23 Good News? Or Bad?

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I woke up in a room....but, it wasn't mine though.

I sat up and looked all around and noticed that I'm still at Don's, Vic walked in the room handing me some water and Tylenol asking if I was alright. This migraine I had wasn't doing me no justice but I told him I'll live, last night was a blur to me.

"You passed out last night bro.." Vic mentioned.

I just laid back on the bed looking up at the ceiling.. I received a call from my mom which was odd because she never calls me unless it's an emergency but due to everything that's going on every call counts.

"Yeah ma?"

"Boy where have you've been? Here I am being worried sick about you and your damn brother but you two cannot find the time to check in with me" she yelled.

I don't mean to worry her, but I'm trying to benefit her so she don't have to want for nothing.

"I'm with Vic ma, if you don't believe me you can talk to him right now" I replied.

"I don't want to talk to him, but I'm done ranting... But, you got some mail here I haven't opened it, looks important"

"I'll be by to pick it up... Ma?"


"I love you...remember that"

As she said it back and we then hung up, I could tell I was worrying her sick..

I got up and grabbed my keys and headed out the door... Next stop....home.

"I'm not sure how you did it, but I'm glad you did it" I said to Nina.

It's been three months since I've been working for Kash, and everyday I see Nina but never get the chance to actually talk to her. But, she took the risk by sneaking out and coming to see me.

We took her car and decided to go to the National Aquarium just to have something positive going on and somewhere away from the streets.

We walked around talking about any and everything and did some catching up, I found it kind of cute as I watched her interact with the animals.



"Did you....ever think of me while you were away?"

"Everyday... I missed you like you crazy, I enjoyed the time we shared and the moments we've held, my love for you never changed"

When I heard her say those words, I don't know what came over me, but I rushed in and grabbed her face launching myself in for a passionate kiss. I could tell she felt the same way I did, because the way she returned the kiss was genuine.

She stopped the kiss to catch her breath as her eyes gazed up at me, I stared down at her moving her hair behind her ear... I noticed the gloss in her eyes as she teared up. I just held her close and kissed her forehead as she balled into my arms.

I knew she was unhappy with her life, and I knew Kash was just using her as a eye candy, someone he just fucks and get to do whatever he wants when he wants... He's too old for that sugar daddy shit, but I couldn't stand to see her waste her tears on such man. I never loved anyone like I loved Nina, but I wanted that back so I just knew I had to help her...

I walked in the house placing my keys on the near counter, I looked over and seen the stack of mail that laid across the table all holding my name on them.

I noticed a couple letters from different schools such as University of Central Florida, University of Georgia, FAMU, even California wanted a nigga. But, I looked through them all until I noticed one piece of mail that I had yet opened; I tore it opened and unfolded the letter... My eyes widen and mouth dropped as it read: "Dear Antonio Williams, we hereby Louisiana State University has accepted you into our Basketball scholarship program, below is a list of dates that you can choose from to visit our campus, we will graciously pay for the flight just sign below with the date you've chosen and return to this exact address confirming we thank you and see you soon."

I froze... And had to catch my breath, I yelled to my mom so loud that it startled my sisters.

"MOM! I GOT ACCEPTED INTO LSU!!! Momma I'm going to college to play ball!!"

My mom screamed to the top of her lungs as her eyes filled up with joy, my mom and sisters rushed in gathering me in with a hug. I hugged each of them so tight that they could hardly breathe, the one thing I've been waiting for finally came through.

Vic had texted me saying he received the same letter, man... Talk about overwhelming? My brother and I is going to LSU, I hope they ready for them boys Straight Outta Bmore!

"Boss... We have an issue..." Mason whispered.

I just nodded as he broke the news to me about Larry and Hakeem missing since last night and nobody has heard from them... I even got quite puzzled that I haven't seen my bitch all day, and Davon hasn't checked in. By this time I had grown fed up with the bull.

"Do rounds and see if you can find out what happened to Larry and Hakeem, I know them niggas not hiding when they had a job to do"

"That's the thing boss... Zane was nowhere to be found"

"Nigga should be dead... But, they never called for pick up so where is this nigga?" I said angrily.

At this point I damn near wanted shit done myself because leaving work to others never get done correctly.

As I stood by the opened door on watch for Zane, I noticed him startling to get up as he had awakened from his slumber. I came over to help him up and asked if he needed anything, he just shook his head in a response of no.
"Son...who did this?"

"Pops... You know I'm no snitch, I could be dead right now thanks to your boys credit them not seek information out of me"
By then I had grew angry, him and this no snitching shit had to end... I was worried for my son life and to know who's on watch on me.

"You know, I'll find out ... Now I'm asking nicely Zay... Who did this?"

"It was.... Larry and Hakeem...they were sent from Kash to take me out, they knew it was me that rode through the other day but I wasn't on no creep shit, I was texting my bitch and had seen this dude I know from school standing on the corner, I wanted to know if it was him or not... Next thing I knew, Larry and Hakeem had bust through my door jumped me, banged me up pretty bad, talked shit, but luckily their shit talking spared me time for Victor and Antonio to show up and take them out on sight everything after was a blur"

I had a feeling Kash was behind this... But, he hitting below the belt trying to take out my blood.... This means war

"Did you know the boy standing on the corner?"

"I think his name is... Davon? He goes to my school"
I could careless on whom this kid was but I know if I hit one of Kash employees, it'll let him know not to fuck with The Don...

A Hustler's ProtegeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora