Here We Go Again Having Fun

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I sneak into Sav's room dressed as a vampire and poke him. He wakes up and screams. He runs to hide behind Joe. "Sav CHILL!!" Joe says. "There was a vampire in my room!!!" Sav cries. "Dude, it was just Ori trying to scare you." Joe chuckles. Sav says "But she looks scary and I almost peed my pants! Vampires scare me!!!" Sav looks up and sees me coming over. So he goes over to Joe and says "Joe protect me!!!!!" Rick starts laughing and says "Sav you sound like a girl!!!! And it's only Ori!" Joe says "Sav calm down already! It's only Ori!!" Candace walks in and says "What's going on? What's everyone doing?" She goes into the other room and sees Sav hiding. She asks him what wrong. Sav tells her that I scared him being dressed like a vampire. Candace tells him that it's okay and that I didn't mean to scare him like that and hugs Sav. Meanwhile, I sneak up on Rick and he SCREAMS!!! He runs to another room and Lauren goes to talk to him. She says, "Rick, that was only Ori dressed up as a vampire." Rick calms down a little and smiles. Stuart sees me and tries to bite me while Viv runs. "Stuart!! It's just me!!!" I say. Stuart growls and nips at my hand. I then take off my fangs. "See Stu? Just me."

Later, after I've changed, me, Viv, Sav, Phil and Rick see David Coverdale, Whitesnake's lead singer. We hang out and have fun playing (and screwing up) different Whitesnake songs. We're writing and Phil keeps poking me. I give him a wedgie and rip his shorts off. Stuart comes over and decides to lick Phil's foot.  Phil says "That tickles Stuart!" A few days later, we're on the cruise. Me and Candace have adjoining rooms and the guys are somewhere else. I'm relaxing in my room when Viv prank calls me. He orders a cheese pizza from the kitchen and I smell it and say "Someone has pizza!!!" Candace and I go over and Viv says, "This is mine!!" I tell him, "Don't you get sassy with me, mister!" Candace goes and a cheesecake from the kitchen and suddenly Viv shares. We all finish our pizza and eat the cheesecake. Joey sneaks up on me in a werewolf costume and scares the crap out of me. I JUMP!!!!! Viv laughs cuz he thinks it's funny when someone else scares me. Phil yells at Joey for scaring the crap out of me. He takes the mask off and I hug him. "Even though you scared me, I still love you Uncle Joey." I smile. Later, Joey heads back to his room and sees me in a creepy doll outfit. "Will you play with me?" I ask creepily. Joey says "Ohhh you're scary!!!" Joey goes and gets his costume on and comes back and has Sav snap a photo of me and him in our costumes. Sav says "You two are scary! I don't know if I can snap this photo of you guys!" I say "OMG!!!! It's just us Sav!!! Come on snap the photo already!!!" Joe walks in, looks and says "Shit!!!! You guys scared me!!!" I walk raggedly over to Joe. "Play with me." I say creepily. We end up having a costume party. At the party, me, Lauren, and Helen bring Tommy Shaw's song 'Girls With Guns' to life. Styx comes in and Tommy loves our outfits. Dokken, Night Ranger, Foreigner and Elton John also show up. We jam on 'I'm Still Standing', my favorite Elton song. I look over at Viv and see Kelly Hansen, Foreigner's lead singer, hurting him. I get mad because he tries to hurt Viv, so I jump on him and kick him in the balls!! Then I take out my 'gun' and 'shoot' Kelly. He stumbles around and falls to the ground. A few minutes later, when no one's looking, Kelly sneaks into the bathroom to change into a zombie. He comes out making zombie sounds. "Shit! Zombie, 3 o clock!" I shout as Lauren spins to shoot him. Helen sees Tommy Lee and Sav closing in on me. "Ori, two hostiles at your two!" I spin to face them. I pull out both my guns and gun down both zombies. After being shot, Kelly, Tommy Lee and Sav all turn into zombie hunters and help us out.

Later that day, we go to the Foreigner show. We got front row seats and vip passes with meet and greet. We watch the show and Kelly says, "This next song is for a very special friend. She helped show me what true friendship is. Ori, thank you for saving me. You're my girl in the moon." The band starts to play 'Save Me' off the album Juke Box Heroes. I start crying and Viv looks at me. "You okay, Ori?" he asks, concerned. I tell him "I wasn't expecting them to do this, but since they did, I feel honored and it's beautiful." Viv says well "Babe I know that you're a sensitive and loving person and you deserve getting a song dedicated to you!!!" I say to Viv "I love you more than life itself!" Viv gets down on one knee and as soon as he does, the cameras turn on us. "Ori, will you marry me?" Viv asks. "YES!!!!!" I scream excitedly as Foreigner starts to play 'Waiting For A Girl Like You'. Phil hears what Viv asks and says "Well it's about time!!!!" He goes over to Joe and Sav and says "Viv finally popped the question to Ori!!!" The next day, Viv surprises me by taking me to go see Richard Marx. "I love you, baby!!!" I squeal. "Guess what?" Viv smirks. "What?" I ask. "He and I are best friends." I stand shocked. "How, when, where did you become friends? How long have you been friends?" Viv laughs. "We played with him back in 1992." We head inside and see Richard and his band warming up. I look at who's on drums and get a little excited. "Viv...Sheila E, my favorite female drummer, is on drums!" I almost squeal. "Go say hi!" Viv smiles. I run up to the stage, completely forgetting I had my favorite Sheila E tee on. 

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