In Patrick's Paradise...Then Moving Out

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The day finally arrives for all of us to board the plane for Patrick's condo by the sea. We all are boarded and we settle in for the trip to the tropical paradise. I'm too excited to take a nap, so no one else can nap. When we arrive, Patrick meets us at the airport. He has his own private airport and we land at it! We get there and he has a glimmer in his eye. He motions to me to follow him. I freak out. Vivian says "Come on now!!! Don't spazz out on us!!! Relax!" I poke his arm. Vivian says "What's that for?" I say "You know I can't help it that I get all excited about being here and doing a concert for Patrick Swayze!!!" Patrick walks over and says "I want to welcome everyone to my home!" Patrick says "I want to introduce you to Cedric my chauffeur, and this is Julius, my bodyguard." Julius winks at Candace and Ethan gives him an angry look. Patrick winks at me and motions for me to come to him. Viv's there staring daggers and dirty looks! He tells me "Patrick better be nice to you and not treat you bad! I don't like it that he tried to flirt with you!!!" I roll my eyes and sigh, "Vivian...Patrick and I are just friends! You're making something out of nothing!!! You know that I'm married and I love Kyle!!!" Vivian then says "Well, I told you!!! Don't be coming complaining to me about something happening!!!" I go with Patrick. He shows me the concert hall where the concert will take place. Stuart yaps and chases after me. Patrick sees my hand and asks "What happened?" I tell him that I was playing with Stuart with one of his toys and he jumped to grab the toy and he accidentally bit me. Stuart barks with excitement and licks my hand. Stuart nudges me to start playing with him. "What? You wanna play?" Stuart barks at the word play. Patrick and I play with Stuart. The three of us head outside to watch the stars. Stuart looks at the stars too and he starts giving both me and Patrick kisses. Stuart barks I Love You again to me. He gives Patrick more kisses and barks I Love You! I fall asleep next to Patrick and Stuart's sitting in my lap and Patrick gives me a pillow and throw so me and Stuart can rest on the couch. Vivian comes over and says "I saw you give her the pillow and the throw when she fell asleep. I'm going to keep an eye on you to make sure you treat her right!!!!!!" Patrick says "I have good intentions!!!!! I know that she's married and she loves her husband Kyle!!!" The next day Stuart bite Julius hard because Julius was trying to kiss Candace. Julius says "OUCH!!!! YOU LITTLE SHIT!!!!" Stuart bolts to Ethan, barks, and Ethan follows him back. Ethan comes and says "What's going on?"  Ethan gets mad and hits Julius before Candace can tell him "It was an accident he didn't mean anything by the kiss." Patrick gives me a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. Viv sees and he gets mad. He then goes over and talks to Patrick. Vivian says "Patrick, she's married!!!!! You knew that and still you kissed her anyway!!!!" Patrick says "It was an accident. It just happened. I know she's married and I respect that !!!!! Kyle is one lucky man!!!!! I hope that he does her right!!!!!!" Vivian's face turned red and he said "Oh..." I tell Vivian "You're an asshole!!!!! You're jealous of Patrick and now you accused him of something that isn't true!!" Vivian said "I was concerned! Patrick did tell me that it was an accident." I run out, crying. Vivian says to Patrick "I apologize." Patrick says "I accept!!! But you need to apologize to Ori!! She just left and Stuart went with her!" Vivian said "I can't believe she called me an asshole!" Joe walks up to me and says "Ori, what's the matter?" Phil asks "What happened?" I tell Joe and Phil about Vivian being jealous of Patrick and that he had the wrong idea about Patrick and saw Patrick accidently kiss me and he spazzed out and and jumped all over Patrick. "He's an asshole!" Just then Patrick and Vivian walked in. Vivian said "Ori, I have something to say to you. Please listen. If you don't want me around you anymore I understand. I apologize for thinking that Patrick was after you to have something going with you. I was wrong. He wasn't and isn't. The reason why I spazzed is because I love you Ori, like a sister, and I don't and I didn't want you to get hurt by anyone!" Stuart gets me to feel better by having Def Leppard music on and nudges me to let me know that her loves me. I responded by hugging Stuart and saying "I love you too!" Stuart starts to bark, "I love you Ori!" repeatedly. I hug him and say "I love you too Stuart." Rick sneaks up behind me. He starts tickling me and I laugh. Julius tries to pet Stuart and he growls and bites him. Julius says "Why doesn't Stuart like me?" Ethan says "Maybe it's because you tried to kiss my woman!" Julius apologizes and says "I'm sorry." I'm in my room crying and the guys are concerned. They come to see if I'm okay. I tell them what happened between Vivian and Patrick. They went to talk to them and find out that they apologized to each other. Stuart stays with me in an attempt to cheer me up. Viv is disappointed that Stuart won't share a room with him. Stuart growls at him. Vivian says "What Stuart? what did I do that made you mad?" I say "Stuart be nice!" Stuart bites Viv and I say "STUART!!! Shame on you!!!!! He's your human and Loves you very much!!!!" Stuart then walks away with shame on his face. I notice Viv's bleeding. I say "Oh no! We need to bring you in to make sure you're okay!" Vivian says "Well just clean it off and we'll see how bad it is.  I don't know why Stuart is biting like's almost like he's a human and can feel anger!" I laugh and say "Yeah it seems like that doesn't it?" Vivian says "Yeah, it is kind of funny. Stuart thinking that he's a human. Can you imagine Stuart as a human? What would he be like?" We start laughing. Vivian said "If Stuart was a human would he play guitar like us? He would be smiling at the crowd of people who would come to see him and listen to his music!" I say "That's kind of cool!!!" Stuart comes back in. He whimpers and starts giving Vivian kisses. I say "See, he still loves you!" Stuart gives Vivian kisses and lays down on him as he prepares for a nap. Vivian says "Stuart Ori and I were just imagining what you would be like if you were a human!" Stuart looks up at Vivan and starts giving him kisses and has a smile on his face. I say "You know, he could be like a human!" I say to Stuart, "You understand, don't you?" All of a sudden, Stuart jumps out of my lap and sits next to me. Then he turns into a human. He's this really cool rocker who looks like Bret Michaels and acts like Joe Elliott!!!! Stuart says "Ori, thank you for believing that i have human qualities. I really could be human. Perhaps I am." You say, "Stuart, Vivian and I were just imagining what you would be like if you were human and you're pretty cool!!!!!" Stuart looks at me and holds my hands and smiles. He leans in and kisses me. He says, "Ori thank you for being my friend. You and Vivian are my most dear friends." I say, "Stuart, I love you, Vivian loves you, everyone else loves you. You're our band mascot!" Me, Stuart, and Vivian go out to the main room where the other guys are and Joe asks, "So who's this?" Vivian and I tell Joe and the others, "This is Stuart! Vivian and I were just talking about how much human qualities that Stuart has because he's gotten angry, and he's also shown love among other things and he transformed right before our eyes!!!!" Phil says "Well he looks a lot like Bret Michaels." Vivian say "Well he acts a lot like you, Joe." Joe then said, "I didn't ever imagine that there would be anyone who acts like me!" I admit, "Well Joe I always mimic you how you act, and dress and also how you talk!!!! Stuart must have been around and heard me do that!" He says "Why Ori? I thought that we were friends? More than that family!" You say "Well Joe, please don't take offense by that..l Love your Yorkshire Accent and I always want to hear it even when you're not around and when I mimic your accent and who you are and how you dress. It makes me feel like you're always with me." Joe says "Oh...I never thought of it that way. You're making me have tears in my eyes. Tears of joy!!!" Vivian says "And Phil I've mimicked you too behind your back. Why because I think that you're a wonderful person and I've also learned more from you about new riffs and licks on the guitar!" Phil says, "Vivian, I didn't know that you thought that much about me!!!! Thank you for saying that..I'll take it as a compliment!" Stuart says to me, "Let me teach you some more awesome guitar riffs and licks, okay?" Kyle sees us holding hands and says "Who is he, Ori? Did you tell him that you're married?" I then explain that It's Stuart and that me and Vivian were imagining if Stuart was human because of his human qualities. Kyle says "Wow!!!!! That's weird!!!!! Give me a moment to digest all of this because this is weird!" He comes back and says "That's totally cool!!!!! I would like to meet Stuart as a human!!" I then take Kyle over to where Stuart and the guys are. I introduce Kyle to Stuart. Stuart says "Kyle, you treat Ori right or you will have me to answer to!!!!!!!! You're a lucky man to have Ori!!!!!!! You be nice to her and treat her right!!!!" Kyle says "Okay, I will Stuart." Stuart shows me some new riffs on the guitar. Vivian is there too. Me and Vivian learn these totally awesome riffs that Stuart showed and taught us. You spend a lot of time with Stuart, practicing the riffs and licks. Vivian notices that you're starting to fall for him. Vivian says, "Ori, I know that you are trying not to fall for Stuart. I know that you love him. I also know that it's hard not to fall for him. But you need to remember that you're married to Kyle." I say, "I know Vivian. But I do love Stuart. I wish that he could forever be a human. I don't know how long he will be in human form but I want to spend as much time with him before he goes back to being a dog." Vivian says "Maybe if we wish a lot of wishes Stuart will continue to be a man. Yes, I would miss him as a dog but him being a man is awesome because he's part of the band, more so than when he was a dog. He was just a mascot!!!!" Stuart walks into the room and says"Let's practice this new song that we all came up with. I call it Metal Magic!!!" Vivian says "Remember, Stuart is a friend!" When Viv says that, I roll my eyes. He saw that and said "Don't roll your eyes at me! I don't want to see you get hurt!" I yell, "Well Vivian, you're not my dad!!!!! I can take care of myself!!!!!! I know what I'm doing!" Vivian says, "Do you really know what you're doing? I don't want to see you or Kyle, or Stuart get hurt!!!!!!" I say, "I'm not going to get hurt!!!! Kyle understands, Stuart understands. The problem is YOU don't understand!!!!!! And you're treating me like a baby!!!!!! I'm a grown woman and I KNow what I'm doing!!!!" I get up and storm out in tears. The other guys walk in and say "What happened?" Vivian explains to them about me and Stuart and Kyle and that he tried telling me not to get too involved with Stuart and I spazzed out. I tell Vivan, "I don't see a ball and chain around my ankle. I'm not a baby. And YOU are being WAY TOO overprotective!!" I walk out. Viv follows me. Vivian says "Where are you going?" I say "To my room to gather a few things to go for a week to sort things out." Vivian says, "Well what about the concert that we're doing for Patrick and his friends and family?" I say "Well I'll be staying a few days at the cottage on the other side of the condo." Vivian says "Well, can I come with you?' I reply "I wanted some time for myself to sort things out!" I then go over to the cottage, unlock the door and look around. There's a jacuzzi and pool, relax and say "YES!!!!!" I prepare to relax in the jacuzzi and there's a knock on the door. I say "WHAT!!!!!! I can't even have time for myself!!!!!!" I get up and answer the door and it's Stuart.  say "What's up?" Stuart says "I feel bad that you left the condo so fast. Vivian and myself and the guys want you to come back after you've had time for yourself. We all love you Ori." He sees the jacuzzi and asks, "Can I join you in the jacuzzi?" Stuart then says "Well I would like to spend some time with you... If that's okay!" He winks. You say"Well I'll think about it. I was wanting some time for myself." I think about it, then say "Well you can stay for a little while but then you have to go." He looks at me as if to whimper. Then I catch myself staring. He pulls me in for a passionate kiss. I tell him "Stuart, I really do love you, but I can't get too involved with you because I'm married." Stuart says "I know that you are married but I still love you!!" Just then there's another knock on the door. I say "Stuart!!! Did you tell the whole country that I was here? I wanted time for myself and you told the whole country that I'm here!!!" I answer the door and it's Joe. I ask, "What is it Joe?" Joe says "We all need to gather at the concert hall Patrick's going to make a big announcement." Joe looks and see Stuart's hairy chest and says "Oh, did I interrupt something?" Stuart says "Well, I was about to go into the Jacuzzi." Joe says "No Stuart, you were about to do something else. Remember, I'm a man too. I know how men think!!!!" I say "Stuart!!!!! We're just friends. We've been through that many times. I'm married and I love Kyle." Stuart looks down at the floor and says "I'm sorry Ori. I love you too but, I guess that I can't help myself at times. Kyle is sure a lucky man!!! I hope that I meet someone as wonderful as you Ori!!!"  hug Stuart and say "Well, I love you, Stuart, like a brother. I want you to know that. You will meet the most wonderful woman someday. I hope that it's soon too because you're a wonderful man!! I'm sure that you will meet someone special very soon at the concert when we're all on stage and afterwards there's the meet and greet!!" Joe says, "Well, I'm glad that this is finally resolved!!!! Maybe we can enjoy Patrick's hospitality and enjoy our time here!!!!" At the show, I notice Stuart's a little distracted by this redhead with green eyes in the front row. I see her wink at him. Then, she blows him a kiss. It is then that Stuart decides to remain a man. He doesn't turn back into a dog! Stuart says, "Ori did you see that one woman with the red hair and green eyes? She winked at me!!" After the show, she comes backstage to meet us. When Stuart sees how beautiful she is, his jaw drops. She says, "My name is Chelsea."  Stuart goes crazy. He says "Hi Chelsea. So how did you like our show?" He walks with her backstage. Ethan tries to stop him. You say "Let him go. He's sweet on her!!!" Then Stuart comes back out. He says "I'm in heaven!!!!" Ethan says "Stuart?" Stuart doesn't say anything. I say "Wow!!!!" He then says "Who are you talking to?" Ethan says "Stuart?" Stuart says "Huh?" Joe says "Oh boy!!!!!! He's got that woman on his mind!!!!!" Stuart says "Guys...I want Chelsea to go with us on tour!!!" Vivian says "Wow!!!" Stuart then says "OMG!!! she's got that long red hair, these green eyes. Whoa!!!!!!" I say "Calm down Stuart!! She can come with us if it's okay with everyone else!!" Vivian says "OMG it's like I'm watching my son go on his first date!!!!" We all laugh. Vivian then says "I'm so glad that he met someone!!!" Stuart then walks in with Chelsea. Stuart says "I would like to introduce you to Chelsea. Chelsea this is my family." Stuart introduces Vivian as his brother until he gets to know Chelsea better then he would tell her the truth! Stuart was with Chelsea 24/7 and all he talked about was Chelsea. I encouraged him to not be afraid to tell her how he felt. We all gathered around the breakfast table, when Stuart said that he was thinking of asking Chelsea to always be with him. Joe said, "Stuart, you just met her. Give her time to get to know you better and you get to know her better." Stuart didn't hear Joe because he was smitten. He started talking about how many kids they were going to have. Joe said "Stuart!!!!! You're not hearing me!!!!!! You two just met each other!!!!! It's too early to talk marriage and children!!!!" I poke Stuart and say "Stuart, are you listening? I know that you're smitten over Chelsea but you need to take your time and not rush into things!!!!" Stuart says "But, I love her!!!!" Vivian says, "Stuart, you and Chelsea just met. We don't want you to get hurt!!!! We love you Stuart!!!!!" Phil says "Yeah, we all love you buddy. I know that she looks good to you but, believe me you have to get to be around each other more and build on your relationship!!!!! She's like your very first woman you've been around. There's a lot of women out there, just don't settle for the very first woman in your life!!! And I've had the most women in my life..I know!" I giggle. That causes Phil to punch me. I sass, "Are you up for more of a kick to where you live?" Phil says "No! that hurt!!! Your kick made me go for a ice pack!!!" I shrug. "Okay. I'll just beat up on Vivian." Viv says "What are you going to do?" I say "The same thing I would do to Phil!!!!!" Vivian says "You're going to kick me where I live?" I say "I'll bet that if I do that you'll scream like a girl!!!!" I say to Vivian "Show me what you got as far as how strong you are physically!!!!!! I bet that I can bring you down with just one kick and you'll cry like a baby!!! Waaa, waaaa!!" He tells me that he'll post some embarrassing photos of me. I tell him "You better not!!!!!!" He says "Who's going to stop me? You and who's army!!!!!!" I say "You think you're tough..but you're just tough smelling!!!!!!" Vivian says "Okay bring it on!!!!!!!" I say "Well, when I kick you you'll go down..guaranteed!!!!!!!!" Vivian tries putting me in a full nelson. I pull his hair and then he lets go and I kick him you know where. He's out of breath. He says "OUCH!!!!!!" He crawls away and says "GET ME SOME ICE!!!!!" Phil said "I told you!!!!!! She's got a wicked kick!!!!!" I hear Viv saying "You hurt me Ori." I reply "Well I told you and Phil tried to warn you!" Vivian says "I thought that you were kidding!!!! Get me some ice!!! Now!!!!" I say "What a baby!!!" Sav and Joe are snickering and whispering to themselves and Phil has this smile on his face. Rick just shakes his head and smiles. Vivan says "It's not funny!!!!! Guys... Where I live is starting to really hurt and I think it's swollen!!!!" Joe laughs and says "I think that's a personal problem!!!!" Phil then says "A bit of too much information!!!" Ethan walks in and looks down and sees Vivian. He says "What's up with him?" Phil says "Well Ori and him got into a sort of a fight and she nailed him right you know where!!!!" Ethan says "Ouch!!!!" Ethan then goes and gets Vivian a bag of ice. Vivian say "Thank you're too kind!!!" Ethan then says "Well I was kicked there too not too long ago!!!" Vivan then says "I believe you now, Phil!!!! I won't even try, if I can help it, to annoy Ori any more. She does have a wicked kick!!!!"  I then go to my room and close the door. Before  close the door, I say "Just leave me alone for a while." An hour passed and I open the door. I look around and say "Where did everyone go?" Phil walks in and says "They all went to get some ice cream." I said "And no one let me know!!!!!!" Phil said "Well, you said that you wanted to be left alone for a bit!!!!" Phil texts the others and said for them to bring back some ice cream for me and him. Phil asks me if you've been crying and I said "Well, does it look like I have?" Phil says, "Sorry I asked. I was just concerned that's all." Then there's a noise and the door opens and the others come back with ice cream and chocolate. Vivian brings me a extra large chocolate lovers blizzard from dairy queen..he comes over to me and says, "I'm sorry Ori. I got you this to make it up to you!!!" They see that I've been crying and they all give me hugs and tell me that they love me!! I then tell Vivian, "Well I'm sorry too. I still love you too!" I throw a pillow at him and it starts a pillow fight but everyone's involved though. Ethan walks in and sees all these feathers and stuff from the pillows and he says "You guys are a bunch of kids!!!! Candace walks in and says "Well, there's nothing wrong with that!!!" She grabs a pillow and starts hitting Ethan with it!!! Vivian and Phil tickle me. Vivian tickles my feet and Phil tickles my ribs. I say "Stop it, stop it!!!! You're going to make me pee my pants!!!!! Stop it now!!!" When they don't, I say "Stop it!!!!! I'll pee on you!!!!" I end up sitting on Phil and he says "You won't pee on me!!!!" I say "Wanna bet!!!!" Vivian continues to tickle my feet. I say "Vivian, stop. I'm going to pee on Phil!!!" They didn't listen and I did pee on Phil on his shirt and some got on his pants and it looked like he had peed his pants!! I laughed and said "See, I told you!!!" You then had to go and get cleaned up.....a shower and clean clothes. Joe looked at Phil and said "Phil what did you do? Pee yourself?" Phil said "I didn't pee, Ori did because Vivian and I were tickling her and she told us to stop and we didn't listen and she peed on me." Joe laughed and said "Well it looks like you peed yourself!!!!" Sav looked and said "Yeah Phil it does look like you peed yourself!!!!!" Rick laughed and said "Better you than me!!!" Phil said "Wait until it happens to you!!!! You won't think it's so funny!!!!" I hang out with Stuart and tell him what happened. He laughs and says "Well, I would've peed too!!! Don't feel bad about that. You did warn him about what would happen!!! So they went for ice cream!!!! Is there any chance that I could have some?" I say "Sure, I'll go and get you a big bowl of ice cream." He says "I want some hershey's syrup on it and maraschino cherries too!!" I say "Yum!!!!!! I think I'll go get my Blizzard that Viv got me!!!!!" He says "I wonder if Chelsea would like to join us for ice cream and conversation? But I still love you, Ori!" We both enjoy our ice cream. Stuart says "Can I have some more?" Stuart turns to me and gives me this awesome kiss. He says "On second thought....I like kisses more!" Joe walks in and says, "You two!!!! What about Chelsea and Kyle?" Stuart says, "Yeah that's right!!!!! I was rambling on about how much I want Chelsea and you're married to Kyle!!!  I'm sorry, It was an accident. Joe you have a big mouth!!!!! I know that I'm wanting Chelsea and Ori knows that she's married to Kyle." I sit alone in my room crying. Joe knocks on my door and I say "What?" Joe says "It's me Joe." And he asks if he can come in and I say "Okay" and he apologizes for having a big mouth. He says his big mouth gets him into trouble at times and he's sorry. He's very outspoken on different things and sometimes he does get to be overly outspoken. Kyle comes back from being on tour with his band, . He says "So how has everyone been and what's been going on since I've been gone." I say "Kyle!!!!!! I've missed you!!!!" Me and Kyle kiss and then walk into the other room. I tell him all what's been going on..about Stuart meeting this new woman in his life, Chelsea and about him wanting Chelsea to go on tour with us, about the show at Patrick's, about being tickled by Phil and Vivian and peeing on Phil. Kyle laughed when I said I peed on Phil. Kyle asked Phil "How did it feel to be peed on?" Phil says "I thought that Ori was kidding about that she was going to pee on me until it happened!!!! And it looked like I had peed my pants!!! And Joe thought that it was hilarious!!!" I walk out into the separate suite and grab a beverage when Stuart comes in and grabs me and gives me a big kiss. I tell him that you and him can't be doing that. I tell Stuart "Yes, I do love you but remember I'm married and you have a girlfriend, Chelsea." He says, "I know but I really do love you." I say, "Yes, Stuart I love you too but we are both with someone else." He says "I wish that we can continue to go on like this but I understand what you're saying." Right then, Chelsea walks in and sees him holding me. She says "What's going on here?" Stuart tells her that I was upset about something and he was just giving me a hug. She sees the tears in my eyes. I saw photos of Kyle and female fans. I told Stuart about it and he was trying to comfort me. I thought Kyle was going to leave me. I go ask Kyle about that. Kyle said "I love you!!!! Those female fans mean nothing to me as far as me being in love. I'm in love with you!!!!" Then I reply with tears in my eyes, "But I saw a photo of you looking at this fan with desire in your eyes!!!" I get so mad that I slap him across the face. He says "What was that for?" I tell him that someone posted up a photo of him and a fan kissing. I say "You thought that I didn't see the photo? Well I did!!!" He says "OH." I say, "That's all you can say is Oh?" Kyle then says, I'm sorry..You say.."You're sorry. That's all you got?" Kyle says then "I'm sorry." He then walks away into the other room and starts to cry. I come out and walk up to him. He looks up and says "I didn't mean for that to happen. You gotta believe me. She meant nothing to me." Sav walks in and sees Kyle crying and asks what's wrong. I tell Sav what I found out and what I saw about Kyle and this female fan. Sav just listens and then says "If it's true that this female fan didn't mean anything to you. You need to say something in regards to that. That's it's only a rumor and it not true and the photo was taken by someone who wanted to set you up to cause trouble in your life!!!" He then sets up an interview on the radio and tv and said the photo was taken under false pretenses and what others are saying about him and this female fan being an item are not true. After that, things start to better between me and Kyle. Me and Kyle then go for a few days to get things settled and to talk. We decide to go to Patrick's cottage for a few days. We're at Patrick's cottage at the pool and I notice that he's looking at other girls. I say "Did you lie to me about that female fan? Because I'm beginning to wonder since you're looking at other girls around here!!!" I leave and say "Well, hell with you. I'm leaving!!!!! When you decide what you want and who you want, you know where I'll be!!!" I go back to the cottage and start packing my suitcase and take a taxi to the airport. I can't get a flight back that night so I reserve one for the next day. So I stay at the airport motel. I'm so upset that I cry myself to sleep. Phil tries to talk to you to convince you to come back. They all need me because they love me!!! I then say "I think that Kyle and I should take a break." Me, Viv and Stuart start working on this new song in rehearsal. Finally It's the evening of the concert at Patrick's concert hall at his condo. Everything goes as planned. A select group of people fill the concert hall and await the announcement of Patrick Swayze, their host. Patrick comes on and introduces A great band of the 80'S..DEF LEPPARD!!!!!!!!!! The crowd goes wild and Joe Elliott asks Does anyone want to get Rocked? But first, Kyle's band, the Badasses, open for Def Leppard. When they finish, I hug Ethan and he says "It's going to be okay. I love you very much." We all assemble on the stage and Joe Elliott asks "Do you wanna get Rocked?" The next song after that is 'Hysteria', but when Joe asks if anyone wants to get Rocked the crowd goes ballistic!!! As the evening goes on and the concert draws to a close, Joe says "I want to thank our very generous host Patrick Swayze for asking us to come and play a concert for all of you!!!!!! Here's one last song.....Pour Some Sugar on Me. Remember, don't forget about us and we won't forget you!!!!" I put 'Miss You In a Heartbeat' on my phone. I start to cry because I still love Kyle. Kyle wraps his arms and tells me "I can't live without you!!!!!!!" I push him away and say "Yeah right!!!!" I don't forgive him right away. He comes up to me and says "Please give me another chance, Ori. Things haven't been the same since we separated.....I love you!!!" Kyle says this while I'm hanging out with Stuart. I tell Kyle, with tears in my eyes, "I love you too.......I do want to give you another chance." I then write a poem/song called 'Does Love Ever Break?' I write, "Does Love ever break? Is it in your arms that make me shake? Our fires combine like a an enticing glass of wine. Do I cry myself to sleep, when I know I'm in too deep. The night's too long, when It's you that I long." I stop writing and cry myself to sleep. Finally sleep overtakes me and I'm in a sound slumber. I dream that there's a old fashioned jousting between Kyle and Stuart. I wake up to Kyle and Stuart fighting. I look and say "Wow!!!! I just dreamt that you two were fighting!!!!" That's when I realize that they're arguing over me and about who loves me the most. But they look at me when I say I dreamt about them fighting. They both have a surprised look on their face as if to say "What?" I say "Yes! I had a dream that you two were fighting!! But it was like and Old fashioned jousting occurrence!!!!" Then they both compete with each other to prove who's the better man! Stuart says"I never really cheated on Ori!!!!!!! I'm the better man!!!!!" That comment hit below the belt with Kyle!!!!!!! He really got mad! He said "Okay, if you're man enough let's fight!!!" I tell them what Stuart said to Kyle and Kyle got mad!! Vivian said "Oh boy!!!!!! Stuart must have hit a nerve!!!!!" Phil said," Well what exactly did Stuart say?" I say "He said that he never cheated on me like Kyle did!!!" Vivian said "Wow!!!" Joe walks in and sees Stuart and Kyle fighting. I start crying. Then I say "So Kyle really did cheat on me then!!!!!" Vivian said, "I guess so!!!" Kyle tries to apologize, but I'm still upset about learning that he did cheat. Me and Kyle split but remain friends. I start hanging out with Stuart more and the two of us start getting more serious. Stuart tells me that he has to tell Chelsea that it's over but that he would like to remain friends. Maybe he'll introduce Kyle to Chelsea. He then gets up and walks into the main room and sits down and talks to Chelsea and tells her that he's in love with me! She's disappointed and she isn't too happy. I walk in with Kyle and Stuart gets up and walks over to me and Kyle. Me, Stuart, and Kyle walk over to Chelsea. Stuart introduces Chelsea to Kyle and Kyle to Chelsea. Kyle looks and under his breathe says "Wow!!!! She's beautiful!!!!!" Then all 4 of us walk into the main room and Joe is there. Stuart tells Joe that he's in love with me and Joe says "I kind of figured that you were." Joe looks and sees Kyle with Chelsea. He says "Well, are they a couple now?" Stuart says "Yes!!!! In time to come..I'm going to ask Ori to marry me!!!!!" I look at Stuart and blush. "Yes, I'll marry you." Stuart says "I'm so happy that you accepted my impromptu proposal!!!!" Joe smiles and says "I'm happy that love found it's way." Vivian hears Stuart ask me to marry him and smiles. He says "Well I'm so glad that this situation got resolved!!!" I laugh and mess up his hair, which I know he hates. Vivian says "I kind of knew that you and Stuart had a thing for each other!! You can mess Stuart's hair up now!!!!!" I hug Stuart tight and tell him "I love you!" He says "I love you too!!!!" I cry, but it's tears of joy. Me and Stuart leave and go to Patrick's cottage for a few days. The others say "We'll see you in a few days." In the meantime, Kyle and Chelsea get to know each other better. Stuart and I go out to dinner and spend time by the pool. The guys at the condo work on some of the songs that me, Stuart, and Kyle put together. One day, Stuart surprises me with a chocolate diamond engagement ring. He also buys me a large chocolate lovers blizzard from dairy queen. He buys me a new pet too. It's a cute pot belly pig. I name her Charlotte. So I bring Charlotte to meet the guys and she loves Sav. She follows Sav around. It's so cute. She puts her head on Sav's lap, especially when he has food. The others say "Sav, you got a girlfriend!!" She likes Rick too!!! Rick had cookies one day and Charlotte put her head in his lap as if to ask, "Can I have one?" I smile. "Rick, she wants a cookie." Rick replied, "I'm not giving her one." I grabbed a few. Charlotte came over to me. I fed her some cookies. I say"You could've given her some cookies. She likes the peanut butter ones, it seems!" Charlotte then went over by Rick and did this very loud distinctive burp!!!! I say "Well it seems she got even with you Rick!" Everyone hears that and laughs. Viv walks up to Charlotte and he says "Charlotte, you're my kind of pig!!!!!! You're not afraid to let anyone know what you think!!!!!!!" He laughs. He then makes up a cute little poem for her.......I bet your farts are much to be desired .......your sound and rhyme puts them all in time , you go all out and are admired!!!! Charlotte goes up to Vivian and and he gives her a hug and she kisses him. Stuart puts an arm around me and says "I'm glad that you love Charlotte. She's very lovable and when I first saw her I knew that you would love her!!!" Me and Stuart kiss in front of everyone. Then Charlotte wants us both to hug her. We hug her and get kisses. ..Stuart tickles me even though Phil warns him not to over do it because then I would pee on him!!! I whack him with a pillow and he continues to tickle me. I say "Be careful!!!!!! Remember what Phil told you!!!!" Stuart says "Well you love me. You wouldn't pee on me, would you?" I say "Don't push your luck!!!!!!! If you continue to tickle me I will pee on you!!!!" He just says, "Well I'll take my chances!!!" I reply, "Well don't get mad at me if I pee!!!!!!!" Phil warns, "Stuart, you're treading on dangerous ground!!!! She will pee on you!!!!" Stuart continues. I say "Stuart, stop it!!!!! I'm starting to pee!!!!!" Stuart looks and sees that I peed on the front of his jeans. He says , "It looks like I peed my pants!!!!!!" I say "I warned you!!!!!!!" Phil started to laugh and said "Sucks to be you!!!!! Now you have to deal with getting cleaned up and stuff!!!" Stuart just gets up and says "I guess that I have to go and get cleaned up!" Stuart gets all cleaned up and dressed and says "I'm getting hungry..I'm going for dinner, who's with me??" I say "I'm going with you. Stuart says "Anyone else?" Ethan and Candace walk in. Stuart asks Have you two eaten dinner yet? Ethan says no.....I say well I had a small bag of chips...Stuart says Candace, you got to eat!!!!!! It's a wonder that you haven't gotten sick!!!!! Ethan should make you eat a bit more!!!! I say..well I'm just watching what I eat...I want to lose 15 lbs." Stuart says there's hardly anything to you!!!!!! Ethan says "See, I tried telling you Candace!!!" We all leave. then a taxi takes us to Red Lobster. I look at him and say "What are you doing?" He say "I need to talk to you." He says "We could talk now." He says "As you know Candace is from Minnesota. I've asked her to moved from Minnesota and she needs help packing up all of her stuff still there I will be asking the others for help too." I say "Okay, when were we going to do this?" Ethan says, "I'll let you know when we need the help." Just then everyone's dinner came .....Ethan had steak and lobster, I had steak and shrimp, I had fish with a baked potato, Stuart, had fish and shrimp. I kick Ethan in the shin..he say ouch, that hurts!!! We went back. I tackle Viv and say I missed you I listened to one of your songs on youtube. We all assemble then and talk about going to Minnesota and packing up all of Candace's stuff that's still there. She mentions while we're there "If I have time, or if we have time , I'll show you the high school that I graduated from.....I grew up in a town not to far from the singer/ songwriter Bob Dylan's hometown of Hibbing, Mn." Joe said "You lived in Bob Dylan's hometown?" I said "Yes...I did!!!" Sav said" I thought that I picked up on some sort of accent when we first met you!!" Candace says "Yeah people from other places say that we, people from Northeastern Minnesota, have an accent. We sound different than people who live in Minneapolis, St.Paul. Some people where I'm from tend to say you betcha. Anyway, I'm looking forward to going back there , packing things up and say bye to Minnesota. That part at least." Stuart says "Are we all going?" He asks again "Are we all going?" Candace says, "Whoever wants to go can come with."  say, whoever wants to go can come with..We all assemble to leave to go to Minnesota........WE're down at St. Paul first..we leave from there and travel up north....Hibbing, and other towns are about 80 miles from Duluth. Anyway..we get to Hibbing and we check in at a hotel...The Hibbing Park Hotel...... Candace goes outside and looks around.....memories suddenly flood her mind. Ethan comes outside and asks "Are you okay?" She says "Yeah..just remembering things from years gone by." We all head over to the restaurant in the hotel......Grandma's By The Park. We all sit and order what we want. Candace pulls out her notebook and start writing because she becomes inspired. Suddenly some people walk in.....One of the women says "OMG!!!!! Candace!!!! Is that you?" She says OMG!!!!!! I haven't seen you in HECK OF A LONG TIME!!!" It's a former classmate that comes into the restaurant. She you still know the school song? I say" yeah some of it..she says come on we have to sing it for your friends here. Candace says oh, I introduce Ethan as my finace. and the others as my family, you and Stuart as my family. She looks at us and I say let's did some of the cheers..this one cheer we needed alot of the cheer we made a human pyramid....I was near the bottom because i'M TALL..THE SHORTER PEOPLE WERE ON THE TOP..So we did the cheer and we collapsed the pyramid. We had a cheer that we did that had the school colors. then we did this other cheer and I did this very high and everyone else were suprised that I could do that!Finally, I said bye to my classmates and they left. Joe said Candace I didn't know that you tried to be a cheerleader and didn't make it!!!!!! You should've!!!!" She just says "Well that was a long time ago.....I can't believe that I still remembered the cheers and the school song..and that I could still do that jump!!!!" Phil says, I'm not've been working out hard!!" We all then left the restaurant. Joe and the others wanted to see Bob Dylan's childhood home. We all went in the the van and drove over to the childhood home of Bob Dylan. Afterwards They wanted to see the high school Candace graduated from which is in a different town about 7 or 8 miles away. Steve's with us when we're at her old high school. She called ahead and set up a tour for us to walk around her old high school. Steve walks around with us. Candace walks into the old study hall and sits at one of the old desks then goes and sits where the teacher used to sit. On the way back, Viv starts  We arrive at my old apt and start packing things isn't long that everything is packed and we get a moving van loaded and then I clean up the apt and return the keys and givethe landlord my new address......we then go out in the country to get my stuff that's in storage at my oldest daughter's and son-in-law's house.....we pack all the.....then we leave and pick up my two youngest daughters and get their stuff packed and moved and they leave with us. Then we fly while the stuff is in the van. We're all on the tour bus and Steve is with us. He says "I really liked that old guitar that was at Candace's old high school. I didn't know that she was in the high school choir!" Sav said "Ori.. we didn't know that you knew how to play the violin!!!!" I said "Sure. I learned before I learned how to play the guitar!!!! I love them both!!" Joe starts singing Have You Ever Needed Someone So Bad. We all join in with the singing. Joe does teach Candace how to play keyboard. There's me on violin, Steve, Viv, Stuart and Phil on guitar. Rick's playing drums and Sav's on bass duty. We play all the way to the Twin Cities. It was also recorded on Joe's smartphone. We  finish being goofy and start writing songs. We put into one of the cities that Joe has a home. Different people unpack Candace's stuff and others set it all up in this other room which is a large room. There's desktop computers, new ones, rebuilt ones. Her desktop computer is set up and is running excellently in this computer lab at Joe's house. Well, one of his homes. We all then follow Joe into the other part of his house where there's a large kitchen/dining room and an adjoining music room/studio. I look around and see a violin. So I pick it up and look for some sheet music and I start playing the violin. Joe goes and sits by his piano and starts playing. Vivian, Phil, and Sav pick up their guitars and start playing. We're all singing. The butler walks in and says "There's refreshments in the dining hall." I don't want to put down the violin, so I bring it with me. We then sit at the table and enjoy the tea and eat. Joe then says "Candace, you can stay at the cottage here until you find somewhere else that you want to live at or you can stay there as long as you like." Vivian says "Why did you bring the violin in here?" I say "Because I like it!!!! It's really beautiful!!!" Ethan says, "Joe can I stay with Candace at the cottage?" Joe looks at Ethan and says "Sure but I thought that you had your own house." He said "I sold it..remember?" Joe winks and says "Okay I get it!!!!" Joe then laughs. I say "Ethan, I didn't know that you sold your house!" Ethan said "Yes I did!" We all finished the tea and other things. Ethan said Candace "Let me help you with your other things that will go over to the cottage." She smiles and says "Okay." They go over to the cottage and look around. There's an outdoor pool and shower with an enclosure. There's also a outdoor kitchen as well as the kitchen that's inside. I bring the violin with me and Vivian says "You don't need to bring the violin with you everywhere!!!!!" I say "Well, I don't hear Joe complaining about me bringing the violin with me everywhere!!!!!!! Vivian, I think that you're just looking for something to complain about!!!!" Vivian says "Well you don't see me bring my guitar in here do you? I do like your playing but could you please wait until we're in the music room?" Joe says "Vivian be nice!!!!! I know you're tired and crabby nice!!!!!!" we all go back to the music room.......we start playing......practicing our new material the that we worked on on the way over to Joe's house. Then Phil, Rick and I start playing "If I Die Young" and Viv starts crying. I ask him what's wrong. Vivian says We all sound beautiful like we're actually in heaven!!!!!!" Joe says "You know that I'm recording this don't you?" Then we play "The Devil Went Down to Georgia." That was the fastest the guys had seen me play violin. Joe looks and says "Wow!!!!!!!!" Afterwards we play Freeebird. Steve joins in. Then we play Bohemian Rhapsody. Viv picks Thin Lizzy's The Boys are Back In Town. Candace picks School's Out by Alice Cooper. Ethan picks Motley Crue's Too Young To Fall in Love. Then he says he's friends with bassist Nikki Sixx. I say "Okay Ethan..put your money where your mouth is!!!!!!! I dare you to call Nikki right now and invite him over!!!!!!!! Let's see if you and him are friends!!!!!!!" Joe says "Go for it!!!!!!! I'm also friends with him and I want him to come over and help us put this album/cd together!!!!!!!" Ethan says "Okay sister, you're on!!!!!! I'll even put him on speakerphone!!!!!!!!!!!" Ethan then calls Nikki Six and gets him on the phone..he puts him on speakerphone........Ethan then says Joe Elliott and the OTHERS ARE WORKING ON a cd/album of all our favorite songs by our favorite artists.......I picked You song Too Young Too Fall In Love.........My sister, Ori say that I didn't tell her that I'm friends with you and she doesn't believe me!!!!!! Nikki says "Dude, I've known you for years!!!!!!! Ever since that time Joe, You, Me, and Bret Michaels went out and overdid the town. When we painted it red!!!!!! I'll be over right away!!!!!!" I say "Wow!!!!!!!!! I'm sorry Ethan!!!!!!!I'm sorry that I didn't believe you!!!!!! And if you did tell me..I didn't hear you say it!!!!" Phil picks a song from his old band Girl. Sav picks Bruce Springsteen.  Nikki shows up...ringing the bell..and hollering!!!!!!!! we record the album then I play INXS's Need You Tonight. Then we play all these songs with epic drums...wich I provide. Jump by Van Halen is one of them. We end up with two albums. One of our favorite songs and one with awesome drums. The titles are Our Favorite Hits, which is our covers album, and Rockin' Drums, which features me on drums, Candace on keyboards and Stuart on guitar. He also sings Rick Astley's Never Gonna Give You Up.

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