As They All Come Together

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"Why hello there Ms. Hindricks, I see you've gotten hurt a bit today." a familiar voice said. Looking over, Dr. Green was standing at the top of the stairs behind the blue eyed stranger, a smile on his face. 

"Oi, you didn't say she was a pretty bird!" blue eyes yelled, drawing my attention back to him. He looked thinner than the others I had met, but not an less strong. His style was definitely more eccentric than the others of his group though. 

"My names Gabriel, but everyone calls me Gabe, how'd you get hurt?", his name seemed fitting for him. He had some earrings, black and neon orange by the looks of it, and his shirt matched. Walking further into the room, he sat down at the desk and continued to look at me. 

"I fell when Max jumped on me, and it's nice to meet you Gabe," I said, though my voice was still a tad bit shaky. Sitting up more, I looked back to Dr. Green,

"Thank you for coming to check on me, but I am fine really, just a few scrapes is all," rolling his eyes at me, he smiled even more,

"I'll be the one to decide that, so let's have a look shall I?" as he asked he had a more serious look on his face, going into a doctor mode it seemed. Nodding that it was okay, he sat on the bed next to me and pulled out a flashlight. For the next few moments he had me move my head this way and that and blinded me with his flashlight pen thing, which I was contemplating on stealing. 

"Alright, you don't seem to have a concussion, but to be on the safe side please be careful of the activities you do, and try to not be alone too often incase you pass out or feel any other major side affects. I'm sure Kota has already taken care of your scrapes and bumps?" as Dr. Green asked me this, he turned to look at Kota for affirmation that he was indeed correct. Getting a studle nod in return, Dr. Green turned to look back at me,

"Please do remember to be more careful in the future Ms. Hindricks. I would hate to have to keep seeing you under such circumstances. I would much rather have to see you in the droll of boring classes," and with a wink, he stood and said goodbye to the other boys, then left. 

"Alright, now that Doc is done playing, can I get a fucking turn? I mean just look at that hair!" looking back at Gabe, he had stood and was walking over to me. Sitting down, he grabbed a chunk of my hair and started to smooth it out, tugging at it lightly as he moved it around. 

"I want to wash it and style it, is that okay (Y/N)? I promise to be gentle since you just hit your head, not that that fucking changes anything. Shit, I might break you if I wasn't gentle," nodding to tell him it was okay, I stood up to follow him to the bathroom.


I am so so so very sorry that I haven't updated in such a long time! I am hopping that I can remember to keep up on this now for whomever is even reading this, and I hope that it is still an okay read after I change a few things! 

Hendricks Daughter (Based on the Ghost bird Series) IntroductionsWhere stories live. Discover now