Right Here Waiting

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I go up to the stage, completely forgetting I have my favorite Sheila E t-shirt on. By the way, Viv and I have front row seats with VIP AND Meet and Greet! "You're Ori, right?" Sheila asks me. "Yeah. Last time I checked, I am." I laugh. She notices I brought my drumsticks and says, "Wanna try playing drums?" I look at Viv and he nods. "Sure, " I smile and jump behind her kit. Richard looks back at me. "Ready Ori? Here we go!" We break out into his mega-hit 'Don't Mean Nothing', which also just so happens to be my favorite Richard Marx song, aside from his ballad 'Right Here Waiting'. Viv's filming my jam with the band. A few hours later, it's showtime. Viv and I are having fun when Richard says, "This next song is for two of my best friends. You'll see them later. Viv, Ori, this one's for you guys. I love you." The band plays 'Right Here Waiting' and Viv and I start to dance. "I'm glad you brought me here baby. I love you." After a few more songs, one of the security guys comes to get me and I know it's my time to shine. I stand on the side with all the other guests, Viv, Kip Winger, and my crazy uncle Joey. "Please welcome Viv and Ori Campbell, Kip Winger, and Joey Tempest of Europe!!" I run behind my drumkit and throw a couple sticks at Joey to get his attention. He turns and flips me off. I laugh and so does everyone else. We play Don't Mean Nothing and then I chuck a whole bunch more drumsticks at Joey to piss him off. He says "Ori!! Was that necessary for you to do that?" I laugh "What bug is up your ass?" Stuart runs up to Joey and bites his hand hard!! Joey screams, "You little SHIT!!!!" Stuart runs over to me whimpering. I pick him up. "It's okay Stuart buddy." Joey has to go get stitches. Stuart and I tag along. As Joey's getting the stitches, Stuart distracts him by licking his face and being cute. Joey laughs and soon they're done with the stitches, we head to the hotel and get attacked with food. "FOOD FIGHT!!!!" Viv screams. I grab eggs and launch them at Sav. He says "Why did you do that?" I laugh, "Cuz I felt like it!!" Sav says "Well that wasn't very nice!" I point at Viv. "He started it!!!!" Viv says "What? Me? Why would I start it when I'm loveable!!!" I laugh "Yeah right! You don't come off as being innocent!!!!" Viv says "Well I am!!" I say "Yeah right!!!"

Later, a package of chocolates is delivered to me from a secret admirer. It says that he's got a fan club set up for me and him and some other members want to meet me. I start to leave and Viv warns me about going alone. I leave and when the fan sees me, he grabs me and ties me to a chair. He starts sending a video stream to Viv, Sav, Rick, Phil and Joe. The guys call on Lawrence Gowan, Tommy Shaw and James Young of Styx to save me. We go hang out and when Tommy's not looking, I take all his guitars. He says "Why did you take my guitars?" I laugh, "I wanted to annoy the hell out of you!" Larry grabs me and starts tickling me. We all head on the cruise ship and I see KISS, Kip Winger, Joey and Europe and so many other rockstars. Me, Tommy and Jeff Keith of Tesla set up a booby trap in Joe's cabin so when he opens the door, a bucket of sugar falls on his head and 'Pour Some Sugar on Me' plays loudly. We put a hidden camera in his room and leave quietly. Joe goes into his room and gets sugar dumped on him. He laughs and says "Alright, who set up this genius incident?" Me, Tommy and Jeff raise our hands guiltily. Joe thinks it's hilarious and says "Did you film this?" I smile. "Yeah. I'm gonna put it on YouTube soon." I go to my computer and upload the video. I title it 'Pour(ed) Some Sugar on Joe'. It goes viral and everyone loves it. Joe says "Ori why did you do that? I got sugar down my shirt and also down my pants!!! Now I have to take a shower!!!" Candace laughs and says "So you have sugar coated hot cross buns!!!!!" Viv sneaks up on Sav and dumps A TON of sugar on him. Sav says "Viv!!!!!!! look what you did!!!!!! I have to wash my hair now....and you used up all of the shampoo!!!" I walk up and say "Sav calm down You can use some of my shampoo and conditioner. It's great even though it suave brand. Here, I'll even help you wash your hair in the sink, okay?" We go to the sink Sav takes off his shirt and I run the warm water and Sav puts his head under the faucet and I was his hair 3 times and the put the conditioner on and then rinse that out and put the towel around his head. Rick sees that and laughs and says Sav where's your crystal ball?" Sav says "Huh?" Rick says "Well you look like one of those fortune tellers!" I had a balloon and gave it to him and Sav pretended that it was a crystal ball! Later, I put on my Rapunzel outfit and Sav kidnaps me. He locks me up in a room far away from everyone else and says "I want to see what Viv does." I sass back "Why are you being a shit Sav?"


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