a second later. 

"You okay Baby?" Nodding, I kept moving down the stairs, wincing slightly as I went along. I had hit my hip that was bruised from falling with Max before. Getting to my locker finally, I opened the lock and switched my books for my next class after lunch. Closing it, I turned back to North. 

"That's all I needed. It saves me more time to get this now than walk all the way over here and back to my next class. Sorry if you lost time to eat, you don't have to walk me if it's easier to go to lunch right away." Shaking his head at the idea, we went to lunch. 


New chapter is up, but as per the norm is isn't edited! Hope it looks okay, and if you have any tips or see anything that needs major correcting , please let me know! First week of college went well, and I am looking forward the the second one.

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