Stand and Cheer, Sit and Listen

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After playing with Styx, I went to relax for a little bit because I knew the Lepps would want me to play with them. Oh, I got a standing ovation with Styx. When they came back out for an encore, I was dragged along and the fans cheered when Tommy said my name. We played "Renegade" and "Rockin' in Paradise". Then we went back and I waited till it was time for me and the Lepps to go on. Then the roadies started putting our stuff on the stage and I got ready to go, putting on the denim jacket with patches, ripped jeans and bright blue "Pour Some Sugar On Me" tee (well, it has the British flag) that I'm famous for. Then the intro song, AC/DC's "Shoot to Thrill", starts playing and we get ready to take our places on the stage. I have Vivian and Sav on my right, Joe and Phil on the left and the Thunder God Rick Allen in the back. Joe and I switch off doing lead vocals. I hit all the high notes, including the iconic one on "Photograph". The curtain goes up as I screech, "I said welcome to my show!!!!" Then the guys start playing and the crowd goes nuts. After the show, I fell right asleep and had a weird dream. I was in Hibbing , Minnesota, with the guys. We were at a friend's house in her living room, watching movies. Viv and I were cuddling and feeding each other. Rick noticed and took a few pictures. I grabbed Rick's camera from him and broke it. The next morning, at breakfast Viv threw a grape at me and I caught it in my mouth. Rick videotaped me and Viv throwing grapes at each other and catching them in our mouths. Then, we got bored and chased each other around. I pulled Viv's shirt off, but he didn't care. He loves running around without a shirt...Oh wait, that's Phil. Viv does it too sometimes, but it's mostly Phil.

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