The Dad Who Fails at Dadding

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Waving after Victor, who had just dropped me off, I stood for a moment. My hip and head were aching still, and I wasn't prepared to be left with the hollowness of my house yet. Tilting my head slightly I sighed and walked in after unlocking the door. The front entrance was empty as usual, the hint of a tv playing farther in the house. No sounds of movement besides the door were present, just some lonely white noise ringing in my ears. Walking up to my room, I opened the door and stepped in. My room smelled off somehow, but I was too tired to care. It had been a long day and all I wanted was to sit on my futon and relax. Changing into my (F/C) (shorts, pants) and a comfy band tee, I settled down and listened to a CD mix I had made up. 

Right as I was about to fall asleep, someone knocked on my door. Looking up, my dad, if he could be called that, walked in. Glancing around, he shifted from foot to foot before looking at the top of my head, never meeting my eyes. 

"I've noticed at school before that you don't have a lot of friends, and the ones you do have are not very... good kids to be around. I would like for you to get to know those new boys, they seem like they will be nice friends." As he was saying this his hands twitched at his sides, like  he had to stop himself from moving them to show what he was saying. Glancing up at his face, he was red as a tomato, and frowning in a stern way. 

"I don't have friends because I don't want any friends from that school, and you know it. Why should I do what you want when all you do is ignore me?"

"Because I am your father and you will listen to me young lady! You think that dressing like a guy and acting tough will get you places well it won't! Your better off listening to me and doing what I say! Now get to know those boys and get close to them or I will make it a lot harder to be at that school and in this house, do you hear me!" Yelling he swung his hands around finally, face redder then before and I could almost hear the squealing of steam from his ears. 

"Why should I listen to you? What benefit does this have on you when you don't even want them at the school? I might be a maid here but I will not ruin people just because you tell me too. If you want me to be close to someone then let me choose to do so, don't force me, because we both know I am not like you. I will not be friends with someone just to get back at them, so if thats your only goal then forget it. If I become friends with these new boys its on my terms so back off. I have a lot more on you than feeding you and providing shelter, remember that the next time you ask me to do more than clean the house." Turning away from him, I closed my eyes again and rested back onto my futon until I heard him leave. Sitting back up, I could still hear him muttering in the hallway as he walked down the stairs, throwing a fit all the way. 


Sorry I know I am late to getting this one out, but its not without reason. I move to college this week! So not prepared and so not ready but its going to be fun anyway! Hope the chapter is okay and that whomever reads this has a good week!

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