Chapter 14

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!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WARNING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know I know its been like 20283747373 years since I wrote. Nah lmao like 3 weeks but im sorry school started and homework gets harder when you are a sophomore. But im back im trying writing on weekends but its really depends with my schedule really, if I dont post on a weekend then in the comments you give me a punishment I should do and ill do it record it and post it on here. Okay bye !👋🏼WAIT one last thing some of you guys have been givin this story some MAD love thank you so much yeah I notices it😊😊 ... so keep doing it, it gives more inspiration 😌 ! Okay okay bye👋🏼

Delirious// Friday :)

The group and I wake up got ready for the beach today. So packed some snacks and drinks then all of guys girls got to the house and help with everything when we were all ready and done the guys had a head start then Daniella and me left. We get there and we see the group and their girlfriends setting up the blankets and evan was setting up the tent. It looked like he needed help so I quickly ran to him and helped he thanks me, we get it up and everything is set up. The guys and girls start to undress their extra clothing they had over their bathing suits, they all run to the water and starts splashing each-other. I took off my shirt and sandals looked back to Daniella put my hand out she took it and I pulled her to the water and join the water fight. We were all having a great time then the sun was setting a little bit so us guys set up the camp fire and the girls were preparing the food. We all sat around the fire ate and were telling some dumb jokes also Droidd, Lui, and wildcat were all doing their hilarious voices that they do, we all laughed and stuff. They sunset was looking beautiful with its purple, pink, yellow and orange sky that meant it was time for the each couple to get their alone time with their girls. All the guys grabbed their girl's hand to guide them away Daniella and me were walking along the water towards the sunset. I grabbed her hand and interlocked fingers with her's we walk in silence for awhile until she stops and turns and steps in front to me and says, "All I want to say is I love you and Promise me you'll be safe and... and *looks down and starts to cry a little* "look everything is going to be alright" I say as I grab her chin and lift it. "You know why its going  be okay ??" I ask her. "*sniff* why?" She said still weeping. "You and your beautiful eyes are still in my life." I pull up my mask to show just my smile to her, she saw my smile and she smiled widely I don't know why my smile is not great as hers. We shared a delightful kiss together after that we interlocked fingers and walked more along the beach.


He actually showed me his smile this time and HOLY DAMN it was hot he had some white ass teeth and he had one dimple one his left side cheek. Ahh beautiful. Anyways after we kissed and walked along the beach. Finally it was time for him to drop me off home so the guys and him could do what they do for tomorrow. He drove to my house he turned off the car looked over to me " I'll be at that dinner pinky promise!" And he holds out his pinky, I giggle and I grab his pinky with mine, when I'm about to get out the car he pulls me back in and kisses me passionately and of course I did the same, we stopped and I went home and went to sleep happy and sad.

Thanks for reading again sorry it's late. >.< never again it will happen (no promises) :/ okay bye.

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