The Greek, Geek, Fire Trio

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This is the outfit: 

This is the outfit: 

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      When I woke up, I was faced with the blinding sun in my face

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      When I woke up, I was faced with the blinding sun in my face. Such a great way to start a day. Getting up I went into the bathroom and did my daily morning business. Going back to my room I put on a green sweater, some cutout leggings and my high-tops. The sweater is most likely going to be too warm but oh well, time to go to the mall! Climbing out my window, I left it open and jumped off the roof. As I was walking to the closest mall I started to think more about the three men I had met in the last day. Luke and Dr. Green were both so happy and easy going, but they both seemed like they were hiding something that connected them. Mr. Blackbourne seemed like he was connected to Luke too, but he was not nearly as happy going as either of the other two. Then there was the group of six other boys that Luke was with earlier at school. All together that made nine people who seemed to be completely different from each other, yet still the same in some way. I was brought out of my musings on the question of strangers, by none other then said strangers. Pulling up beside me, the gray car looked brand new. As it rolled to stop a little in front of me, the front window began to go down. When I got to the window the driver turned so he was facing me.

      "Do you need a ride?" The deep voice was not what I had expected from the driver as he was just a teenager like me and looked like some stuck-up musical person. Well people do say to expect the unexpected.

      "No, I can walk, it's not that far to get where I'm going". 

      In the end I sat in back with a guy who had brown hair and green eyes behind some black framed glasses.

      "Hi, I'm Kota" I responded with my name then turned to look out the window. The image was somewhat disorienting. I never really ride in cars or any mode of transportation so everything seemed to blur together as we drove past at a speed which I couldn't even begin to guess. The person in the front seat turned around and I suddenly realized just how small I might seem to others. He had to be at least six and a half feet tall, and his shoulders could probably fit more than two lengths of mine.

      "Hi, I'm Silas". When he speaks, his deep voice seems to have an accent of some sort, but I can't place it. I respond with a hello back, then go back to looking out the window. After a little bit we start to slow down and the person driving turned into the parking lot of the mall. 


I'm so sorry, I know how short this is and I haven't been updating. On the upside:

   -No school!

   - I got my permit!

   -I made some poems for this in class when I couldn't think of what to write, so I will put them on this story and with my other poems!

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