Mr. Stone Face

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       I do not own any of the characters created by C.L. Stone, nor the plots that I may borrow from her original series (Academy: Ghost Bird). I am just doing this for fun, and to get ideas out of my head and onto paper.


       The office was simple, with two desks both pushed into the corners. One desk was full of colorful paper figures, all folded and standing on the top of the computer monitor. The other desk was much more spartan. All pencils were sharp and in line, not a speck of dust in sight. Besides that, there was a man sitting at this desk. He was dressed in a fine dark gray suit, with a white pressed shirt and maroon tie snug to their throat.

      "Who is this Dr. Green", the man asked, his tone firm. He looked like perfection. Brown hair curled just at the tips of his ears, combed down and tamed. Black framed glasses covered what I could only describe as silver eyes.

      "This is (y/n) Hendricks, she was having some troubles with signing up for classes so I figured I would help with the process. No need to put more work onto the counselors". Dr. Green's tone was friendly as ever, but it had a slight edge to it. The man's eyebrow rose for a brief second, then moved back into place. He stared for one more second, then went back to typing on his computer. As Dr. Green went around and sat down, I started to hum to the piece playing. I knew the song was familiar, but I couldn't place the name.

      "What happened to your schedule, I can't hardly read this", Dr. Green was staring over his monitor and paper animals. Grimacing, I explained how I had a different plan, but wasn't allowed in the classes I had originally chosen. Pulling out my schedule, I showed him my original plan.

      "You wanted to take five AP classes and Japanese? Why couldn't they let you into those" Dr. Green's tone was incredulous as he asked me.

      "They said I'm not allowed to take more than two, and that language classes are only for Seniors. I took typing last year since it was required for Freshman, but they said I will have to take it again to fill a slot". My eyes rolled as I spoke, and I huffed slightly at the end. I was tired of being here, and honestly there was no point in going to the school since they just wanted me to repeat classes anyway. The only reason I was stuck here was because of my father.

      "Well that doesn't make any sense, do you have your original paper with the classes you wanted", Dr. Green raised his eyebrows in question, looking at me expectantly. Handing over the paper, I began to hum again as he started to type on his computer.

      "Do you know this song Miss Hendricks", the man from before spoke up, turned from his desk and looking at me. I stared at him for a second, then answered.

      "I know I've heard it before, but I can't remember the name. But it's my Marchelli isn't it? She has a certain style to how she plays, almost like it's softer in a way". Staring back, his mouth raised into a micro smile as I explained.

      "Do you play Miss Hendricks", the man asked, tone curious. Shaking my head, I looked around for a name plate. Seeing none on his desk, I asked.

      "My name is Mr. Blackbourne. What is the answer to my question", his tone was firm now as he spoke. I think a more suited name would be Stone Face. Mr. Stone Face for sure since he was so proper.

      "I've always wanted to play something, mainly piano or violin, but I would never have the opportunity. My parents would rather I not make too much noise practicing.

      "But given the chance here, you would take it". He stated, looking me dead on. I nodded, giving my silent confirmation that I would in fact do that if I could.

      "Dr. Green, may I see Miss Hendricks schedule? I believe there are some changes that would benefit us both".


      I left the office with seven classes and no study hall. Getting back into the hall was chaos as always, people shoving and piled on top of each other as they tried to move around in the too small halls. Once I made it to the commons, I edged around the corner on the wall and waited a second as people passed by me. Groups stood around, and the lines for registration were still as long as when I got here. One group stood out from the rest though. The seven guys were better dressed than the other students, and all circled around each other. They varied in height and stature, but all seemed to have the same stance. Confident and alert. All at once, they moved to look at their phones, the action reminding me of trained dogs. Putting the phones away, they started to talk again, while a few glanced around.

      The blond one with longer hair caught my eyes, and then they slipped past. Doing a double take, the blond stared for a second longer before turning back to his friends. Leaving the group, he disappeared into the crowds. The others kept talking, now focused back on each other. Shrugging my shoulders at the oddity, I moved to the door and walked out back into the free air.

      The heat was just as bad as before, pressing down. People swarmed around the parking lot, all moving toward cars and avoiding others as they backed out to leave. The line to the street reached all the way around the lot, stopping all traffic. Moving to the practice field, I started to walk back to the forest. It was time to get the hell out. 

Hendricks Daughter (Based on the Ghost bird Series) IntroductionsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt