Hey Now You're An All Star!!

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The next day, I wake up to my alarm, Smash Mouth's All Star. I get up and start dancing randomly till I'm fully awake. Then I go get ready for the day. Stuart runs up to me with his leash in his mouth. "Wanna go for a walk buddy?" Stuart drops the leash at my feet and barks happily. Viv says, "Off for a walk are you? May I tag along with you?" Stuart growls as if to say no. Viv says "Stuart , you want me to stay home?" I reply, "Yeah. Stuart wants just him and me! I promised him a special treat! And I never break a promise!!!" Stuart looks at Viv and growls. I command, "Stuart!!! Don't be growling at your daddy!!!" Stuart then became friendly again and then he had his smile on his face. He went to Viv and gave him kisses. Then I said, "See Stuart's sorry. He loves you, Viv! Next time you can come with, Viv okay?" I put Stuart's leash on him. "Come on Stuart! Let's go." Me and Stuart do finally go for our walk. We stop off at the store and get Stuart his favorite doggie treats and I get myself a treat...chocolate cake. I do bring some chocolate cake home for the guys. Joe walks into the store and sees me and Stuart. I don't see Joe, but Stuart does. He barks like crazy. Joe looks and says "Stuart!!!! You're getting a treat?" And he looks and says "Chocolate cake? Where's mine?" Stuart starts giving Joe kisses and Joe says "I love you too Stuart!!!" Joe buys some tea and I cut him a slice of the chocolate cake. "Joe, it looks like you have a little buddy." Stuart jumped up on the chair next to Joe and was looking at him. "What? What Stuart?" Joe says to Stuart. Stuart barks. Joe gives him a piece of his cake. "Don't tell Viv, okay?" He tells me. "I won't." I smile. Stuart barks and sniffs Joe's cake. Joe says "I can't give you much more you'll get sick!!" Joe motions the waitress over and orders vanilla ice cream for Stuart. He then gives the dish of ice cream to Stuart and says "Enjoy!!!" Stuart scarves it all down and barks again. Joe looks and says, "More?" I say "See what you created Joe? Now we have to bring some vanilla ice cream home with us!!!" So Joe buys a big container of vanilla ice cream. Me, Joe and Stuart leave to go home. We arrive at home and I shout "We're back!" Ethan comes out and says "Did you bring me back some chocolate cake?" I hand him the box and he says "You're the best sis!" He opens the box and takes out the cake and slices himself a large slice. Candace walks in and says "Save some for me and the others." Ethan looked and saw the large container of vanilla ice cream. He opened it up and scooped 2 heaping scoops of ice cream. I say "Wow Ethan!!!! Who's eating that? Paul Bunyan?" Ethan says "You know how I am with cake and ice cream. I love it!!!" I laugh. "Yeah but where do you put it!!!! You eat and eat and you're really skinny!!!!" Joe even says "You can really pack the food away and you look great. You don't put on any weight." Ethan says "Maybe it's because I work out!!" Rick walks in and he sees the cake and ice cream. He says "Cool!!!!" He slices himself a piece and scoops up some ice cream and sits down to enjoy his treat. Viv says "What's with Stuart? I've never seen him so hyper!!! He's bouncing off the walls!!" Stuart goes to Rick and eats some of his ice cream. "I love you too Stuart." Rick smiles. Stuart starts begging for some ice cream from Rick. Rick says "Okay Stuart, just wait." Rick gets a scoop of ice cream for Stuart. Viv says "Stuart! Why are you so hyper? Settle down!!!" Viv is wondering why Stuart's so hyper. He asks everyone if they know why Stuart's so hyper. Viv gets tired when he sees Stuart running around the house. Viv says "Stuart...you tire me out!!! I don't understand why you're bouncing off the walls!" But then later that night Stuart was having issues with bad gas. Viv said "Stuart! what did you eat?" Joe walked into the room and he smelled it and he thought Viv farted! Joe said "Viv!!!!! You have a rotten ass!!!" Viv said "Joe I didn't fart! It was Stuart!" Joe says "Yeah, sure blame the dog for you bad fart!" Viv said "I really didn't do it!!!"

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