Chapter 4

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Delirious //( yes... Still his pov)

I woke up at 5:00an and got ready today I wore a blue shirt with a grey sweater and same boots. I put my mask on but I leave my make up on just incase, because NO ONE has EVER seen my face EVER and since cartoonz is here too. I went downstairs grab a glass poured some really cold water into it, I walk to the room where cartoonz is in and I  poured it all on him. He screamed and  stood quickly " what the heck was that for ?" He said angrily. " Get ready we are leaving?" I say back. I walk out and walk to my secret place where the money is and I grab 1k because today we going shopping , no friend of mine will be looking bad that means I'm to 349k. I lock the safe and go to wait for him downstairs. When he gets out the room he comes downstairs I look him up and down (not in a nasty ) and I see him with a way too big red shirt and dark pants with nasty and bad shoes. "Yeah we are definitely going shopping then we going somewhere else too". I say walking out the door. He walks out "Aren't we taking your car?" he asks. Still walking forward I put on my index  finger up in the air and wave it no.

CaRtOoNz // (finally lol jk )

I ran to catch up to him, as we are walking I look at him in confusion. "Why are we walking in this cold ass whether when you have a perfect beautiful car in your garage with a heater. He stays quiet and we keep walking when we reach the store he says "To take things off my mind" he says going in the store I follow, I get inside and this store was pretty nice and expensive. I see him looking around and I walk up to him "You don't have to buy me any of these expensive clothes." " Its alright" he puts his hand on shoulder " plus trust me you'll be thanking be later of what you are wearing now". I get done looking around and trying things on , we go to the cashier I put all things I liked and things I needed down. "Hello!" She says excitedly. "Hello." Delirious says back nicely. I was pretty nerves because I got a whole bunch of things. As she is scanning the price goes up and up. 100...200...360... As it's going up I keep looking at Delirious he wasn't nerve or anything. "$538.20 is your total" she said I almost fainted. I look at Delirious as he pulls out his wallet and pulls 5 one hundred bills and 2 twenty dollar bills. "Keep the change" he said kindly. "Grab the bag" he says to me, I do what he says. We walk out the store as we are walking back to Delirious' house I look at "how did you get that ?" I ask surprisedly. "What ?" He said. "All that money !" I say. "None of your business." He says quickly.


We get home and I tell him to change to one of outfits I bought him and for him to bring all his old clothes. While I put away the rest of the money in the safe. I go back to the living room a few mins later he comes with one of his new outfits I bought him. { Look picture :) } "WAY BETTER" I laugh. "Alright lets go !" "Where?" Cartoonz asks. "Work." I say. We get to the base and we get in but today we are there way early, actually we were the first ones there. I wanted to show cartoonz around before. When I got done showing him everywhere, all the guys started showing up. "Who's the fak is this ?" Wildcat asked. "Guys meet cartoonz !" I say loudly. "Cartoonz meet the guys !". Vanoss calls me over to him, I walk over leaving the guys with cartoonz, who was actually getting to know evertyone. "Delirious whats the back story on this cartoonz dude ?" Vanoss asks. "Well cartoonz and me were good friends before until one day him and me robbed somes stores like we do now then I made a tiny mistake and he said some things that were no forgivable.... Yesterday night when you dropped me off he called and I went to go pick him up. So this morning I woke him up hella early and got him some nice clothes. " I say and takes a breathe. "Is he up for this group and is he good with everything?" He erasures me. "Yes. Do you know who Taught him?! Pshh " I say sarcastically. "Alright whatever, he's in. He better not screw this up." Vanoss says. "He won't!" I say.

Hope you enjoyed. Hey if I don't upload within two day sorry I'm in California for a something important but I'm gonna write while I'm in the car. Anyways the good parts may come in the next chapter..... Oooooo 👻 i dont know you'll just have to find out. Lol trollololol jkjk

Hey IF you want to follow me
Instagram is : brianaflores28
Twitter is : brianaflores25
Im always up for a little chat. Thanks bye. 👋🏼

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