Chapter 18

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I'm sitting on my couch and was searching for a show to watch on tv. I came across the news channel and they were talking about the robbery that happened months ago "why are they still talking about this, they are never gonna find them." I nag. I was about to change the channel until the report lady starts describing the suspects of the more evidence they've discovered, " there was 11 males involved, one male looked over 6'8 foot tall skinny (nogla) , 4 males approximately looked 6'1 feet tall buff {I'm just writing their names so you guys know} (Delirious, Moo, wildcat & Vanoss) the other 6 men were about 5'7 feet tall semi buff. (Droidd, Basically, Lui, Cartoonz Mini & Terroriser) if you see or hearing any evidence regards to this case please report it." She finishes up the report and I just ignore it and continue to search for a good show. Later that day my girlfriend came over and she wanted to go walk around the town to shop around, I agree to go with her. We get into the car drive we arrive there and just looked around, we were having fun then all of a sudden while while I'm having a good time with my girl, then of course I just had to see Daniella and HIM (ughh) *I say in my head* and other guys. I just didn't mind them and looked over to my girl and smile. I say in my head "From what I remember I broke up with her so why am I jealous she has someone that actually loves her and she loves him. Like I have Ashely, she's better... right?" I questioned myself. Then Ashley interrupted me in my thoughts " you okay babe?" She asks me, "yeah just thinking." I answer back. "O--Kay... Well I'm going to get a lemonade, do you want one?" I nod my head yes. She goes in the food court and to the lemonade shop that we are right in front of us and so I sat down on the table that is in front of the shop. Then I see Daniella sitting at a few tables. away from me (the picture shows where they are sitting. ps. Yes! That's my shitty handwriting xP) I don't make it obviously that I'm looking at her so I take out my Sphone and pretend that I'm doing somethings on it. As I'm secret watching her I see her sitting alone looking like she is in deep thoughts for a moment then all of a sudden her boyfriend jumps behind her with a lemonade and pretzel bites. He sat beside her and they both shared the food and drink. She looks so happier now than she was before with me. "Why is that, what does delirious have that I don't?" I say to myself and look away. I look again and see he has his mask up his lips and he says something to Daniella and she is laughing so hard I see tears coming down her face. Then I see him wipe the tear off and smile, then some guys come up to him and whisper to him he nods the boys gets ahead start. Delirious tells Daniella something and kisses her, he pats all his pockets and gives her some car keys then leaves to I see the group of guys.... Then it hit me. Delirious and his friends or whatever they are to him may be the suspects of the robbery because their height/weight matches up with the description of the suspects. But I need more evidence to prove, Ashley comes back with a smile and the drinks I smile back. I take one last look at Daniella real quick to see what's she doing and looks likes she is leaving now. So then, I text my boys that a meet up is in 30mins. But in the meanwhile I could spend time with my girl.
*time passes*
Ashely and me are ready to leave the mall and so we head back home, I tell her that I have a meeting with the guys and that I'll be back in awhile. She said okay and so I left and went to meet my guys at our favorite bar. We all get there and they all ask what's up, "Guys I think know who the suspects are from that robbery!" I say They look at me like they don't care. Then I continue "the reward is half of million for them." Then all you see is all the guys faces grow an evil grin. "Alright so this the plan......." I start to say.

Long time no see... my bad. I have no excuse and it's like 10:40 right when I finish this I just really felt like I needed to post so I know there is something y'all can read for fun. Next chapter will be lit XP. OKAY BYE

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