22 Oh Man..

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Damn.... It's cold as hell out here, guess the fall season coming in early this year. I've been standing out here for well over an half a hour and I'm still nowhere near being finished. But, I know if I don't get this stuff sold I won't be going home until it's gone; don't understand why Kash became so strict nowadays but it's not my business to ask.

I seen this all black Mercedes slowly creep in my direction, I just stepped back slowly into an abandoned alley hoping the car don't notice my movements. I hid behind a dumpster and kneeled down as I saw the vehicle pass by, unsure who it was and why it randomly did that but that was enough to scare me into getting my old newspaper route job back.

I texted Kash, notifying him of the suspicious vehicle... He asked where I was at and told me to stay put and said Larry was on his way to get me, apparently he knew who it was because he didn't ask me to continue the drops.

Within, 20 minutes I saw Larry pull up; I jumped up and jogged to the car and hopped in. I've never been so nervous my entire life until now ... We got back to Kash spot and I handed him everything I had and explained to him I didn't sell as much as I normally do, due to the anonymous vehicle. He nodded and told me not to worry, but also told me he'll have someone with me doing my runs from now on. Wasn't sure on what was going on, but whoever it was they know Kash and knows that I work for him.

I dismissed the kid as I leaned back into my chair giving my mind time to process thoughts... I see Don is curious of what I've been doing hmm he need to learn his place before calling himself taking out one of my members.

"Larry.. Hakeem!"

"Yea boss?"

"You two on stake out tonight... Go pay Mister Don a visit tell him I sent ya "

Don is old enough to know not to fuck with me and my streets, little does he know I'll knock his team out on sight right before his beedy eyes..

I pulled up to Don's to give him the money I made tonight, I noticed they had a game of Dominos playing so I thought I'd get in on a game or two.

Vic was sitting on the couch rolling and Don was in his office doing inventory; after 10 minutes into the game we heard a strange knock at the door, so of course all of us got trigger happy and cocked our guns aiming it at the door. Delo had got up with his pistol behind his back peeping out the peephole as the rest of us stood up waiting on the door to open.

"Who is it!" Delo said aggressively.

"We're not strapped..."

"Who is we? And who sent you!"

As Delo cracked the door back some leaving the latch on it, we all cocked our guns and placed our finger on the trigger just waiting for some shit to pop off.
"Chill money, OG sent us here to deliver a message to The Don"

Just as the name was brought up, Don came around the stairs blowing the smoke from his Cuban.

"Larry.... Hakeem.... Long time" Don replied in a smirk.

Delo unlocked the door and let them in while Vic had came up and patted them down.
"They're clean boss" Vic said.

As I peeped the two stooges, my mind could only wonder.... What type of shit is Kash up to?

"What brings you buy?" I asked.

"Boss wanted us to deliver a message "

"Ah, go on.."

"He wants you to stay off his turf..."

Of course this brought me very much of a confusion... What do these two mean? Stay off his turf? I haven't been on Kash's streets in well over six years why would I start now.

"I'm sorry but you have the wrong man... I haven't been on his lot in over six years"

"Well...one of the rooks, proclaimed they seen an all black Mercedes driving along our way"

"Well... It wasn't me, Kash and I agreed not to sell on each other's property years ago, and me being a proper business man I abide by the rules."

My blood boiled on sight when this was brought to my attention, only person who drives a black Mercedes is my son, but I've told him to not creep through there at night.

"Anything else?" I asked nonchalantly.

"We're good you guys have a goodnight "

"Boss... What's going on?" Vic asked.

"Vic.... Tony.... Bring me my son" I said angrily.

No way in the hell my son will start a war, not while I am still alive!

I've never seen that look that Don gave tonight before, while Vic and I were headed downtown to pick up Zane; I could only feel a trickle of nerves pass through my body as if I had a bad feeling about something.

"You good b?" Vic asked.
I just nodded as I looked out the window watching the cars roll by quickly.

We made our way downtown and drove to Zane apartments, noticed the car parked in the garage as we got out to investigate. We quickly but quietly made our way upstairs to the third floor and around the corner to apartment 1C; knocked on the door ...nobody answered, we overhead a whole bunch of commotion going on inside. Vic pulled out his pistol as so did I, he kicked the door in where he found Zane lying on the floor brutally hurt, we looked up and seen it was Larry and Hakeem.... I froze.

Nothing happened.....just silence drawn...until on the corner of my eye I seen a piece of silver glare .. I drew fire.

Vic let off the second shot, killing them both .....dead.

I was so shaken up I couldn't move or breathe, Vic pushed me and told me to help Zane up. We got him up, and took the elevator downstairs and hauled ass back to the car, I called Don telling him what all just happened.. He told us to get back to the crib asap and he'll send his boys to go do pick up.

We made our way back, I helped Vic with Zane until I later felt myself getting nauseous so I ran towards the bathroom... I never shot a gun in my life! I never killed a man! I was so afraid of what the outcome of all of this would be.. Vic came and checked up on me, telling me to get myself together and that this the life that I chose I have to deal with all it comes with.... Little does he know I never wanted this, I just wanted to go to college and play ball! And make something out of myself...but, yet... I'm becoming a spitting image of my father.

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