02 It Was Only A Dream

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- Davon

"No running in the hall!" I heard a teacher say to me, I just ran off flipping my middle finger off to him. I opened the door to my home room, the eyes pierced at me as I entered; as my teacher nodded and allowed me to take my seat. It was my sophomore year at Woodlawn and I damn sure wanted it to be my last, all my homies I mess with heavy leaving me next year and I'm just stuck here with two more years.. My big brother will be away at college hopefully playing ball for LSU.. He always did want to go down to Louisiana and grab him one of them babies. "Whispering: what's your name?" This beautiful soft voice had me shook, I turned around facing myself to this pretty redbone, with red hair, green eyes and some sexy lips, so big and glossy I just wanted to suck the life out of them. She caught me by surprise when she asked, not saying I'm not cute... But I'm an average guy y'know. "I'm Davon shorty, what's yours?" I spoke smoothly; she licked her lips as she perked them real nice as she began to speak.. She said her name was Raven, but man... She was enough to be future wife!

- Tony
"Williams?" I shook my head out of a trance as I heard Mr Stewart call for roll call, I raised my hand notifying him of my presence as I slumped back down in my seat. I felt a paper ball hit the back of my neck, heard it when it hit the floor... Looking back at Trevor and Victor laughing, I just flashed a smile and shook my head at their playful ways.

I stared at the clock and zoned myself back out again as I tune out my home room teacher lecture us about new year, new rules deal. I closed my eyes, tilted my head back and slumped way in my desk.

"Shoes screeching ... Sound of the crowd roaring in the stands... Lights flickered as cameras reflected everywhere... Ladies in the stands calling out my number ...the colors of that purple and gold flowed as I approached the court dapping up my team mates"

"Mr Williams.....Mr Williams" as I kept constantly hearing my name noticing it wasn't no longer a dream.... But reality I was still a proud student of Woodlawn. I opened my eyes and peeped everyone staring at me while my home room teacher stood at the board awaiting me to pay attention to the morning announcements on the tv.

- Davon
"What class you got next ma?" I tried my hardest to follow Raven, that body had me amazed! She held close to her books as she flashed a genuine smile that was utterly priceless. "I have chemistry, and you?" I mean, we can have some chemistry if you want; as i thought silently amongst myself. "I got physics, but if you pass me your number I can text you?" Boy, I never in my life been so nervous to get a girl number until today. It was something about Raven that just gave me many reasons to try and get at that... I didn't want to come off as thirsty but damn baby had enough body for me to feel dehydrated.

- Tony
"All my varsity on one side and all my junior varsity on the other pronto! Let's go!" As I took my walk over to the varsity side with Victor, I just took one last gaze at the court... How shiny the fresh waxed floors looked, the sound my shoes make when I walk across; the many bleachers that surrounded the gym. I still couldn't believe that this would be my last year.. And with the grace of god I hope this recruiter shows up to Friday game, cause a scholarship to LSU would be my one way ticket out of here. The coach walked over to the junior varsity and discussed the roster and games plan for this season schedule, I just smiled as I looked across the gym looking at the new members to the team. "Remember those days huh b?" Victor came up behind me placing his hands on my shoulders. "Yeah man.... Good days... Good days"

- Trevor
"Trina! What the fuck is up with you?.. I call you don't pick up, I text you don't respond; I know we been at our wits end but damn give a nigga a chance to make it up to you baby" I never been no soft ass nigga, just a realistic ass nigga.. I fucked myself up a year ago real bad, I was suppose to graduate but hell both baby mommas hit me with child support so quick a nigga couldn't afford it. Started slangin, made a couple bands a day just to see where that'll get me, but hell I got greedy.. Got caught with a half of kilo on me. I was 18 I knew for sure I was going down for awhile, spent the rest of my senior year locked up... And now here I am for the second time trying to do right. Katrina was like a blessing to me, we met over the summer at this summer bash party; ever since then we been cool.. So as usual I got greedy, I wanted more, I didn't want to be some nigga she talked to.. I wanted to be HER nigga. But lately she been acting funny towards me as if there's another dick she riding ... Man I don't understand girls. "Listen son... I let you hit one time... And you poof disappear like nothing happened, but you come back to school wanting to run shit? Got me all the way fucked up" okay so yeah I forgot to mention shorty let me bone, pussy was good too... Wondering why a nigga trying to get back on good terms. "Bae.. Can we just talk about this? I just been busy over the summer that's all baby nothing personal you know my lifestyle" ...women love that sentimental shit.

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