Chapter 6

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Wenesday morning *

I wake up brush my teeth and hair then put my mask on. I went down stairs and ate some breakfast, I go to the living room and watched some tv. Soon after cartoonz came down ate and watched tv too. "You have any clue who you are taking to the party?" Cartoonz asks. "I may or may not have a date !" I say sarcastically. "Oh sweet who is she ?" He asks. "You will see her at the party." I say. "Do you have a date?" I asks him. "Umm... Well I don't but I want to ask someone in particular !" He sounded proudly. "Whoo!?" I said excitedly. "Well my old best friend?!" Luke said. "How are you gonna ask her ?" I say curiously. "I have no idea all I know is that she lives near here !" He says. " oh sweet ill help you find her today !" I look at him. "Oh really thank you so much delirious!" He said and jumped up. Before we left I put on a shirt sweater and brown pants (picture) and of course my mask is on. Then, We went walking around because you never know she could walk around town and luckily yeah she was, and she was with DANIELLA?? We walk up to them and cartoonz of course is trying to ask Genay (his real gf in real life) and I was just walking with Danielle so we can give time to Luke and Genay can catch up. "Whats up with them?" Daniella asked pointing back to them. "He wants to ask her to be his date for the party Saturday." I say smiling (under my mask). "Awe cute !?" She squealed. I laughed. We kept walking in silence, it wasn't awkward at all it actually felt nice with this sunset beauty. I had my hands in my pocket and then she all of sudden put her arm around my arm ( it looked like I was escorting her somewhere XP) I don't know what it was but it felt just right. Then, come in cartoonz with Genay hand and hand. "Whoa whoa I thought you were just gonna ask her to be your date." I said confused. "Well her and me said how we feel about each other and well this happened (holding up their hands interlocking)" he said happily. " well Im happy for you !" I say to both of them.


Back to where he asked Genay *
Delirious pointed her out and he said something else but I wasn't listening I was to busy starring at Genay. She has been my crush for the longest. I leave Delirious and I walked up to her "h--hey Gen--ay ." I wave to her. "Oh no way Luke !?" She Screamed. She came in for hug, I return the hug, It was nice ;p . "Anyways I came to tell you I like you... No... I love you, I loved since day 1. I just never told you but now I'm to tell you." I said straight up. She just looked at me until she said "wow I feel the exact same and I've been waiting for those words to come out your mouth!" She finally said and tightly hugged me. I slowly let her go and we are now looking into each-other eyes then I say "Great also there's also a party this Saturday wanna be there, of course it would be our official first date but it's something ." She nodded. We walk hand and hand to Delirious and some girl from far away I see that girl hooked onto him, she had her arms around his arm. But I didn't say a word we all just said our byes, then Delirious and me went back to the house.

How was the chapter?? Next chapter is gonna be awesome. Anyways If you want me to read your story comment below, I want to read more of you guys stories! Okay bye👋🏼 also THANK YOU for whoever is reading.... love you 😚 ! Sorry if there are errors in the story.

She's Mine .Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon