Chapter 5

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Vanoss and me walked back to the group they were all talking about cartoonz's new clothes and how he got them. He told them that I got it for him. They all were " I'm going to the same store you went to !!". Anyways the day continue calmly we weren't gonna rob any stores today but then Vanoss announced "hey guys on Saturday we are having a party and you all NEED to bring dates I don't care if have to bring your own mothers you just need a date, since we haven't celebrated with all these successful things we have complete lately, All the guys agreed. I have no idea who to bring I have no one. So then I decided to go for a walk down to the store to get my favorite drink I ask the crew if any of them wanted anything, they didn't. So I went and once I got near the store a homeless guy asked for money for food, I had a $50 dollar bill and $10 in my wallet because I forgot to put some money back in the safe. I give him the $50 and said to him "hope its enough and hopes its helps a lot". The old man looks at me and say "oh my jesus thank you so much young man great things are going your way !" And shakes my hand. I smile under my mask and head off to the store. As I walked people kept looking at me I mean my mask. Then I feel a tug on my shirt "hey mister" I hear in a high tone voice. I turn but see no one until I look down a little boy and he asks "why do you wear that (pointing to the mask)" then a older lady comes running for him. "Im sorry he's just.... !" I stop her "its okay" I say. "Young man whats your name?" I ask the boy. "Haris!" He said. "Well... Haris I wear this (pointing to mask) because Im a super hero and I don't want ANYONE to know who I am!" I giggle after I said that. "Awesome" Haris screams out, I laugh. "So when you are in danger call for me." I say to him. "Whats your name ?" He asks. "Call me H2o Delirious!" I say proudly and sticks out my chest with my handon my hips. "Come on Haris lets go ." His moms calls out. As he walks back to his mom he says " bye Delirious" I wave. His mothers mouths me "thank you", I nod. After I go into the store and go to the way back because thats where all the drinks are. I open the door to the freezer and I pick out a brisk sweet tea then a bag of blue Doritos. I also a big bag of other chips because I know the crew will still devour the bag. I got to the counter and pay for my things, I leave I was walking back to the base but then I bumped into a person because I wasn't paying attention. We both fall and say "sorry". It was a girl, " ohh hey I'm sorry didn't mean too!" I say as I get up. "Oh no worries." She says nicely. I put out my hand to help her up she grabs it, I pull her up. "My name is Daniella." She says. "Oh what a beautiful name, my name is..... Delirious!". "Delirious?" She said confusedly. I nod. "Nice name!" She said smiling. "Oh my your eyes are beautiful it's more blue than the sky." As grabs my mask and pulls me down because I'm really tall and she is shorter. I giggle and nod. "But your eyes just look at them they are more green than grass." We both laugh as we both look into each-others eyes then realized what we are doing and move away from eachother awkwardly. "Hey are you free anytime soon ?" I ask "Yeah anytime just name a date !" She say smiling. Then I thought to myself there is that party that Vanoss is hosting. " how's Saturday my friend is hosting a party and he said that everyone has to bring a date?" I ask nervously. " I would love to be your date!" She smiles. "Sweet, ill pick you up around 6." I say. "Sounds good. " she said excitedly. We exchange numbers and then she gives me her address. We say our goodbyes and go our separate ways. I walk back to the base but then I see the homeless man again and wave up a of paper which has the girls number and address, he smiles and gives my a thumps up. I went to the base and everyone was just chilling and sitting around I took the chips I bought for them and like I predict they all shared and finished them in 2 mins. After that we all chilled until it was getting late then we all went home.

Hey hope you enjoyed this chapter its was rushed but I got it out for you all to read. Next chapter will be interesting wont it ?? Lol but yeah comment below things I should add in story okay bye 👋🏼😊

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