Two Weddings...And An Escape Plan

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*****Yes, the chapters are getting longer. I'm bouncing off a friend's ideas... All movie quotes are in bold

The concert went off without a hitch. The next song was Rock Of Ages and the crowd went wild!!!!! Throughout the concert there was no incidences that had plagued them earlier on the previous days. Finally there was a special request that was made that a certain song that was to be played..the request was made by Lepps own Ori and it was dedicated to Her future husband Kyle and herself. The crowd thought that the request was beautiful and they requested that song as well Breathe A Sigh. Finally , it was at the end of the concert. The crowd was shouting "One more song, one more song!!" They all came out and and played Lady Strange. Afterwards, everyone went back to the suite to prepare to depart to the next location of the leg of the tour.They then bid farewell to Disney World and the surrounding area that they played the concert and they traveled to the next destination. Phil decided to go out for a few belts and he got very grouchy when he had a few too many. He went over to talk to Vivian and I happened to be there. Phil said "You guys are clinging on the end of the rope!!!! The reason you're here is for self gratification!!!! You don't care about anyone but yourself!!!!" Vivian said "Phil, you're drunk go and sleep it off!" Phil says "Who the hell are you to tell me what to do? You're the asscrack in my life!!" I said "Phil!!!! Go and sleep it off!!!! You shouldn't be drinking!!!! It turns you into an asshole!!!" Phil says "An asshole am I? You don't know how much of an asshole I can be!!!! You two aren't leaving this room!!!!!" Vivian says "Phil! Don't be this way!!!! You need to go and sleep it off buddy!" Phil says "I'm not your buddy!!!!!" Vivian says "Come on now. You need to stop this nonsense right now and go to sleep!!!!!" Then I text Ethan and the others and they come running to the hotel room. The manager gives Ethan an extra key and Ethan unlocks the door and walks inside. Ethan sees Phil with a BOTTLE OF HARD LIQUOR and Ethan says "Phil you can't be doing this!!!! Remember all the trouble that this stuff caused in the past?" Phil says "The trouble? OMG! It killed my best buddy Steve!!!!" Phil then dropped to the floor and was sobbing. Ethan then said "That's all right, let it all out, Phil!!! We all love you!!!! In fact, Candace wants you to walk her down the aisle when we get married! Please Phil, we all love you!" Viv pouts. "I'm not gonna walk anyone down the aisle." Then Phil says "I apologize Vivian and Ori. I feel bad about treating you this way. Can you ever accept my apology?" Vivian says "I love you Phil!!!!!!" I then say "Phil, I love you too!!!!! We both accept your apology." I look at Viv and realize he might cry. I say "Vivian...I would be honored if you walk me down the aisle when Kyle and I get married!!!" Vivian smiles and says "I would love to walk you down the aisle!!!!!!! I thought you'd never ask!!!!!!" I reply "Vivian, I can't think of anyone that I would rather have to walk me down the aisle! You've been like a dad to me ever since I joined, helping me with everything, from practicing guitar to pulling pranks on Joe. I love you!!!" All of that issue has been resolved..Phil then went to bed to sleep it off and Vivian left to go to his room and I went to my hotel room. The next morning, Vivian finds a feather and decides to tickle my nose with it and wake me up. I swat at it sleepily, thinking it's part of my dream. But Vivian is persistent, he decides to continue to tickle my nose with a feather.Vivian starts laughing when I keep swatting at it. I wake up and say "Stop that! Vivian says "It's time to get up.....rise and shine..the early bird catches the worm." I say "And that's why the worm is tired like I am!!!!! Let me sleep..I'm tired!!!" Vivian says "Why are you so tired?" I say "Well think about it...all the stuff that's happened the past few days? It starts to wear on a person!" Vivian then says "Okay I'll let you sleep in a little bit. I'll be back to check up on you. Okay? I'll be back in 2 hours." As he leaves, I grab a pillow and whack his ass with it. He says "That pillow really hurt!!!!!! Yeah, right!!!!! It was light like a feather! It was almost like tickling my ass with a feather!" I hit harder. "Owwwwwwwwww!!!!" Viv cries, causing Phil to come out of his room. "What the???" He sees Viv on the ground, laughing uncontrollably. "PILLOW FIGHT!!!!!" He yells, hitting me in the head with a pillow. I whirl around and knock him down. The other three, Rick, Sav and Joe, come out and join us. Soon everyone on our floor's joined in. After the pillow fight, Candace and I went to get ready for our weddings, not knowing that the Lepps have a surprise in store for us. After picking out the dresses, we head to the hotel and go up to our floor. We get there and notice it's decorated with lights and the hallway lights are off. We follow the lights and then the lights come on when we get to the end of the hallway. The guys are standing there. "What's going on?" I wonder. "Ori, Kyle is waiting for you on the plane. Come on!" Viv says excitedly. We head to the plane and get on. "Where are we going?" Kyle smirks. "You'll see." We land in the Bahamas. "Oh my god. Are we...." He nods. "This is where we're getting married." I blush. "I love you Kyle. This is my favorite place in the whole world." Viv asks, "Why?" I laugh a little. "Because I'm with family. As Lilo once said, 'Ohana means family. Family means no one gets left behind or forgotten.' And I'm sure as hell not gonna forget you guys." Ross Halfin, the current Def Leppard photographer, tagged along. He starts taking pictures on the plane. Viv grabs me and starts tickling. "Heyyyyyy. Stop it." Viv doesn't. "Say uncle and I'll stop." I give him 'The Look'. "Uncle!" I laugh. Viv stops tickling me. Me and Vivian get up and say "Well let's get ready for getting over to the exclusive 5 star hotel and get the suite."  We then arrive over at the hotel and get the suite reserved and paid for. The suite had a kitchen and dining room. All the comforts of home. Also a walk in shower that's like a girls/boys locker room. Vivian said "Wow!!!!! the guys are going to love this!!!!!" As Rick passed, people bowed and clapped as they were eager to pay homage to the mighty Thunder God. I walk over to a far corner of the room to sulk because everyone's too busy to notice me. Someone tells me to come over and I quickly emerge out of the corner. Kyle says "Nobody puts baby in the corner!" As he says that, the most iconic song from the 80s movie Dirty Dancing, 'Time of My Life', comes on the speakers. "I feel like this was planned..." I look at Vivian. Vivian says "Maybe? Well maybe it's just a coincidence? But then one never knows. But it does seem like it was planned, doesn't it?" The song ends and I look at Kyle. He pulls me into a tight hug. I whisper in Kyle's ear, "Listen they're playing our song." Meanwhile, Rick was just settling in, in his room in the suite..he heard a weird noise coming from the dining room. He said "Guys, I'm in here!" There was no response. He left his room and went to where the sound was coming from. He was startled when he entered the dining room...for before him stood a full bodied apparition of his former bandmate Steve Clark! Steve's spirit said "I never left you and the guys, Rick, I'm with you at every concert, every venue, and every moment that you have time off." Phil walks in with a cup of tea in his hand he's shocked to see Steve's spirit and he spills his cup of tea. He then says "STEVE!!!!!! I miss you!!!!! It's never been the same since you passed away!!!!!" Steve then said "Phil, I never left you...I'm always with you at every moment!!!!! Now since Vivian is with you guys, I'm right next to him at every moment, every concert. Every time Vivian comes up with new ideas for guitar solos and stuff, that's me whispering in his ear. So I'm always here!!!!! And I love you all!!!!!!! I love the newest Lepps too!!!! Ori and Candace, I approve of them, they've boosted your popularity and morale. So I will be popping in every once in a while to say hello and see how things are going." Just then Joe and Sav walked in with their mouths open wide. They both said in unison "STEVE!!!!!" I look at Viv. "Seriously? You've been listening to a GHOST the whole time?" Vivian says "I didn't think that you would believe me!!!!!! Steve's been visiting me periodically and I didn't say anything because I didn't think that you guys would believe me if I told you that Steve's been visiting me!!!!" Steve then starts showing himself to the other guys and says "Believe...Believe that I'm still with you all the time and that I love you all!!" When I see him, I'm startled at first and a bit creeped out, but Kyle settles me down. Steve says "Ori, I'm Steve Clark!!! I love you and the others and I would never do anything to hurt you!" I smile and tell him, "I love you,Steve!!! You're very much loved and missed!!! I know that you would never do anything to hurt me or anyone else!!! I look up to you as much as I do with Vivian or Phil." I look at Phil and realize he's tearing up at what I said. Phil says "Steve are we still the terror twins?" Steve says "We never stopped being the terror twins, Phil. So the ones in charge of the guitars are you, Vivian, Ori, and me!!!! We'll rock this planet and the universe and the sound will be heard all over!!!" Steve then turns and asks Rick, "What is it like to be known as The Thunder God? People love you and pay homage to you!" Me, Kyle, Candace, Ethan, Phil, Viv, Sav and Joe all bow down to Rick. Rick says "I feel honored!!! I love all of my fans..well let me rephrase that..I love our fans!!!" The fans all say, "We love you, Rick. We love you too, Steve, we've never stopped loving you or missing you! Ori, Ori, Ori..." I'm surprised and I take it as a compliment! I tell them, "Thank you all!! I love you all too!" A little girl named Hailey came up to me. She's holding something in her hands. "Hi. My name's Hailey." I get on my knees in order to talk to her. "Hi Hailey. Is that for me?" She hands me a doll that looks like me. "I love it Hailey!" She gives me a big hug and Ross AND Rick both take pictures. Hailey then says "Over there they're selling Lepp dolls!" I look and there's a sign that says Meet Barbie's new friends from the Band Def Leppard!!!! My doll has a guitar, an amp and a microphone. I go buy each of the others' dolls. I pass them out. I give Ethan his and he's like "Where did you get this from?" I point to the sign. Each doll comes with a different Def Leppard cover iron on patch. The guys autograph the boxes of their dolls. When we do the meet and greet, everyone gets a doll of their favorite member. Vivian says "Why isn't my doll giving the finger?" Joe says "Well mine should also do that too!" Phil says "There should also be a workout dvd with my doll because I think everyone should take care of themselves." Sav says "Yeah, well there should be a offer with my doll about a voucher of 6 weeks of guitar to play the bass guitar!" Rick then said "Wait a minute. What about a voucher on a meditation class that comes with my doll?" I catch Candace handing out books on how to write poetry. My doll comes with an offer for free guitar lessons from me. A group of girls sees Ethan and freaks out. The one in the front whispers to her friend that she thinks he's yummy looking. He smiles and says "Alright girls, I'll have you know I'm already spoken for. But I'll take your screams as a compliment!" A group of guys looks at me. Then I ask them "What are you looking at?" They say "Well, we're glad that you bought the dolls and suggested giving them out with the meet and greet packages!" Viv sneaks up on me and gives me a big hug and a kiss. I smile because I love him. Sav says "I'm next...I'll give her a hug and kiss too!!!" I laugh. "Guys, I have a wedding to get ready for." Viv lets go of me. "Go. We'll see you there." I go back to the hotel and gather up my stuff to go to the location that me and Kyle chose for the nuptials. Phil head over to the hotel to get cleaned up and dressed for the ceremony and while he's showering he hears a noise and says guys i'm in here showering...he listens and then he gets out of the shower and puts his robe on after towel drying. He walks out of the shower and passes by a mirror and he happens to look and sees the word 'hi, buddy, from Steve' on the mirror. The mirror was steamed up and you could clearly see the words and the fingerprints. He then said "Steve! Are you still here? I'm getting really for Ori and Kyle's wedding." Just then the TV turned on and Steve said, "Phil, I'm right behind you." Phil turns around and looks and sees him standing there. He's startled. He says, "Steve, you scared me. I wasn't expecting you to show up! "Steve says "Well we're the terror twins. We never stopped being the terror twins!!!! I'll be attending the wedding too!" Phil says "How? I mean are other people going to see you or where are you going to be?" Phil and Steve leave for the wedding as they enter the building where the wedding's to be held, Sav sees Steve and stands there with his mouth wide open as if his bottom jaw hits the floor. Joe looks and drops his cup of tea. Rick says "Am I seeing what I'm seeing? I'm not imagining things am I?" Ethan walks in....He says I can't believe it!!!! Candace is there and says "Come on Ethan. You're also Irish and you've heard about leprechauns and stuff. What's not to believe?" Vivian walks in and he sees Steve.....Vivian says "Well everyone's here as far as the band members. Glad to have you back Steve!!" Everything gets under way with everyone where they're supposed to be at. I come down the aisle with vivian walking me down the aisle. Kyle is standing there with Sav and Phil and Joe as the groomsmen. Steve is standing right next to them. Steve is dressed in white. He's wearing a  BRILLIANTLY WHITE TUX. Rick is the best man. Seeing Steve takes everyone's breath away. I tear up and say "This is truly wonderful. Having everyone at my wedding and Steve being here!!!!!!! What more can I ask for?" Steve smiles and his teeth shine. They are the whitest of white. When Steve smiles at me, I blush. The ceremony continues and and the guys play Love Bites afterwards. Steve then says, "I get to have the first dance!" Viv insists on dancing with me after Steve. Vivian then says, "Please? I have to be next to dance with Ori!" After dancing with Steve, I grab Viv's hand and the song "Love" off 'Songs from the Sparkle Lounge' plays as we dance. After that, I dance with my brother Ethan and then Kyle. After that me and Kyle guide everyone towards the wedding cake, which is totally awesome! It has me, holding a guitar, and Kyle on top. Viv is climbing the side, trying to steal my guitar. Vivian laughs thinking it's hilarious. He says "There should've been a leprechaun with his pot of gold on the other side!!" The leprechaun winks and as if to say, "You think so huh? Whoever gets to her first. Whether it's me with my pot of gold or you trying to make off with her guitar. It's a competition." Stuart comes in and he see the cake. He notices that a slice is on one of the chairs. Someone forgot their slice of cake on the chair while they left to use the restroom. It was Joe. anyway he comes back and see Stuart chowing down on his rather good size slice of cake....Joe says "Stuart.....stop that!! You'll get sick." And Joe goes to take the cake away and Stuart growls and looks at Joe as if to say "You don't need this big slice of cake!!! You're watching your boyish physique." Vivian says "Alright who gave Stuart cake? He's not supposed to have cake it will give him really bad gas!!! I have to put up with it too. He sleeps with me!!!" I giggle. Vivian then says "Well, Joe he can sleep with you and plague you with his raunchy gas!!!" I say "He's too cute to have raunchy gas!!!!!! He can sleep with us!!!" He then comes to spend the night with me and Kyle. While I'm asleep, Stuart licks my face. I wake up. "What's wrong Stuart?" I ask. Little did I know, but the hotel we're at is haunted. Vivian is in this room where there's a high level of paranormal activity at. There was a murder in that room. A serial killer was in the room and did horrific things in that room. While Vivian tries to sleep, the ghost comes and tried to choke Vivian and Vivian screams "Get away, get away, get away!!!" I hear Viv screaming and run in. I focus on the ghost. I tell the ghost "Leave him alone!!!!!!!" And then I ask Steve for help. Steve shows up and says "What's going on?" The ghost that tried to kill Vivian appears. "Shit." I say aloud. I turn to leave when the ghost grabs me. "You know me. Help me." It says. I talk to him and tell him to leave Vivian alone. Blackbeard says "I know you!!!!" Steve says "How does he know you?" I nervously say "Well, my dad did a family tree...and we found out that we're related to Blackbeard. He's a distant cousin." As soon as I say that, my outfit changes to that of a pirate. Viv gets a little scared. Then I start talking like a pirate. Viv runs. And then I say "Stop!!!! I will not allow Blackbeard to harm you matie!!!!!!" I then say to Blackbeard, "Here's my pretty polly that you stole. I expect him back!!!!!! You have to leave too because you don't belong here. I don't care if you're the captain of the Jolly Roger. I'm demanding that you leave at once and leave my friend alone!!!!!! A friend that is like a brother to me, actually he is family!!!!!!" I'm talking with this British accent and Vivian looks at me shocked. He's never heard me talk like a British person before because I'm American. And then I look at Blackbeard and say "Arrrrr...are you leaving hence my word?"  Then Joe says "Let's just leave here." The security guards and everyone else gets everything and we leave there. I fall asleep on the tour bus and when I wake up, I no longer talk like someone who's British. I ask the guys, "What's all this? Why am I dressed like a pirate?" The guys tell me what happened. and I get scared. Vivian said "Well you didn't act scared when that happened!!!!! You went around saying 'arrrr matie'. Who's pretty polly?" I sigh. Viv then said "And you talked like Joe and the other guys do. You had a British accent." I get nervous. I start. "When I was a kid, I had dreams and visions of past life occurrences and talked to someone about it. My dad did a family tree and we found out that we're related to Blackbeard, the pirate. He's a cousin of mine!!" Vivian says, "You and Ethan are related to Blackbeard the pirate?" I then say "Yup!!!!!" Vivian then scratches his chin and then says, "But Ethan has a Irish accent. How can that be?" I say "Well he spent a lot of time over at Ireland and England." Vivian says "Does Ethan know about being related to Blackbeard the pirate?" I say, "No not yet." Vivian says "Well are you going to tell him?" I say, "well I didn't think that I needed to." Vivian says "Well, Ori he has a right to know his heritage and who he is and who he's related to." I say "Well, I guess that I will tell him when he and Candace get married." Vivian says "Why wait until then? you should tell him right away or very soon and not wait until the wedding." I then say "Okay. But then Candace will be wanting to add our branch of the family to her quite large family tree!!!!" Vivian says "Well that's great isn't it?" I say "Yeah but she's really into that stuff!!!" Later, Viv comes over to where I'm sitting and grabs one of my guitars. He says "So you said I could have this guitar, right?" I say "No!!!!!! I never said that you could have it!!!!!" Vivian says "But Ori, I'm your favorite of all of the guys in the band!!!!!!! I'm your favorite Lepp!!!!" He sticks out his bottom lip and pouts. I say, "Vivian this is my newest guitar. I just got it! I'm not giving it to you!!!! You can have my other guitar." Vivian says "But that one... The strings break easy and it's out of tune. I thought that I meant something to you!. I walked you down the aisle and helped with the arrangements for the wedding and even introduced you to a real leprechaun." I then say Let's go to the guitar shop. I want an identical guitar. Then you can have the one I just got!!!" Then I say under my breath, "Men, they're just like little kids!!" He says "Why do you say that?" I say "Because it's true!! I'm not as much as a kid as you are!" As we head to the guitar shop, Viv says, "Well after we get the shopping done, I'll buy you some ice cream from Dairy Queen okay?" I smile. "Well since you offered, I'm going to take you up on the promise of ice cream!" Vivian and I leave to go to the guitar/music store and look around. He finds the identical guitar to the guitar I already have, so we buy it. Vivian finds this other guitar as well. He says "I'm going to buy this other guitar." It's a clear guitar that has a crystal look to it. Vivian says "Joe would like this!!!!! I'm going to get this for him!!!!!!! It reminds me of that poem that Candace wrote a while back, The Legend Of The Crystal Guitar, so I'm going to buy this for sure. Don't worry, we'll still go for ice cream, okay?" I say "Well, I see what I want to buy for Phil. This really awesome looking guitar here." We both check out both guitars to hear what they sound like and both the crystal looking guitar and the silver mirrored guitar sounded very awesome. Me and Vivian left after we purchased the guitars. We put all 3 guitars in the car, locked it up and then Vivian said "Now for some ice cream!" Stuart barks in agreement. He sits on my lap and gives me kisses and then barks that he wants a taste of my ice cream. Then Vivian gets a small bowl for him of his own ice cream. He eats that and then jumps back on my lap and I say "Awwww...look Vivian he wants more." We keep giving him ice cream. We buy some ice cream to bring back home. Then me and Vivian went and did more shopping. We had a refrigerator in the vehicle and put the ice cream in there. After that you and Vivian went back to the house and brought all our purchases inside. Phil walked in and said "Finally, you're back..what took you so long? Vivian said "Well, we went to buy some things at the guitar shop and then we went for ice cream, afterwards we decided to do more shopping. We got something for you and something for Joe." Stuart got a new dog bed and some rawhide chew toys. Phil was excited. "What did you get for me, what did you get for me!!!" I laugh. "Settle down Phil, help us bring everything else inside, okay?" Phil helped me and Vivian bring everything else in. Then I hand a package over to Phil and he opens it up and says "WOW!!!!!!! I LOVE THIS!!!! Thank you Ori!!!!!" Vivian says "Where's Joe? we got something for him too!!!" Joe walks in and says "Did I just hear my name mentioned?" Vivian says "Yes, you did!!!! We went shopping and got this for you." He hands over a wrapped package to Joe, who opens it up and says "WOW!!!!!! THIS GUITAR looks like the, well it looks like the one that is written about in Candace's poem The Legend Of The Crystal Guitar!!!" Stuart comes in with one of his new toys and drops it at my feet. "You wanna play?" He barks happily. "Come on." Everyone heads outside to play with the gobshite. Viv plays fetch with him. I lay on the grass and Stuart decides to jump on top of me. I say "Stuart you're tickling me!!! Stop it!!" He doesn't listen right away. I'm laughing and say "Stuart stop already!" Joe grabs a squeaky toy and throws it. Stuart bolts after it. Stuart wears Joe out. Joe then relaxes on the couch and Stuart jumps on Joe's tummy and Joe says "No Stuart!!!! Stop it!!!!! Doesn't Stuart ever get tired?" I give Phil a punch in the arm..Phil says "What's that for?" I just say "To see what you would say." He punches me back and I slap him. Then he yells out SISSY FIGHT!!!! I say "What!!!!!!! I'll show you sissy fight!!!!!" I do a karate move and nail him you know where. Phil says "She's dangerous...don't mess with her!! And she got me good too!!!! Ouch!!!" I say "Stop sounding like a baby!!!!!" Phil then says "Now I have to go for an ice pack." Later, Phil shows me how to do this certain riff on the guitar and he keeps getting closer and and our eyes meet and he kisses me. At that time Vivian and Rick walk in and they both happen to have their smart phones and they snap a photo of you and Phil kissing and post it. Me and Phil turn and look and say "You guys!!!!!! You just wait we'll get you back when you least expect it!!!!" A few hours later during rehearsal, Rick is on his drums and Vivian on his guitar. They're playing and then Vivian goes by Rick and says "How does this sound?" and he reaches over and touches Rick on the shoulder and leans over and kisses him. Phil sees it and snaps a photo on his smartphone. I walk in and see it and snap another photo of the kiss. I then say "We told you that we would get back at you when you least expect it!!!" Phil says "Rick and Vivian took a photo of Ori and me kissing and posted it. We just got back at them!!!! We warned them that we would get them back when they least expected it!" Just then Candace walks in and says "What's going on?" Phil then tells her what happened and how we got back at Rick and Vivian. I come over and show Candace the pic of them kissing. She laughs. They say "It just happened. It was an accident." Candace replies "You mean you didn't mean the kiss? It sure looked like you meant it to me!!!" Rick cries and says "Well, I feel that you don't love me Vivian. We both have something in common. We have gone through situations in our lives, and well actually I did mean that kiss when I think about it." He says, "I'm sorry Rick, I do love you. I didn't mean to act like the kiss meant nothing." He then turns around and says to me and Phil, "Does the kiss that you two shared mean something to you?" Me and Phil look at each other and say "We didn't think of it that way, but when you do think about it, yes the kiss does mean something." Candace says "Well we're all family and friends here and we do all love each other." I glance at Joe and Sav and notice they're kissing. A little later, Viv and I cuddle. I fall asleep on him and Stuart joins us. Joe walks in and snaps a photo of me, Vivian, and Stuart sleeping on his smartphone. He then says "Awwww..this really warms a person's heart!!!" Phil says "Awww yes, this is beautiful!!!!!" He then turns and kisses Joe and says "You're my brother and I love you!!!!" Rick walks in with tears in his eyes. He says "What about me? doesn't anyone love me?" I wake up and go to see who's crying and then I say "Awwww, Rick. We all love you!!!!" Then I hug him and give him a kiss. Candace walks in and says "Who loves me?" and Ethan says "You already know the answer!!!!!" He grabs Candace and says "Come here!" He gives her this big kiss. She then says "Whoa!!!!! This isn't lovers lane let's take it out the door!" I sulk over to a corner and cry. Vivian comes over and says What's wrong?" I say, "No one told me that they love me!!!! I mean really love me with no questions asked." Vivian says "Ori, I really do love you and I'm not just saying that! I mean it!" I say "Awwww, Vivian I love you very much and what you just told me warms my heart and yes, I'm crying, but they're tears of joy!" Stuart hears me crying and comes over gives me kisses. Vivian says "See, Stuart loves you very much too!!!" I say "Awwww I love you Stuart!!!!!" He continues to give me kisses. Stuart gives Vivian kisses and Vivian says "Awwww. Good boy Stuart." Joe walks over and Stuart starts kissing him and he says "I love you too Stuart." Then Stuart goes over to Rick and starts licking his foot. Rick laughs and says "Stuart I love you too but your kisses are tickling my foot!!!" Sav says "HAH! So you are ticklish in your feet!!!! The truth comes out!!!! After all these years!!" Rick says "Yeah I tried to hide the fact that my feet are ticklish and Stuart made it known to everyone!" Joe laughs and says "Now, you have to deal with people tickling your feet!!!!!" Vivian says to Stuart, "Good job!!!!!!! Here's a special treat for you!!" I sneak over to Rick and begin tickling him. Rick laughs and says "Stop!!!!! I'm really ticklish!!!!!!" And he can't stop laughing. Stuart comes over and helps me tickle Rick. Rick says "No fair. Two against one." Phil records Rick's laughing and plays it back. Rick says "Yo, you're going to remind me that my feet are ticklish, aren't you?" Stuart starts tickling Phil, and the rest of us follow. I sneak off into Vivian's room and grab one of his favorite shirts and put it on. I'm followed by Stuart and I put 2 pairs of Vivian's shoes on Stuart. Vivian looks up and notices I'm not there. So he walks out of the room and goes into his room. He sees me and stuart. Me with his shirt on and Stuart with 2 pairs of his shoes. He starts laughing. He says "I have to take a photo of this!!!!!! This is hilarious!!!!!!!!" The other guys hear the laughter and go to see what's so funny. They see me and Stuart and laugh. Phil laughs so hard that he can't stop laughing. He laughed so hard that he got a side ache. Phil said "I have to stop. My stomach hurts. But the laughter is worth it!!!" Phil then goes into the other room after he's done laughing. Stuart follows Phil into the other room and brings his squeaky toy so Phil could play with him. Phil says "Stuart, what do you want? You want me to play with you? I see you brought your squeaky toy." Stuart drops it at Phil's feet and barks. Phil picks up Stuart's squeaky toy and tosses it and Stuart runs to get it and brings it back. I walk in and see Phil and stuart playing with the squeaky toy. Stuart goes ballistic when he sees me with his rope toy. Stuart starts barking with excitement and comes to me and plays with it. He jumps when he sees  shaking the toy. Stuart jumps to rip the rope toy out of my hand. Stuart accidentally bites me when he grabs his toy. Viv hears me scream. I then say, "He bit me!!!! Stuart bit me!!!! He was wanting his rope toy and he grabbed it out of my hand and he bit me!!!" Vivian comes over and looks at your hand to see if it's okay, and how bad the bite is. He then goes to get something to clean it off and looks. It isn't that bad. He then says "Well we should go to the clinic to make sure you're okay and I'll call the vet to make sure that Stuart's up on his shots." I have tears in my eyes. Vivian says "Stuart didn't mean to hurt you. He loves you." Stuart comes over to give me kisses and Vivian says "See? Stuart didn't mean to hurt you, he's sorry and he loves you!!!" Rick hears me crying. He comes in saying, "What's wrong?" I tell him. He says awwww and he hugs me tight. I say "I feel sad and I need a lot of hugs." Everyone hugs me. Even Stuart joins in. He gives me kisses. Vivian says "Stuart loves you very much!!!" I joke, "No, he hates me." Vivian says "Oh no, Stuart loves you!!!" Stuart sits on my lap and gives me more kisses. Vivian said "See he loves you Ori!!!" Early the next day, Stuart licks my hand to wake me up for the dog park. I then tell Stuart, "Tomorrow, Stuart, I want to sleep. It's time to sleep." But he's insistent because he keeps giving me kisses. " Please stuart..I want to sleep!" I say. But he finally wakes me up by sitting by my face. Then...he farts. I open my eyes and say "Stuart!!!!! I wasn't prepared to see your butt first thing I see upon waking up!!!" He licks me as if to say I'm sorry. I rub his head. "Okay Stuart I accept your apology for putting your butt by my face and farting." I tell Vivian at the breakfast table that Stuart put his butt by my face and farted. Vivian couldn't drink his tea. He laughed and told the others. Rick thought it was hilarious!!! I say "Well wait until he does that to you!!!!! You won't think it's so funny!!!!" But I kinda think it's funny too. Joe says "Well, he's never done that to me!!!" Phil says "Well there will be a time that Stuart will do that to you!!!! Don't say that it will never happen!" Sav laughs and says "I can hardly wait until that happens!" I sass Sav. "He could do it to you to Savage." Sav says "It hasn't happened yet and it probably won't because stuart only farts at girls!" Joe laughs. I say "It doesn't matter. He'll fart at you guys one of these days. Mark my words!!!!! It will happen!!!" Stuart sits next to Rick. He does the most raunchy fart. Rick says "Who farted?" I point to stuart and Rick looks and says Stuart? Did you fart?" Vivian laughs and says "There's your answer Rick!" I say, "Now what were you say Rick? That Stuart would never fart around you because you give him organic dog treats?" Rick says "I guess Stuart proved me wrong. I thought the healthy food would make people and pets less likely to fart!!!! I guess that I was wrong!!! Awww Stuart I still love you even though you farted!!! There's no way that I would stop loving you!!" I look over and Stuart looks like he's happy Rick loves him. He lays on Rick's foot and licks it. Just then, there was a knock on the door. I go and answer the door and it's Samantha, Phil's daughter. Phil walks in and and she squeals with delight "Daddy, daddy, daddy!!!!" She jumps into Phil's arms and says "I love you Daddy and I missed you!" Stuart hears her and comes running in, tail wagging like crazy. He starts giving her kisses. Samantha laughs and says "I love you too Stuart!!!!" Samantha said You must be Ori, My dad told me all about you, there's you and someone else that's new. New Lepps." I say, "I hope there's been nothing but all good said about me!" Samantha said, "Ori what happened to your hand?" I say "I was playing with Stuart and his toy and he jumped and grabbed the toy and accidentally bit me." Stuart hears his name and runs up to give me kisses. I hug him and say "Oh Stuart, I love you!" Stuart barks out, "I love you!" Vivian says "Wow!!!! That's really cool!!!!" Vivian says to Stuart "Now say I Love You!!"Stuart goes over and pees on Viv's foot. Vivian says "Some friend you are Stuart!!!!!!! I get you chewy toys and stuff and what do you do? You pee on my foot!!!!!" We laugh. Vivian says, "Ori you got him well trained!!!!! He says I Love You to you and gives you kisses. What does he do to me but pees on my foot!!" Stuart then comes to me and lays on me in preparation for a nap. I then tell stuart I love you and he gives me kisses. When Viv realizes Stuart loves me more, he gets a little annoyed. Vivian say says "Yeah, right!!!!! He pays more attention to her and not to me!" Vivian then lies down for a nap. Stuart walks up to him and bites his big toe. Vivian wakes up suddenly and says "OUCH!!!!!!!!! DAMN IT STUART!!!!!!! YOU LITTLE SHIT!!!!!!! THAT HURTS!!!!!!!" Stuart stops. He then whimpers and barks softly as if to say I'm sorry. Vivian say, "Awwww I forgive you, how could I not, I Love you Stuart!!!!" Stuart barks and jumps on Vivian and gives him kisses. He barks again and says to Vivian "I LOVE YOU!!!!!!" Vivian says "STUART!!!!!!! YOU SAID IT!!!!! YOU SAID IT!" Vivian goes out of the room saying "HE SAID IT!!! HE SAID IT!!!!!!!!! STUART SAID HE LOVES ME!!!!!" Stuart runs over to Sav and barks "I LOVE YOU!!!!!" Sav says with excitement, "HE SAID HE LOVES ME TOO!!!!!" Vivian walks over and and says "Wow!!!!" Stuart barks and it sounds like he's saying friend. "Who's your friend?" I ask. Stuart barks again and it sounds like he's saying "Ori!" Vivian says, "He doesn't bark my name!!!!! That's not fair!!!!!" The other guys say, "Yeah it's not fair!!!!" We go out to dinner that night. I look across the room. "Wow!!!! "Sweet!!! It's Patrick Swayze!!!" Sav looks at me and says "No way." I say "I'm not kidding!!! It's Patrick Swayze!!!!" Vivian says "You know ,guys Ori isn't kidding!!! I met up with him in the men's room. He Is Patrick Swayze!!!" I say "And you didn't tell me!!! How dare you? You could've told the others that before they started dismissing what I saw, rather who I saw!!!" I say "Mr. Swayze, could I have your autograph?" He replies, "Sure..But please call me Patrick!!!" After he signs my shirt I then say "Patrick could you please dance with me to the theme song to your movie Dirty Dancing?" As we dance, Viv videotapes it. The whole cast is there and then the actress Jennifer Grey, who acts as Baby, dances with Patrick for a few minutes. Then she dances with Vivian. I see him kiss her and say "What are you doing Vivian?" Vivian says "It was an accident! It just happened!!" Patrick kisses my cheek. He then says "I invite you all to my condo by the sea next week!!!" I start freaking out. Vivian says "Calm down!!! I know that you're excited but try to calm down!!!" I say "Calm down!!! How can I do that when Patrick Swayze just invited us all to his condo and to do a concert for him at his condo?" The guys and everyone in the Def Leppard family go. Patrick asks us in the band to do a concert at his condo!!!! Candace says "Wow!!! This is very exciting!!! I'm so looking forward to this!!!!" We are all counting the days til we all travel over to Patrick Swayze's condo I keep asking "How long is it now?" Vivian says "The same amount of time since you last asked!!!"

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