Adult Teens

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Rick sees Lauren and goes to talk to her. With every word, Lauren falls more in love. Me and Viv are holding hands and staring into each other's eyes. Then we start to kiss slowly. Stuart says "I thought we were going together!!!!!! And fricken Vivian spoiled it!!!!! Shit!!!!!" Viv says "Well, I saw her first!!!!" Stuart says "You're a liar!!!! She's with me!!!!!! And will always be with me!!!!!" Joe looks at Viv and Stuart and says "Calm down. You both can like her!!!" Stuart says "Joe I love Ori!!!!!!" Vivian says "So do I!!!!" Candace looks over at the argument and walks away saying "I'm sort of glad that there's no one fighting over me!!!!!" Joe says "Candace!!!!! What do you mean by that?" Ethan then says "Yeah, Candace explain yourself!!!!" Candace says "Well...I like both you and Joe!!!!!" Joe says "Well you're my woman!!!!!" She says "Well I don't see a ball and chain around my ankle!!!!! I also like Ethan!!!!! I've been seeing him too!!!" Joe says "When have you been seeing Ethan too!!!!!" She says "When I haven't seen you!!" Joe says "Well who do you like better? Me or him?" She says "I like you both!" Joe says "Well!!!!!! I've never felt so darn used!!! You're acting like a guy dating two guys at the same time!!! A guy usually plays the field when a guy has two women they're stringing along. Candace, you know that we're great together and some of the stuff we've done ..well it's indescribable!!!!" Ethan says "Candace, you've been doing Joe? How could you?" She says "Well....I couldn't help myself..Joes like a delectable confection...yummy all the way!!!!! But I also like you Ethan..we've had some wonderful moments too!!" Sav says "Candace, tell us all about your moments with both Joe and Ethan enquiring minds want to know!!!" Joe looks at her as is if to say "They don't need to know about our times together and what we've done!!!!" Ethan says "What goes on between us is our business!!! Well...I'm going into the decide who you want!!!!!!!! But remember ..I'm not going to be waiting around forever!!!!!! I really thought we had something, Candace!!!!!!" He left crying. Candace says "Shit!!!!! I don't know what to do..or who I want.....I like both Joe and Ethan..why can't I have both!!!" She talks to Joe and tells him "I really do like you but for some heart is tied to Ethan!!!! I hope that we can still be friends Joe." I tell her that I'm disappointed that she hurt my brother Ethan. She says "Well I didn't mean for it to just did." Joe says "Yes. We can still be friends Candace, but remember if it doesn't work out between you and Ethan, I'll be around." She hugs Joe and says "Thank you Joe!!! For continuing to be my friend!!!!" She then tells me that she decided that she wanted my brother Ethan more. Her heart is tied to him!!! She goes into the other room and talks to Ethan and apologizes to him. They start kissing and then they lock the door. They start doing adult things. Viv says "You have to choose between me or Stuart. You can't have both!!" I say "Well can't we be friends Viv? I love Stuart, but I love you too Viv. " Viv says "You can't be playing with my heart babe, you either love me as a woman would love a man or you don't." I say "Viv, I do love you but I also love Stuart. Why can't I have you both?" Viv says "It's not possible to want to have 2 men at the same time in a relationship with adult features, someone ends up getting hurt!!! Look at Joe, Candace and Ethan. Candace was forced to choose and I know that Joe carries a torch for Candace. I can see it in his eyes when he talks to her." I run out, crying and heartbroken. Viv chases after me. I tell him "Bite me and fuck off!" Vivian says "Ori, I love you and as a man I can't withhold how I feel! Does Stuart love you as much as I do? Would he go from one end of the Earth to another proclaiming his love for you? Well does he? I love you, Ori." Vivian even writes a song for me. He calls it Ori Girl. He writes it and the band plays my song. When they play, it leaves me speechless. Then I say "I love my song!!!!!" Viv comes over to me and starts singing to me. Joe winks at me and gives me a look of approval!  I'm enjoying the song that Vivian wrote for me and Joe smiles while he's helping Viv sing my song. Stuart gets mad, so he pouts in a corner. He sticks his bottom lip out and acts like he's going to cry. He sits there, pouts and gives everyone a dirty look! Then he gets up and walks out of the room. He kicks over the garbage can and it makes a loud noise. Then he picks it up and throws it! He leaves and slams the the door and it breaks the window. Phil says "Wow!!!!! He's like a tornado when he get's pissed off!!" Viv says "I didn't know that Stuart would get that pissed off!!!!" Stuart comes back and says "Fuck everything and everyone here!!!!!! All of you are assholes and I'm leaving!!!!" I fall to the floor and start crying hysterically. Stuart then comes back and apologizes. Stuart says "I do love you too Ori and I can't stop loving you! But if you want Vivian, I love you enough to let you go." I start to cry. Vivian comes over to comfort me and we both go into the other room and lock the door. To help me calm down, Vivian cuddles me and comforts me! Joe knocks on the door and says "Are you guys all right in there?" He hears movement in the room. He starts laughing and says "Vivian you sly old fox!!!!!!" Joe goes back and tells everyone what me and Viv are doing. Everyone smiles but Stuart. Stuart comes back and says he still loves me and that we can remain friends. The guys notice a change in Stuart's attitude since he dumped me. They're wondering why he's like he is. He said that he still loves me and he's willing to let me go and still be friends. They're wondering why he's behaving like that. The guys look all over until they find the right person for him so he can be happy. They do find the right woman for Stuart. Well, Phil does. He brings Chelsea back to Stuart. They go and invite Chelsea to come over and have dinner with us. Stuart sees Chelsea and goes a little nuts. In fact Chelsea and Stuart go to Paris for a few days!!! He calls me and everyone else from Paris and says He wants everyone there to see him and Chelsea get married!! Chelsea asks me to be maid of honor and Viv is the best man. All the guys are groomsmen and the other women are bridesmaids. Viv makes faces, causing me to laugh. When Chelsea throws the bouquet, I catch it!!!!! And Viv says "We're next!!!!!!!" And I say "Vivian, you haven't even asked me yet!!! How can we be next when you haven't even asked me!!!!"  Viv says "Oh yeah..that's right!!!! Ori..will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" I'm like "Vivian!!!!!!! Yes!!!!!!! I will be your wife!!!!!!!!! I love you!!!!" Joe says "I knew it!!!!!!!! I knew that they would some day get together." Sav asks, "Um how?" He said "I had a dream that Steve told me." Steve told him that me and Viv will remain close to Stuart and Chelsea and the twin boys. He says that there's a girl that will make herself know shortly in me and Viv's life. 

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