26 Blood Thicker...

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I've been here for three hours, and the smell of cigars and liquor was enough to make me gag...

I awaited on Kash to bring his ass downstairs to show me some type of attention but honesty I just wish Davon could come to my rescue and we disappear into the darkness... Yeah right, that's more of an fantasy than a mere reality thought.

I jumped up when I heard Harrison yell at one of the employees for messing up, I felt bad for the guy hell I felt bad for all of them having to put their life in the hands of a monster who doesn't give a damn about no one but himself.


I turned around to only notice it was Kash right hand man, David.


"Kash wants to see you upstairs "

I rolled my eyes as I got up and made my way to his office.

-Next Day-

I woke up my eyes were blood shot red... Been up all night running the streets for The Don only to keep protection. I left Kash a voicemail telling him that I'm failing in school and I won't be able to sell for him, I know lying should be the last thing I should be doing to Kash but I can't just stop working for Don or there goes my protection. Kash wasn't pleased to hear that of course but he had no choice since he know I'm just a kid.

I got up washed my face, brushed my teeth and walked upstairs to Ant room; his door was cracked I pushed it back some as he sat on the edge of the bed counting his money, I raised a brow at the fact he had a blunt on the corner of his lip as he removed it and blew smoke.


"Morning lil bro"

"When you started smoking?"

"Four months ago" he chuckled.

"But, why? You never been the one to go that route"

"Chill b, it's just weed not like I'm smoking crack or heroine; but watch out I got things to do today" he said as he grabbed his jacket.

"Where you going?"

"There you go worrying about the wrong thing ..ill be back to take you to school"

"You not going?"

"Senior skip day..."

"Oh ...right"

"Just be ready when I get back"

Ant grabbed his keys as I followed behind him out of his room... My brother had changed and I'm not sure on why.

My phone kept vibrating I digged in my pocket and seen it was an urgent message from an unknown number, I opened it as it read:

"😓😔 Davon..... You have to help me!! Kash put his hands on me last night for lying he knows I was with you that day, and he found out about you working for Don! I don't know how just please be safe! I need to get away from him so I'm packing my things tonight and my mother and I are on the first flight to Atlanta...if you don't hear from me just know I love you, protect your family....and most of all yourself 😘❤️"

My heart dropped as I read the message; I ran into my room and slid in my closet grabbing my safe and taking every bit of cash I had in it, I had well over 60k stashed up for emergency... I grabbed it and hopped on my laptop I instantly started looking up for the quickest flight to The Virgin Islands, i didn't want my mother and sisters to be in the states knowing Kash he may have people follow them. I booked a first class flight for Virgin Islands tomorrow morning at 6am; I closed my laptop down as I gulped and prayed I even shed a tear.

I got up and banged on my mom door and told her to pack her bags and told Jazz and Tai to do the same and to make sure they grab all their important documents and that I'll get them a passport today as soon as possible. They never questioned my actions just did what was told, just as I helped them I heard Ant walk back in looking at me awkwardly trying to figure out what was going on. We just stood there having a brief stare off until I shed one tear and started breathing rapidly .. Ant caught an attitude and instantly knew Kash was up to something; I showed him the message Nina sent me he threw the phone up against the wall and took mom and my sisters to get their passports, luckily Vic was with him so he stayed back and watched me as Don boys watched the house.

"You good b?" Vic asked.

I just sat there with my head in my hands as I responded "I'm a dead man".

"Don't say that we not going to let nothing happen to you"

Little did Vic know, Kash got more reputation than Don and more respect along with money. The slightest slip up and I'm a dead man....I knew this day was coming...

I awaited for my sisters and my mom to get their passports, I called Yasmine telling her I'll be laying low for awhile but I'll be back. I sat back in my seat and just processed everything, this wasn't my life... I got accepted to the school I wanted to attend what more could I ask for? But, I got greedy acted like my own shit don't stink... But, I am my brothers keeper and I will protect him ....Fuck Kash!

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