Chapter 13

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((Hey its late again ! I KNOW my bad mini and terroriser has been streaming and i just can't miss them :/ and I subscribed and donated to terroriser it was amazing, I have the video for both times when he danced for subscription and when he read my message from my donation also right now while I finish this chapter comment below if you were at the stream where H2O Delirious, fourzer0seven , BasicallyIDoWrk, I_AM_WILDCAT, DaithiDeNogla and Miniladd because I was there as well and it was the most funniest shit how delirious was acting XP !! Alright sorry go read .....


I woke up in a similar bed but not mine. Its Delirious' .... I was laying on my back when I turned to my left I see my hero shirtless and his right side of his wist cover in bandages and one bandage on his left side peck and his mask still on. He was laying on his back also and he had his arm underneath my head. Then , all of sudden he freaked out and woke up looked around and when he saw me he felt relief "ohh gezzuss thank god you're safe!" He said. I smiled, and laughed at his silly worried self. He looks to his left and see a note on the nightstand, he grabbed it and read it out loud
        "hey guys hope you guys feel better the guys and me are doing our practice plan getting for Saturday:) , we made food its in the kitchen. - droidd" "Sweet foooooooooddd " delirious screams and gets up fast but hisses in pain forgetting he's hurt. He goes to the bathroom and same routine he always does wash face, brush teeth, and shower. When he's in the shower I yell "I'm gonna brush my teeth and brush my hair in here, is that okay ?" I ask. "Yeah !" He yells back in the shower. I go in and grab the toothbrush that delirious bought me for when I stay here over night which is really often and brush my teeth. When im done i grab my brush and start to brush my hair. While im brushing I see delirious' mask hanging next to the shower next to some towels and just start day dream then I snap when I hear the shower stop. As he is reaching for his mask and towel, I quickly washed out the toothpaste out my mouth. He comes out the shower with towel wrapped around his waist. He goes next to me and puts his arm around me and looks into the mirror "how look at that beautiful face damn.... Oh look you're here too !" He laughed uncontrollably. I punched him in the arm and then laughed at his weird crazy cute laugh he did. Then we were both doing our hair I was just leaving my natural hair which is waving and Joh was grabbing his man hair products and styling his hair like always. When i was done I got out to let him changed so when to the bed and I saw some how my bag, I walked to it and looked inside. It had a pair of my clothes then I thought who did this for me.... It had to be Genay who else ?? I put in on and I was satisfied with it then delirious comes out the bathroom look handsome as ways,* dang Joh some damn style :)* I thought as he finishes his outfit putting on his shoes. All of sudden I get a phone call I go and check who it is, its my mom. *wow she rarely calls me* I thought when I answered it. "Hello" I say into the phone, delirious looks over to me and whispers "who is it ?" I mouth back "my mom !", he nods and whispers "I'm hungry I'm gonna get some fooooood !" I giggle, he walks out. "Hello Daniella where are you, your father and I are at your house ?" She said. "Oh dang mom really ill be right there I'm at someones house !" I say. "Oh okay and who's house ?" she asks. I was freaking out I don't want to tell her about delirious yet because she is still mad about what Henry did to me, "oh just a-a f-frie-nds house!" I stuttered. "Oh ok well see you here ! She said and hangs up. I quickly gather my stuff and run downstairs, I delirious sitting at the table about to take a bit of his food. I run to him and pull him "we have to go and no questions" I say pulling him as I are running to the door I say "get your keys!", He does everything without any questions. We get into the car "I need to go to my house fast !" He nods and drives safely and quickly to my house. We get there and I see my mom and dad's car parked in my drive way. "My parents are here and the whole thing with Henry they don't trust any guy with me now !" I say to him. "Oh okay I understand!" He said I smiled "I cant kiss you but *blows air kiss* he catches it and places it on the side of his mask where his cheek should be, I giggle and get out. I see them both staring at me while I walk towards them, once I get to them "Who's that ?" Was the first thing they said to me and looking at delirious in the car. "He's a good friend of mine ?!" I replied back. "Friend ? Okay so you don't mind me calling him over here ?" My mom waves him down to come over here. "I mean sure!" I say *shit* I think. Delirious gets out the car and walks over "Hello Mr. & Mrs. Parker !" He greets them and puts out his hand for them to shake. My father shakes first and then my mom, "Hello son what's your name ?" My dad asks. "Jonathan sir " he replied back, "oh don't call me that its fine !" He laughs. "Oh okay sorry!" Joh laughs back, "so Jonathan how do you know Daniella?" My mom asks. "Mom!" I yell, delirious laughs "umm... We accidentally bumped heads walking and we just clicked from there on and Just a heads up I'm not dating your daughter ... Im waiting!" He says. "Waiting? .... Waiting for what?" My moms asks, "Dads permission!" He laughs. My dad looked shocked, and *mhmmm* he mums, "well it was nice to meet you dear and we would like to know you better so would you to come for dinner Sunday night ?" My moms asks. "I would love too!" Delirious sounds happy. "Great !" My mom said, "goodbye Mr. & Mrs. Parker !" Delirious shakes my parents hand again. "Bye Daniella !" Delirious gladly said to me and hugs me. He goes back to his car and drives off, "wow sweet boy now thats a boy you should date !" My mom says to me. I nod and my dad looks at me " whats up with the mask ?" He asks. "Memory and protection " I simply say back. "You do know what he looks like, Right? My dads ask curiously. "Yeah totally!" I say looking away, "you haven't seen his face? Then why do trust this boy?" He asked madly. "First I don't care what he looks  likes and second he beat the living crap out of Henry the other because he was being a jerk. I feel safe around him and I know he will protect me from anything ... He would die for me." I say back almost about to cry. "You really like this boy, don't you ?" My dad asks, I nod.

I get home and everyone is gathered in a group, I put my keys down and walk over to the guys "what's wrong?" I ask. "The plan ! What are we doing, you're out since you're hurt badly!" Basically says to me. "No we stick to the plan, these injuries are never going to stop me. We are going to do this !!" I said confident. "Yeahh!!" We all scream, "Everyone bring your girlfriends tomorrow, we can go to the beach or something. So you guys can get a few words from them before this mission, you'll need it and also it helps." I laugh. They agreed and we just at sat the couch playing COD and 2 of us would play then switch every round so others can play. Over all Lui was first as always then Wildcat and third place was taken by miniladd. We all got tired and all went to our rooms and fell asleep.

Here's the chapter and just wanted to let you know I finally got my speed run shirt and h2O Delirious vs. Lui Calibre poster, I'm in love with it. Also I tweeted about it and they favorited it. Thats it Okay bye👋🏼

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