Fight Foo-re with the Foos!!

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Joe mentions "Can I have everyone's attention please? I was just informed that this next tour we will be touring with the Foo Fighters and Aerosmith." Ethan gets so excited. He says "I'm totally stoked!!!!!!" I laugh. "Bro, you're as bad as I was when we toured with Winger!!! Chill!!" Ethan says "Well I can't help it!!!" Then, Taylor Hawkins,  the drummer, and Dave Grohl, the lead singer, walk in. I smile when I see Taylor. Taylor walks over to me and says "Hello!" Taylor gives me a hug and I almost faint..but I don't. Ethan and Dave form a bond and when I don't see my brother, I know he's hanging out with Dave and the Foos. On the first day of the tour, I go look for Ethan and he's NOWHERE to be found. Then I think, 'Oh wait. He's with Dave.' Then I go looking for Viv and bump into Rick and he wants to teach me how to play drums. I say "Really? Wow!!!!! I feel so honored!!!!!" I start getting tears in my eyes and Rick sees them and says "Awwww..I love you too Ori as a little sister!" Viv walks in and says "Rick! what are you doing?" I tell him "Well Rick's going to teach me how to play the drums and I felt so honored that I started to cry a bit and he was just hugging me." Sav walks in and says "Who can I teach to play bass guitar?" I say "Well Candace might want to learn." Sav says "Well where is she?" Rick says "She's in the living room writing with Joe." Sav says "Really? I need to go then. I want to be in on the collaboration of that new song!!" And Sav takes off like he's been goosed! Sav comes into the living room and sees Joe and Candace collaborating so he sits down by Candace. Ke starts giving feedback on some more stanzas. Then he looks up and says "Candace where do you get your ideas from? You know that ever since Ori and You joined us our new material. Those 2 other new songs Joe gave the go ahead on are at number 1!!!" Joe looks up and says "Really?" Sav says "I just heard it from our manager!!" Sav says "Well Candace, you didn't answer my question." Candace says well writer's run in my family, so do musicians, artists, actors, actresses. My dad told me years ago about that. Then I did a family tree on Sav says "Yes I know you told us about your family tree and you showed Joe your family tree and I was found out that you're cousins of sort." Sav says "Well I would like to look at your tree sometime. Do you have any Savages on your tree? The last name Savage? This new song...I want to be included on collaborating on it too! Candace..would you be interested in learning how to play bass guitar?" Candace says "Sure! Are you going to teach me?"

It's a couple weeks later and Christmas is two weeks away. I make sure Viv's distracted so I can talk to the other guys. "Guys, I wanna get Viv a present. From all of us." Sav says, "Well, we all know he LOVES cars." I also say "I need your help too as far as picking one out that he would absolutely love!" I bug Joe and the guys to do a show or two as Ded Flatbird. They agree. Two weeks later, it's Christmas Eve. Rick comes out in his Santa hat. He's followed by Stuart in his Santa outfit. "Awwwww." I take a picture and then give Stuart one of his presents. He rips it open. He goes nuts when he sees it's a new toy. He drops it at my feet. I throw it. We play for a while then he goes to sleep in his new bed. He takes his toy with him. He falls fast asleep and I get a photo. I show Viv and he thinks it's so cute. The next day, Joe then starts playing Santa Claus for the kids and then for the adults. I get a bunch of Def Leppard CD's and chocolate. Viv gets coal. It's really chocolate, but he doesn't know. Viv stomps his foot and says "This isn't fair!!!!" As soon as he said that, we both turn into kids. He stomps his feet and then starts sucking his thumb. I say " suck your thumb?" Viv says "Yeah so what!! I love my thumb!" I say I was just asking. You're a big fart head!!" Viv says "No, I'm not!!!!" I say "Yes you are!!!" Viv sticks his tongue out at me and I say "You're mean!!" He walks away and says "I don't like girls." I say "Yes you do!!" He whines, "Nu uh!" I touch his hand and he cried "Girl germs!!!" Then I walk up to Viv and kiss him and he says "Stop that!!!! I don't like girls or kisses!!" Joe looks at Viv as a little boy and laughs. Then he says "But you will in time rockstar!!!" Viv whines "No I won't!!!" Then little Viv goes by me and cocks his leg, farts and says "There!!!" I say "Yuck!!! Gross!!!" Then he leaves the room and comes out with a bottle of milk and drinks out of the container. I say "That's gross!!! What if you have a cold and you give it to anyone who drinks milk when poured out of that bottle?" Viv just looks at me and burps! I say "Yuck, Viv..that disgusting!!!" Phil is filming all of this too and recording everything! Rick, Sav, and Joe laugh and think that it's funny. Me and Viv quickly grow up and then Joe mentions that we're touring with Motley Crue again and that they will be showing up for lunch and we will collaborate on a song with them. We all go to get food from the store as we will be cooking and doing an outdoor barbecue with the Crue. Nikki shows up at the store and annoys me. He says "You know that you love me more than Viv!!" He tries to kiss me and I say "Stop that!!! I love Viv!!!! You're only a friend. Viv means the world to me and I'm not going to two-time him!!!" Nikki says "Oh come on Ori! You know that you love me too!!" I say "Well not like that!!! Viv's the one that makes me feel like I'm on Mars and he's the love of my life!!!" Viv walks in he sees Nikki annoying me. He says "Nikki!!! What are you doing with my woman?" I walk over to Viv and say "I love you!!!" And then I whisper in his ear "Thanks for showing up like you did. Nikki was being sort of determined that I should be with him and I told him again that It's only you!!!! Nobody makes me feel about a man like you do, Vivian!! You're my world, Vivian!!"

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