19 Mission Part Two

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The sound of my alarm triggered me, so I got up and put my clothes on and headed out the door quietly so I wouldn't wake everyone. I caught the 8 o'clock bus downtown and sat in the back as I put my headphones in.

After 25 minutes had passed I got off at my destination, I walked down a block or two until I found the building I was looking for. I walked inside and took a number as I sat down and waited to be helped.

Within 45 minutes my number was called, I spoke to the lady and gave her the money upfront and she issued me my insurance card.

I left with part one of my mission completed, I wanted to wait on the next bus until I looked over and seen a car dealership; I mean why not? Instead of spending 4 dollars and some change to go across town I can just purchase a vehicle and drive off the lot with it home.

I walked down to the dealership and looked around, a dealer approached me and asked me a few questions to see what I was interested in. I saw a 2015 all black Porsche Boxster sitting real pretty, I pointed to that and the man gave me a price, I gave him the money upfront and we went inside the office and he prepared the paper work. I just couldn't believe I just purchased a vehicle in cash though!

The dealer handed me the keys and I walked towards MY new car. I started it up and boy did it sound good! I nodded to the man and drove off the lot flying down the street.

I rolled over to notice it was 9 o'clock, I ran my fingers through my hair and got up and began my morning routine. I didn't give much care of me being late for school I just shrugged the thought of it and grabbed my backpack and started down the sidewalk to school.

As I put my shades on to block out the bright sun, the way my wake and bake went my eyes wasn't ready for it; I heard someone blow and slow creep next to me in an all black Porsche, I placed my hand on the end of my backpack where I keep my pistol but as I saw the window roll down and ducked down to only see it was my boy Tony.

"Need a ride nigga?"
I smiled and hopped in as we sped off heading to school.

"Damn this bitch clean bro, this what you went and got this morning?"

"Thanks, and hell yeah.. Here's some of what I owe you"

"Nah, keep it you deserve it b... I'll reup tonight"

I was just blowed that my boy went through with it, shit no more walking for us or hitting the bus!

I woke up and rolled over to find Adonis had left, I got up and looked around; I put on my robe and walked around my apartment looking for him until I came across the kitchen and saw him in his boxers cooking.

I smiled as I leaned up against the hallway door and watched him, guessing he felt someone in the room with him as he turned around and smiled.

"Morning beautiful, you hungry?"

I grinned entirely too big to of not been happy, I came up behind him as I placed my arms around his waist and lean my head against his fully toned back.

My phone had rung which ruined the moment, I allowed him to finish up while I went ahead and ran in my room to see who it was; as I grabbed my phone without looking at the name I answered... Only to realize it was Tony.
"Morning gorgeous"

"Uh..um...this not a good time, can I call you back?"

"Why? And nah I'll be in school"

"Well...I'll text you.. K bye"

Luckily I hung up before I saw Adonis come around with a tray with our breakfast. Good part about today there absolutely no work nor class for the both of us which led us to enjoying each other's company.

"Who was that b?"

"Nobody bro...some female"
I got slick upset at the way Dream rushed me off the phone like that, it's been nearly a month since she's been back home and she hasn't returned any of my calls or texts; I was beginning to wonder that she got a new man or something but I can't see how for when she took something that was valuable to me and I thought we were something... But it's cool I'm going to see her this weekend and we'll talk then.

I pulled up in the school parking lot an we got out, we noticed Davon and his crew posted up looking over at us as we got out but neither one of us showed any acknowledgement, Davon never did come home last night so I wasn't really that excited to see him ever since his new father jumped Vic and me.

Vic and I walked passed his crew without saying a word and met up with Trevor and the rest of our boys. Davon eyed me down but gave a puzzled look trying to figure out where'd I get the money to purchase such a car, I just smirked at the thought as we all walked inside the school building.

My brother and I hasn't spoken in two weeks which started to bother me a bit, but I didn't show me sweating over it; but what threw me off is the fact he has a brand new car... But, he stopped working for Kash so how did he get the money?

"Von! Yo! We need to talk"

My boy Jason had startled my concentration as I looked up at him and raised a brow.

"What you need?"

"Dawg... Gerald got shot last night on 5th ave coming home from his uncle house, they say it's bad b"

I blinked twice as I tried to adjust what was told to me, I couldn't believe someone shot my boy.. But, then I received a unknown text from someone as it read: Bang ..Bang 🔫 tell yo boy to keep shit to himself next time

I deleted the text and placed my phone in my pocket as I told Jason that I had to bounce.

I hopped on my bike and jetted straight to the hospital to go see about Gerald and find out who did this, and hopefully no one gets to him before I do and finish the job.

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