Chapter 19

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Delirious // (the mall)

So I decided that all of us need to go so the guys said "what about the mall?", I agreed so the guys jumped into one car . Daniella and me wouldn't fit so just took my car. We get there and I tell the guys that Daniella and are gonna walk around then go to the food court if you need us. Vanoss says "alright man." I grab Daniella's hand she smiles to me, we walk off to all kinds of stores (the pic shows what they got) but the last store we went to... Daniella saw a dress she liked and went to try it on she closed the curtain and I was waiting for her so I sat down on the couch right in front of the room. I was just looking at my phone on Twitter then I hear giggling beside me. I look up from my phone and there is two girls they both smiling and laughing at me and one girl waves to me so I wave back because I'm nice. But they come up to me and one of the girls says "hey" to me, "hello" I say back "my name is Ella and this is my friend Jess" Ella says to me. "I'm delirious nice to meet you." I say back, "oh nice well we came over here is because we think you're.... cute." She says, it takes me by surprise "thanks but I..." is all I said until she cuts me off. "So we were thinking if you're hungry we 3 can get something to eat." She asks. "See I would but I have a..." left my mouth until Daniella calls for me "babe!" and walks out the dressing room with the dress on when she came out I just froze because she looked absolute beautiful (half white and half flower dress of pic) "can you help me zip this up please .......who are you?" Daniella asks the girls I snap out of wonderland and I walk away from the two girls and go beside Daniella because I was not going to be apart of this. "None of your business okay, who are you ?" Jess say. "I'm Daniella his girlfriend *pointing to me*!" Daniella said. The two girls got sassy "oh. Well *rolls her eye* whatever then" and they both walk away. "What the hell was that jon?" Daniella asks me. I shrugged, "They said I was cute and asked if I wanted to go get food with them sometime?", she got a little mad "and what did you say?" She asked angrily. "I tried to say that I had a beautiful girlfriend but they kept cutting me off then you came!" I said, " I love you!" She said and smiled to me "I love you." I say. Later, Daniella and me were done shopping and so we went to the food court. I told Daniella to choose a table and I'll get something for the both of us. I bought Daniella and me some pretzel bites and a lemonade, I was walking back to where Daniella was sitting and I saw her not paying attention so I ran behind her and whispered "boo!" in her ear. She jumped a little and I was laughing so hard, she playfully punched me but she laughed after too. So her and me are eating and talking... Just spending time together and I was telling her a joke "...then I said is that a fucking shark eating a cheeseburger?" I see tears running down her face from laughing to hard I smiled under my mask and wipe the tears off. Then soon after I see moo coming our way, he comes up to my ear and whispers "the guys and me don't feel safe... people are looking at us and we wanna leave". I nod my head and he starts to walk off, I look to Daniella with disappointed eyes "I have to go but here *I drop my car keys and some money* buy something then I'll meet you at your house afterwards." She nod and I give her kiss before I leave and catch up to the guys.


I walk out the food court and look around to shop, I pull out the money that Jonathan gave me and count it... $200 and I looked around but realize I don't really need or want anything. But I still looked just to waste time... then something catches my eye so I check it out but all of a sudden I feel like someone is watching me so I felt that it's time to go home. So I go into the parking lot and find Jon's car then jump in, plug in my phone and play my favorite song. (Play video if you want i know some of you guys don't like Justin bieber but it's a good song.)

I drive home and go up to my room to change into comfy clothes, its about 5:30pm and Im just watching tv in my room till I hear a knock on my front door and I walk downstairs and answer the door to Delirious and pizza in his hands. I immediately snatch the pizza out of his hands and hug it then I look over to Jon and say "oh hey babe" I laugh. "Oh that's all I get is a.... hey babe?" He says sassy. We laugh at out stupidity and we both walk upstairs to my room so we could eat this delicious pizza. After we finish the pizza we both are in bed snuggling up to each other watching mad max the rest of the night until we both knock out.


So my men and me are gathered in our secret place and then I start talking "So I'm 100% positive Daniella's boyfriend De..Del..Delirious and his friends are the master minds of that robbery months back". "And why do we care ?" one guy asks. "because...bec... (I really thought about it and I guess I just want revenge because im jealous Daniella is more in love with him than she was with me.) Then I just said "the reward duh!", the guys were cheer "yeah". "So whats the plan?" one of my men asked. "So this is what we are going to do...."

End of chapter
sorry this was so late, I haven't posted in months. i had writers block for awhile but im good now and ready to finish this story. once again sorry okay bye.

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