Chater 15

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Saturday 5:00 am

We're all up. We're suited up and ready to this. Finally touches were our masks, I just had my clown make-up, I needed my mask for other protection reasons. So, we got in the car driving into town down to the bank, we get near and stop across the street from it. Lui was scooping out the place looking for security guards and cameras with a inference cameras, "alright , 8 camera ... one looking at the vault, then one facing the entrance 4 outside the whole and the last two are at the front desk. "How da hell are we suppose to do this ?" Said moo. "Trust me guys....We'll do this . We are a family , we have each other back NO ONE gets left behind. Said Vanoss smiling to the group. The group group hugged ( but in manly way :| ). "Alright  Terroriser & Lui is on air support" said Miniladd, " That means Moo and me are the get away driver" he also said. "Aright that means Wildcat, Nogla, Cartoonz, basically, Droidd, Delirious and me are are up in action " said Vanoss. So the group split and went to there position waiting for their cue.  The crew and me who goes in, put there masks on and grabbed their guns. They jumped inside aimed their guns to everyone who was inside, " EVERYONES HANDS IN THE FUCKING AIR RIGHT NOW !!" Said basicallyidowrk. Wildcat and Moo was outside for lookout for police. Droidd and Me went in the back of the bank to the vault to get the money, vanoss and the rest of them were watching the front desks people just in case they tried to press the button for the police to come. When droidd and me could get as much as they can, once they couldn't carry any more they both ran out and yelled the rest of the guys "we got it ... Alrighty let's get the fuck out of here !" I yelled out. All of them ran out and split into two groups then got in the get away cars which Miniladd and Moo are driving. Lui & terroriser is on the look out above, " how we lookin up there guys ?" Vanoss asked through their mini walkie talkies . "Looking good now but cops are slowly creeping up to you guys... But keep on the look out." Replied Lui. "Copy ." Said wildcat. We sped down the freeway and street as fast as they could, the cops on our tail so the air support were shooting the cops down. Then the SWAT and FBI got involved, there were helicopters, and FBI & SWAT trucks, we were screwed but this wasn't the end for us. We started shooting back at the cops and our air support was helping too. We managed to lose the cops we stopped somewhere, the crew took off their masks, I just wiped off my clown make-up and put my mask on, we got out the getaway cars and we set the car on fire with the masks so no evidence was left behind. "Good thing I have my clown make-up on !" I think to myself. We had to walk the rest of the way home... Which wasn't long but who likes to walk. " FINALLY !! We made it !" Screams out Nogla when we got into the house. We ttwent into our own rooms to shower and change, I go in my room turn on the tv to the news channel and of course they are talking about us and the bank robbery. "If the these suspect are found... that person receives a reward." Said the report lady. I puffed, I walked into my bathroom turned my shower on and set it to hot, undressed and hopped in. When I'm done I get ready for bed because I'm tired from today but before I fall asleep I had to check up on the boys and also get some food XD. So I go downstairs and see no one, I go into their room and see them all passed out. I cover them with blankets walk out and I go lock the front and back doors to the house and close the curtains to cover the Windows. Then, I go in the kitchen to find nothing to eat so I just ate a apple. Once I'm finished I walk back into my room and jump onto my bed and just dozed off.

The next day ( Sunday aka dinner w/parents )
Daniella// 7:00am

I woke up in the best of moods so I call Delirious, after a few rings he answers "Good Morning love !!" I scream into the phone, "mmm" he groans "Get up lazy !" I say and giggle "No!" He said faintly. "Come on !" "Make me!" He said tiredly. "Okay " I responded and immediately hung up, I quickly get dress grabbed my keys locked up my house and drive myself to Jonathan's house. I get to the front door and its locked so then I checked the back door but no luck. Then I thought of another way in but then I see I can climb up to Jon's balcony that lead to his room. I got up there and gladly it was open so quietly I tip-toed to him and I saw him laying on his stomach snoring quietly while the phone was still underneath his head/mask on his ear. I carefully remove it, I take off my shoes then took a few steps back and ran and jumped onto him. He screamed, then turned around to face me "holy shit, you scared the shit outta me !!" "I told you to wake up." I laughed. Then he playfully tackled me down on the bed me facing him, I grabbed his hand and was fiddling with his fingers. Then he moved hairs off my face and traced it to behind me ear, I smiled. "Alright time to get up for real, the dinner is tonight ." he said happy. "Okay well you go shower and stuff I'll make breakfast for the guys and you. " I said jumping out of bed. He nodded. I walk downstairs into the kitchen, open the fridge. I see eggs, bacon, orange juice peppers and jalapeños and toast in the pantry. I made bacon and egg sandwiches and on the side of salsa that my grandma taught me, I'm guessing the boys smelled the cooking because they came out their rooms so fast. They came into the kitchen and they all said hi to me, I said it back and started serving the guys Jonathan came downstairs a few minutes later. As he came up to me, he said what's up to the guys and the guys said it back he came up to me and wrapped his arms around my waist then I wrapped my arms around his neck "morning beautiful" he said "morning" I smile. He lifted his mask above his lips, we leaned in and kissed " Get a room !" All the guys yelled out. Jon and me laugh "alright alright jeez !" Said Jon, I made him a plate and they were eating at the table. "Oh... Almost forgot here some hot salsa homemade." Nogla, basically and wildcat ate some and the minute am they ate it they started screaming bloody murder. The rest of the guys were dying of laughter even delirious fell over to the ground laughing, nogla and them went straight for the milk and ice cream in the fridge after few minutes past they were fine. Droidd came grabbed some and ate it "damn this is good Daniella.. Good job !" He said then he high fives me. " Wtf Droidd your Mexican you're use to these spicy foods !" Nogla screamed. After breakfast we all had our laughter just talking and messing around with the crew then it was time for Jon and me to start getting ready for tonight.


I went to go get my keys because I needed to drop off Daniella home then I would go over when I'm done getting ready. As soon as I dropped her off I went to the flower store to get flowers for Daniella and her mom also some good beers for Mr. Parker and me. I went home and immediately started getting ready. Once I was done which only took half an hour (picture above is what he is wearing). Finally after I was done I went downstairs then all the guys yelled out " damn boy, you lookin fresh !" Said marcel. I laughed and went to the counter to finish off my look with putting on my watch. I say bye to all the boys and walk out with the things I bought , I opened the trunk and put all the thing inside and Droidd comes outside to me "good luck !" He smiled. I gave him a bro hug and I got into my car and drove off, I made it to Daniella's house and I got off the car to knock on the door she came out seconds later "Ready ?" I asked. "Yeah let me just get my purse !" She said. I nodded, and waited she came back out grabbed her keys locked her house I held out my hand she smiled and grabbed it we walked hand and hand to my car, I walk her to the passenger side and open the door for her. "Shit... I forgot something hold on!" I say and walk to the trunk and opened it to grab the flowers for her. I closed the trunk and open the driver door got in and gave them to her, "awe thank you " she said to me with sparkling eyes. She grabbed my face lift my mask just above my lips and kissed me, I kissed back and from there we left. She lead me to her parents house and we get there at exactly at 7:30pm, I walk over to her door opened it and grab her hand. I grab the rest of things in the trunk for her parents, and we walk together to their door and Daniella knocks on the door.

I'm going to leave it there. Mwahhaha >:) sorry for leaving :( but I'm back and I just had a lot stuff going on like my b-day and Christmas. So I made this chapter super long as apology. I'm sorry but I'm back!  <3

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