Part of the Crüe

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Later, me and Viv are getting ready for the barbeque when we hear Phil freak out on someone. We look at each other. We go over and see Phil holler at Mick for stealing his guitars. Phil says "I'll report you for theft!!!" Mick says "Phil I didn't steal them!!!! You put them somewhere and forgot where you put them!! You're being an ass anyway!!!" Joe walks over and says "What's going on here?" Mick says "Phil is accusing me of stealing his guitars!!!!! I never touched them!!! He probably put them somewhere and forgot where he put them!!" Mick walks out of the room saying "Geez, what a grouch!!!!" Then Mick leaves and Phil gives him the finger and says "What an ass!" Viv walks in and says "What's Mick so upset about?" Phil says "He shouldn't be upset. I'm the one that's upset!!!!! He stole all my guitars!!!!" Viv says "Hmmmmm. You know Phil, you shouldn't go around accusing other people unless you have all of the facts!! And I did see a couple guitars in the bathroom, and in the shower room, in the garage and a couple outside!!!!" Phil looks puzzled and says "I never put my guitars in those locations!!!!" When Phil says that, Viv starts to laugh!!! Phil then says "You!!!! You hid my guitars, didn't you?" Viv says "Now Phil what made you think that?" Phil says because "You started laughing and you have a weird sense of humor and you would do that!!!" Viv looks at me and says "Ori, would I really do something like that with Phil's guitars?" I say "No!!! Viv you wouldn't but in a way it's funny!!! The expression on your face Phil is hilarious!!!" Everyone starts laughing for no reason. Ethan walks in and says "What's so funny?" Joe tells Ethan about Phil's missing guitars and that he thought Mick took them and Viv says he saw Phil's guitars at undisclosed areas. Phil thinks that Viv did that because Viv's weird sense of humor!! Candace walks in laughing!!! She says "I really had everyone going..didn't I?" Phil says "Huh?" Candace says "Yeah!!!!! I'm the one who took your guitars and hid them!!!! I wanted to see what your reaction would be!!!" Phil says "Ethan!!! you need to deal with your woman!!!!" Ethan laughs and said "I'm just as guilty!!!" Then I sneak up on Viv with a bag of sugar. I dump it on him. "Heyyyyyy." He dumps sugar on me. "I love you Viv." I go take a nap and Mick draws a mustache on me. IN SHARPIE. He was about ready to draw a goatee on me and I wake up and say "What the hell!!! Mick what the hell are you doing?" I get up and go and look in the mirror and say "Mick!!! You asshole!!! What am I going to do? This doesn't come off right away!!!! And the show is tomorrow!!! What were you thinking? Are you sitting on your brains?" Sav walks in and hears me hollering at Mick. Sav looks at me and starts laughing. I say "Sav. It isn't funny!!!" The others walk in. Joe has a cup of tea. He looks at me and drops his cup of tea. I say "It isn't funny, you guys!!! How am I supposed to get this off? The show's tomorrow!!!!" Viv looks and smiles. I say "Viv! Not you too!!!" He says "But you look cute with a mustache!" I say "No I don't!!! I look ridiculous!!!" I start crying and say "How am I going to get this off? Mick!!! You need to figure what would take this off since you're the idiot that did this!!!" We research it to find out what takes it off. We end up going online. I put sunscreen on his chest when he was getting a tan and he fell asleep. I put on his chest 'I Love Squidward Testicles!!!' Rick and Phil think it's hilarious!!! And they both snap photos and text them to Joe! And also I draw a unibrow on Mick!!! Joe walks in and he can't stop laughing!!! He points to Mick's unibrow! And Joe can't drink his cup of tea!!! And put a shower cap on Mick too!!! Ethan walks in..He starts busting a gut so hard that he pees his pants. He has to go and get cleaned up and then he returns and says "OMG!!! That's simply hilarious!!!" Ethan says who did that?" I say "I did!! To get back at Mick for what he did to me!!!" Ethan said "Everything? You did?" I smile, " Yeah..sure did!!!" Ethan says "You're a stinker!!!! But I love you anyway!!!!! You're hilarious!!!" I start laughing. I say "But the best part is what I put on Mick's chest!!!!! Not to mention the unibrow!!! That's funny too!! I'm just sitting here busting a gut!!!" Mick says "What am I supposed to do with this on my chest and that unibrow? The audience will be laughing their asses off!!" Candace walks in, looks and asks Joe "When did Burt show up here? And where's Ernie?" She looks at Mick again and sees what's on his chest. She's laughing so hard that she's on the floor laughing and can't get up!!!! Ethan helps her up and she falls into his arms and she's still laughing. Mick says "You guys! This isn't funny!!! This is serious!!!!!" I say "Yeah..seriously funny!!!!!" Mick goes to see what he can do to remove the unibrow part. He thinks that it's extra hair that I glued on there and he tries to shave it off and he messes up and shaves half his eyebrows off!!! He comes out and Joe looks and he's also on the floor laughing!!!! Rick looks and he spits out his tea and laughs so hard that he gets a side ache. Candace tries to fix them and he looks like Animal from the muppet show!! Joe and Sav are just laughing when he comes out and they see what I tried doing. Joe then says "Let me try. Okay Mick?" Mick says "Joe you better not draw some funky eyebrows on me!!" Joe asks "Hey you have any eyebrow pencil or coloring." She says "Yeah..I do but I have light brown or blonde. Wait I do have a black eyebrow pencil that I got for halloween when I dressed up as a witch one year." She goes and gets it and hands the black eyebrow pencil to Joe. Joe works on Mick's eyebrows. Joe get Mick's eyebrows done and then he tells Mick "Look at me ..I want to see how they look." Micks looks at Joe and Joe says "Okay...good! Now you can look in the mirror and see for yourself." Mick goes into the bathroom and looks and comes back. He says "Thanks Joe!!! I'll never do that again!!! I won't shave them off again!! If someone does another unibrow on me I'll ask for help to get it off!!" Rick says "Just wear a shirt Mick!!!" Mick says "But I like going without a shirt like Phil does!!" Rick says "Well you'll have to until that goes away!!" Rick's still laughing too..and he says "This is just too hilarious!!!!"We all are sitting down to dinner and and I look at MIck and just bust a gut...I say "I can't stop laughing at what went down earlier!!!!" Then everyone started laughing. Mick got annoyed and said "It's not funny!!!!!" And got up and went into the other room with his plate of food. Candace said "Geez..what a grouch!!!!! I should've given him Oscar the grouch eyebrows!!!!!" Rick spit out his beverage and started laughing.

The next day, I'm kidding around with Rick, so I grab his drum stick and won't give it back! He gets mad and stomps his feet. Rick hollers too and then he starts kicking his feet! He starts swearing too. He says "Shit!!! Give me back my drumstick!" I turn and look at him and he's turned into a young boy. He hollers again and says "Girls are fart faces!!" Rick talks about his private parts and lifts his leg and farts.....Joe walks in and see Rick as a young boy..Joe says "AGAIN????" I say "Yes..again!!" Viv walks in and looks and says "Here we go again!!! I hope that it doesn't happen to me!!" Mick walks in. He says "What the hell? Who this young boy?" I say "Duh!!!! Who do you think it is?" Mick says "Rick?" I say "Yeah!!!!" Mick says "How did this happen?" I say "It happens every now and then!!!" Mick says "Really?" I say "Yeah, I'm not lying. This really does happen!" Rick starts talking and asks Mick if he likes girls. Mick smiles and says "YES!!" Rick says "Well...I don't!!!! They're gross!!!" I look at Rick. "I am not gross!!!! Neither is any other girl!!!" Phil walks in and says "What? Again?" I sigh "Yes Phil again." Phil says "Oh geez!!!" Rick walks over and kicks Phil you know where. Phil's on the floor hollering "Joe!!!! Help me!! It's happening again and Rick just kicked me where I live!!! Bring me an ice pack!!!!" Phil yells at Rick, "You're a brat!!!!!! You really hurt me Rick!!!!!!" Rick just laughs. Rick calls Phil a shithead. Phil says "Rick, that wasn't very nice!!" Rick says "I don't care. You're a shit head, Phil!!" Phil says "I'll wash your mouth out with soap!!!!!" Rick say "I'll blow bubbles out of my ass!!!!" 

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