Chapter 30

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We had sat at the big round table awaiting for Don to present himself in the Den. Desmond and JT stood by the door incase anything popped off from under our nose, while Vince, Philip, GMoney, myself and Vic had sat at the table.

Don had made his entrance as he sat at the head of the table and spread out a blueprint as he took his seat.

"Evening boys, as you all know tonight we lost a fallen soldier, a young man gone too soon behind the hands of a cruel vulgar man"

"He needs to be gone boss.... Tony didn't deserve to see his brother go down" Vince had spoke.

"You right Vince, Kash has been after me for years and has yet brought himself my way." Don mentioned.

I just kept quiet and allowed them to speak at the table, I understand they wanted to help me but I wanted to personally take Kash out myself and my way. Vic nudged me to see if I had anything to say speak now, I just nodded and sat back with my hands in my pockets, Don went over the blueprint that he had created, I just stood up and grabbed it rolling it back up as everyone looked at me.

"What's up Tony?" Don asked.

"I told you an hour ago that I wanted to handle things my way and I wanted to be the one to take him down."

"Yo b... I understand that but let Don do this least that way it can be clean, you won't go down for killing a man and his boys won't be after us when the job is done." Philip chimed in.

At this point I wasn't trying to hear all this bullshit about what they can do to help keep my ass from going to the pen, all I wanted was revenge and sitting at this round table discussing plans and shit is not making me feel better about the situation.

The conversation got shattered as we heard the sound of a Glock going off outside, we immediately jumped up grabbed our heat and ducked down. Don told us to remain quiet as Desmond flicked the lights off and we all got behind something incase someone jumped stupid and decides to enter. We heard heavy footsteps which sounded like three men walking towards the door, JT cocked his pistol back and creeped near the door. It got silent suddenly ... Then, we looked up and seen the door unlocking and being opened, when I looked up it was Lawerence, Kash's right hand man entering; as soon as he walked in the door JT fired off five shots directly at Lawerence, he dropped immediately to the ground as the two other guys rushed inside shooting. Vince had came up on the side of the other guy that was on the side of Lawerence and shot him in the head as Desmond creeped up behind the other one and shot him in the head from the back. Their bodies fell to the ground lifeless. Don had sent a text to his boys across the street to do rounds and check to see if there were anyone else around the house, Vince flicked the light on as we all stood up looking around and walked over to the three dead bodies.

"Damn... Kash is really trying to take us out boss.." GMoney said.

"That's cool, This war he brought amongst himself" Don responded.

"But, why only three? Kash know better than to send three to the crib" Desmond mentioned.

I stood there wondering the same thing.... Did Lawerence come on his own? or was Kash playing cat and mouse games with us.


I sat on the couch silently with my legs crossed flipping through the channels as I hoped not to come across another breaking news, this time not hoping It's Tony or my brother. Yasmine sat on the other couch quietly twirling her little curls; this bitch really think she's cute psh.. Wait, why am I even tripping off of shorty? Her annoying high pitched accent curved me out of my thoughts:

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