28 Why The Good Die Young?

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I drew my gun back and let off five rounds at the black SUV that had struck at us... The vehicle sped off around the corner, I looked down and noticed Tony kneeling down checking on Davon; at this point... It wasn't looking so good.

I walked over and kneeled down alongside of him and shook my head as I seen blood splurge out of Davon's body.


"Shhh... Don't say anything little bro we're going to get you some help .. Save your breath" Tony said.

I couldn't bare to see this.... Did I know this was coming? Yeah... But not this soon, I thought we would've had dude in Jamaica somewhere with some shorties. I stood up, and walked over to the brick wall and posted up looking up at the dark night sky, only thing that was shining was the bright moon; tears left my eyes as I thought about everything... A kid who's been like a little brother to me all these years may not even make it to see his 17th birthday.


I grabbed ahold of my brother and held him close ... He looked up at me and just continued to say sorry, Vic had called Don and told him Davon been shot, he said he'll be here shortly but I was more concerned of getting my brother to the nearest hospital.

Vic and I tried to pick him up and get him to the car, but the same black vehicle swarmed back around and sent off shots.

"Cmon b! Let's go!" Vic shouted.

I couldn't move... Speak; nothing. As I stood there and watched my brother lie there motionless, I couldn't stand the chance to leave him.

"Tony!" I became startled as I heard my boy Victor say aggressively to me, he had grabbed me and pushed me down the alley.

The sounds of our shoes screeching against the wet concrete and the sound of sirens was enough to make you nervous.

"Dude! What were you thinking back there!" Victor barked at me.

I honestly had no clue.... At this point I could careless about my life. Luckily, we were downtown where there were a lot of recreational centers, we had ran inside an empty one.

Heart beating, the soundtrack  of panting between the both us and the nonstop shakes that left my body alone was enough to make me go into cardiac arrest... I just knew Davon was dead, he was choking on his own blood before we had the chance to move him; I just slid down on the ground and fell my head into my hands and let the tears run down heavily .. I've never cried so hard in my life ... Until now.

Vic helped me up off the floor only because he seen a rat, he's not a fan of those... I took the nearest chair and sat in it, I once again fell my head into my hands "Stupid! Stupid!" I yelled amongst myself.

I made a promise to my mother before she left and that was to look after my brother, but what did I do? I let him get killed behind my own FATHER!

"Man ...we can't stay here b! He'll find us!" Victor yelled.

Never in my life have I ever seen Vic scared of anything, we talking about a crazy rican who listens to gunshots like it's an alarm, or will cap a nigga without hesitation. But, at this point I was no longer afraid; I lifted my head up, looked down at my pistol and cocked it back, wiping my face with the sleeve of my long sleeve shirt and got up.

"Yo Tony.... Dude.... What's got into you?" Vic asked.
"I'm going after Kash.... You down?" I replied calmly.

Vic stared at me and cocked his gun back and nodded never exchanging words.

My boys and I surrounded the area and blocked it off, Desmond ran back to the truck and told me he had found Davon lying on the ground dead. I shook my head, and immediately got pissed off.. He was just a boy, around my own son age what man will kill a child! I spoke amongst myself. I knew then that this has to end..

I called Vic ... No answer, I had called Tony and he picked up.

"Where are you boys?" I asked.

"Coming up the block of where we were..." He responded.

I could tell in his voice that he was not only hurt but very angry of the loss of his brother and if I know the kind of rage he has now.... He's out for blood.

I told him that we would take care of Davon body and to meet us at the site, he never said anything just hung up I wasn't even sure if the boy even paid attention to what I said.

"My sweet ...sweet Nina.... Baby did you honestly think you were going to skip out of town without daddy knowing?"

"I hate you Kash!!!!! Let me go!!!"


"Be quiet bitch.... Had enough of you, don't make me do to you like I've done to your little boyfriend"

Tsk... Bitches and their fucking emotions, I tell ya so glad I'm not committed. She lucky she's cute or I would've done away with her ass a long time ago, I refuse to play cat and mouse games with some bitch I found off the streets begging for a job.

I peeped Johnny and Angelo making their way back in.

"So?" I raised an brow.

"It's done boss.."

I couldn't help but smile at the wonderful news, as I looked over and noticed the vulnerable Nina James drastically cry .. I just walked over to my bar and poured me a drink and walked back over to my desk as I leaned against it staring at her.

"Thank you." I responded politely.

I just got up walked over to my sofa as I turned on the tv and begun watching my shows...

This entire time I couldn't help myself but to look at Tony, I was unsure on what was even going through his mind but all I know is that I was ride or die; this man killed our brother so the bullshit had to end with him.

Mr Kash Boulevard I hope you're ready to say goodnight......bitch.

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