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 (A/N) - So life is better, and I found time to write! And I also realized that the only reason I never have time to update is becuase my school wifi doesn't support Wattpad, which sucks! I could write during lunch if it would work, but maybe I can use my phone? I don't know if it would work though, but I'll give it a shot.


Pulling into a parking spot, the boy driving parked the car and turned it off, then got out. Kota and Silas rushed out, and Silas spun around to open my door before I had even unbuckled. Stepping out, I grabbed onto Silas's large arm to steady myself, my frame swaying from not being used to moving in a car. Looking up, the sun was covered by Silas's head, creating a halo effect and emphasizing his Greek features. Looking down at me, Silas chuckled lightly and smiled, his bright teeth shining against his tan skin. Finally steading, I let go of Silas's arm and turned around, only to walk right into Kota. He stepped aside, blushing lightly and smiling sheepishly.  

"Sorry, I didn't know Silas was getting your door for you." Kota said, rasing his left arm and rubbing the back of his neck in a cute, nervous guesture. Smiling lightly, I told him it was ok and walked around him. Getting to the front of the car, I waited with the driver for Kota and Silas to walk over so we could all walk in a group. Looking at him closer, the driver seemed at ease, but somehow attuned to everything that was going on around us. He would twitch slightly everytime a car past, and duck his head slightly. Suddenly, he turned his head, looking at me. Blushing a bit, I continued to stare. I had already been caught, so what was the point in denying it?

"I'm Victor by the way." He said, turning and sticking his hand out. Looking down, I relized my musican thought may have not been that far off. His fingers were long and as I shook his hand, I could tell that his hands were stronger than normal ones. He must have spent ours on end playing an instrument, or on a computer. I could feel calluses push into my skin lightly, the tips of his fingers ruffer than the rest of his hand. Bringing myself out of my musings, I looked up a little and smiled, my (Y/H) stature a bit shorter than him.

"It's nice to meet you Victor, I'm (Y/N)." I said, then let go of his hand. Suddenly, something large landed on my shoulder and a shadow fell over me. Looking back quickly, I relaxed when I noticed it was just Silas. Kota stood next to Victor now, and they were talking about what they needed to get and do. Looking back at Silas, he was looking ahead and them, watching them with a small smile. 

"Where do you want to go (Y/N)?" Kota asked, looking back quickly before facing forward again. Victor looked back as well, craning his neck a bit farther, and the necklace clasp that was hidden by his shirt glinted in the sun as it was exposed. 

"I don't know, I just come here to people watch for the most part." I said, wondering if it sounded odd. People don't go to a mall to just watch other people, do they? Looking at the boys, I tried to gage their reactions. They all just nodded along with curious faces. Walking through the main entrance, Kota quickly looked around at the various stores, then turned to face me.

"We are getting some suits fitted, but you can stay with us if you want. We'll give you a ride back home after we are done here if that is alright. I would rather not have to worry about you walking along the highway or any road alone." Kota said, his voice sincire with a hint of actual worry. It suprised me that he would care, we had just met after all. 

"If you're sure it's alright, I'm fine staying with you guys." I said. They all replied that it was fine, and that they felt better knowing I wouldn't be walking around alone. As we walked toward the store they were getting their fittings at, they would point out stores that they liked, or othes they thought I would be interested in. I was a few paces behind everyone becuase of my shorter legs, and we were beginning to get separted. Speeding up a bit, I jogged a little to catch up. When I was about to close the gap between us, somene ran into me, sending me to the ground. Landing painfully on my hip, I could feel my wrist scrape against the wayward pebbles on the floor, stinging slightly. 

"Watch where you go, you bit-" Someone said, but stopped suddenly. Looking up, Greg was leering down at me, covered in baggy clothes that hung of his frame, and a gotee that was uneven and scraggly. He smelled like cigattes and alcohal, the smell choking me like always. As he continued to look down at me, I could see his eyes light up with recognition, then sick excitement. 

"Looky here, if it in't (Y/N). What're you doin' here girly?" Greg said, his voice twisting like a snake. Reaching down, he grabbed my arm and dragged me up. His ruff hands felt like sandpaper, lightly tearing at my forearms. The smell from before came at me in waves, making me dizzy. 

"What you doin' here alone? You coulda called me. I can show you a good time" Greg said, his tone filling with lust. Disgusted, I shivered, shaking from the situation. The boys had most likey not noticed what was happening. They didn't seem like the type of people to just ignore a situation where they could help. Looking up and behind Greg, I could see them walking still. Kota was talking, and turned to look where I was supposed to be. When he didn't see me, he stopped, looking upset and began to talk with the others, who had stopped as well. They all began to look around, and my eyes caught with Victors. His eyes were dimmed, and when they lit up with recognition, they looked as though they had caught fire, pulling me in. His eyes spitting anger, he turned to the other boys and sayed something harshly. Looking in my direction now, they all began to storm over. 

"Let go of her." Silas said, his voice deep and threatning. He stood tall and proud before Greg and I, his frame overpowering, even without his protective gaze. I could feel Gregs hold loosen slightly, then tighen to the point where I winced. That is going to bruise for sure. Silas glared, and the others followed suit, standing around us, arms at their sides and ready for a fight. Looking around and realizing he was outnumbered, Greg let go. Shoving me forward, he pushed me into Kota and began to back away after putting his hands up slightly.

"Look guys, I was just helping her up. Why you gettin' so mad? What, you all with the her in bed?" Greg said, backing away more, but his face was twisted into a glaring smile. Looking away, I buried my head into the closest thing possible, Kota's chest. Kota was warm, and I could hear his heart beating quickly underneath his skin and bones. His chest was stronger than I thought it would have been, but I guess I shouln't be suprised. He was diffrent from other nerdling guys. He had real friends that talked about something other than math and games. 

"Are you alright (Y/N)? Kota asked, gently putting his arms around me. Rubbing my back lightly, he moved his arms to my shoulders and slowy pulled me away from his body. Looking me over, his eyes caught on the scrapes from when I fell. His eyes glinting with a protective anger, he grabbed my forearm lightly and brought it up to his face. Blood was seeping into my sweater lightly, barley coloring the fabric a rusting brown. Glancing up at my face, Kota looked at me for a moment, then straightened up. 

"Can I bring you to my house so I can patch that up?" Kota asked, raining in his anger. His face was determined, but I knew I couldn't interfere with what they had all came here for. 

"If I do, shouldn't we wait till after your guys' appointments?" I asked, looking at the others. They were huddled around us, creating a barrier from other passerbyers. Shaking their heads they began to argue, telling me they could miss the appointment.

"No, I don't want you to miss the appointment. I'll go with you after you get fitted, and only then." I said, lightly glaring at them all. I was causing enough trouble, why should I mess up their day more? Looking at me, they paused and glanced over my body, checking to see if my injuries could wait to be cared for. Glaring a bit more, they relented, smiling slightly. Tucking me into his side, Silas began walking, using himself as a human shield for me. 

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