Love In Ireland...And Scares at Disney World

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****I'm gonna throw in some Irish slang....I got all the terms from here:

After wrapping up the North American leg of the tour, we head to Europe, specifically Ireland. "Hey Viv! You gonna play tour guide again?" I joke. "Yeah," he says. "I'll show you where all of the leprechauns live at!!!" I try not laughing. "I know where one lives." I push Viv playfully. "I'll even have them do a leprechaun wedding for you and Kyle!" I give Viv the "Please Shut Up Now" look. He makes a pouty face, as if to ask "Why?" The guys look and say "Well Viv don't say anymore Ori may just take you up on having your leprechaun friends do the wedding festivities for them!!!" Viv tries not to laugh, but we all know he can't. Viv pouts. "I was just codding Ori! Geez can't I cod with anyone anymore??" I laugh. "Hey, you can do it. I was codding too!" Vivian does find a leprechaun. He jumps out of the pub and says "VIVIAN PATRICK CAMPBELL I haven't seen you since the last time you got into my pot of gold!!!!!!!!! How have you been? What can I do for you? I owe you one since you got those other people to stop stealing my pot of gold, well man I owe you big time!!!!!! What is it? Name it!" Viv's leprechaun friend, Shaun, said. Viv smiles. "Shaun, buddy how are you and the family?" Shaun shrugs. "The kids are fine. The wife's okay. But why are you here?" Vivian says, "Well, we're doing a European tour and plus my best girl and new member of the band, Ori here is getting married and the honeymoon is also here in Ireland!" I wave shyly. Then I shoot Viv the "What was that for?" look. "That's why we're here, right?" Viv winks. I sigh. "Yeah, but we also have shows to do." Shaun looks at Viv. "You want me and the family to help with the wedding?" Viv nods. I walk away, obviously annoyed with Viv. Kyle follows. "What's wrong, baby?" He asks. "I'm annoyed with Viv cuz he didn't ASK ME first. He normally does." I tell him, about to cry. Viv comes over. "If you don't want their help, I'll tell Shaun." I look at Viv. "It's okay, Viv. Just ask next time." Viv smiles that beautiful smile that made me love him in the first place. I giggle. I go over to the others. "Hi. I'm Ori." I say shyly. Shaun replies with "Hello wee miss! It's wonderful meeting you and you'll be wanting the O'Malleys to help you prepare for your wedding?" I ask, "How long have you really known Vivian? You say you've known him since he helped you with stopping other people from taking your gold. But is that as far as it goes? I mean, I have this gut feeling that you've known him a lot longer." Shaun says "Aww yes!! I've known him since he was but a wee boy!" I say "I knew it!!!!" Shaun says "You could say that we're kind of related!!!!!! He spent a lot of time with us as a boy and when he picked up the guitar and learned to play, it was an instant attraction . His playing is pure magic!!!! And he really is the luck of the Irish!!!!!" Vivian says "Oh Shaun I'm flattered!!!" Vivian's face turns a little red. Shaun says "Boy there's no need for you to be embarrassed !!!!! We've known your family even before you came into existence!" I say "Vivian, I've never seen you turn a little red before! There's nothing to be embarrassed about ....I asked Shaun a question and he gave me an answer. I agree you playing the guitar is pure magic!!!! I always listen to what my gut says and it's always right. So Shaun and his family the O'Malleys are family! Or sort of, there's no shame in that!" Vivian then had his signature smile and said, "Oh, I'm so glad!!!!" Sav said "Viv I always knew that you had a kind of magical touch to you!!!! You pick up any guitar and it takes to you right away!" Joe says "Yeah Viv, you surprise me all the time, on some of the songs that you and Phil do. You outdo yourself! And when you and Phil play together it's awesome and it's getting better since Ori is with us and her playing well it's beyond belief!!!!" I blush. "Oh Joe , Thank you for the compliment!!!!! I feel great knowing that my playing meets with your approval." Joe says, "Ori, you boosted our ratings way up the critics have nothing bad to say about us!!! Having a woman as a Lepp has done wonders to our morale and boosted our performance!! And that barrier has been broken. Women can rock on just as much as men!!!!" I say, "Oh Joe, thank you!!!!! I'm about to cry tears of joy!!!! You and the guys are my family and I love you all!!!!" Later, Viv sees me sitting around eating a cannoli. Viv says, "You need to stop doing that. I can see once in a while but not all the time." I pout. "Viv, this is my first cannoli!" Vivian says "Well if you're a Lepp, you're going to workout like Phil and me and get into healthy eating and working out!" I say "Well, I don't see Joe working out!" Vivian says "Joe works out when he's alone and doesn't want anyone seeing him because his ways are unconventional." I beg, "But Vivian, I want to eat this and I promise that this will be my only cannoli!" Vivian says, "Well just that one then I want you to work that cannoli off!" I grab a towel and throw it at Viv. "What a party pooper!" I yell as he leaves. He turns around and winks. "It'll be worth it!" He sees Phil."Ori is stubborn, but she's gonna learn that since she's a Lepp, she's got to be in tip top shape! So how's the other new Lepp doing? You know the background singer/ future keyboardist doing at working out, Phil?" Phil says, "She's doing good, but I caught her eating a dark chocolate milky way candy bar. I made her work it all off til she was pure sweat and then I said go shower up. I know someone wants to talk to you...meaning her." Ethan goes over to Candace, the background singer who Joe is teaching keyboards. Afterwards Phil asks him, "Well how did it go? Where did you go, what did you dine on?" Ethan tells him and then goes to get ready for that night's show. Joe hears about this event and he asks Phil, "So what's this I hear about Candace and Ethan? Is this another event in the making?" Phil shrugs. "I don't know. Maybe." Everyone prepares for the show, there's sound check and we're all on the stage. The security guards all walk in and Ethan whispers something in Candace's ear. She smiles and forgets where she is and breaks into this amazing kiss anyone has ever seen! Joe finally say aha and clears his throat. Candace says "Oh, I'm sorry that I forgot where I was. But I'm not sorry about the kiss!!" Kyle comes over and plants this awesome kiss on me. I hug him tight. Phil smiles and says "I wonder what Ethan said to Candace that made her give him that amazing kiss?" Joe says "Time will tell. Well everyone, we need to get the sound check under way. The show is in only a few hours. Time is money, so to speak." So, we all get into the soundcheck and we do 'Rock On'. Joe says "Sounds great!!!! Let's do Hysteria." After the soundcheck we all sit down to a cup of tea and conversation. Joe asks Candace, "What's going on with you and Ethan? Is there something that we all should know about? I've known Ethan for years and he's a great guy and I see the way he looks at you and we want to know if there's something that we should know about you and Ethan?" Viv makes funny faces at me and I laughs and says "Is that what Shaun told you to do is to make silly faces at me?" Rick says "Wow!!!! Joe what the hell did you eat?" Candace sits there, laughs and says "The smell could peel the paint off the windowsill!!!!" It was interrupted by Joe's fart. Joe says "Vegetable smoothies and I had some deviled eggs that Candace prepared! She also made egg salad sandwiches for lunch and Ethan and I had eaten most of them!" I say, "Joe!!!! You're not supposed to do that!!! What if someone else was hungry for a sandwich?" Sav says "Deviled eggs? I would like to have had some!" Then Joe did another fart. Candace said "Joe!!!!! You farted again!!!!!!! What did you do shake you leg?" Joe just laughed and said "You shouldn't have have the egg salad sandwiches and deviled eggs , Candace!" Kyle comes over and says "Let's go outside for a breather!!!!! It stinks in here!!!" I grab Kyle's hand and he leads me outside. Afterwards all of the rest of us except Joe comes outside. Phil says, "Joe has a rotten ass. He did another fart after you and Kyle went outside and this third fart is pretty rank!!!!!" Candace even told him to check his shorts!!! Then I say, "I hope that he doesn't fart on stage during the show!!!!" Viv says "Yeah and you, me, and Phil are close by so it would drift over by us!!!!!" Candace says, "Well hopefully he won't fart on stage tonight!!!!"Joe comes outside and says "I was wondering where everyone went!!!!!!" He laughs and says "Well I had to fart!!!!!" Candace says "Well Joe there's a problem. I hope you're done with the farts by tonight because if you fart on stage everyone is going to get a whiff of it!! I won't be making anymore deviled eggs or egg salad sandwiches for a while!!!!! Because if I do, we would all need gas masks!!!!" Joe laughs. He says "Well my mom said never to hold back farts!!!" Then I say "BUT has she ever smelled your rotten ass?" Viv says "Well, yeah she has when he was a baby and she had to change his diapers!!!!" Joe finally gets over the farts before the concert. Sav says "I'm glad of that!!!!!!" The day wears on, and finally it's time for the show. Everyone's on stage and Joe hollers out "DO YOU WANT TO GET ROCKED?" We play 'Let's Get Rocked'. After the show, Kyle says he has a special surprise for me. "Where are we going?" I wonder. We get on the plane and Kyle finally tells me where we're headed. "I know you've always wanted to go to the Bahamas." I stare. "Seriously?" He nods. "All expenses paid." I hug him tight. He say "Oh, and here's something I bought just for you!!" My eyes widen. "What is it?" He hands me a leopard print bikini and tickets to the theater. "Awwwwwww. Baby I love you!" We go to an expensive restaurant, and then we go shopping. I take a picture of my new bathing suit and send it to Candace. She texts back, "You're lucky. I wish I had a leopard print suit. They're cool. Ori you know what Ethan did? He got us all 3 day passes to Disney World!!!!!! That's all of us the whole family!!!!" I show Kyle. "WE'RE GOING TO DISNEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Then I say, "Can you imagine Joe and the other guys on some of those Disney Rides?" Kyle laughs. "I can't wait to see Viv on the roller coaster." We get on line for the Rock n Roller Coaster and I realize we're all wearing Aerosmith tees. I see Aerosmith in front of us. After going on that, all of us, me, Viv, Phil, Rick, Sav, Joe Elliott, Steven, Joey, Tom, Brad and Joe Perry, head to the Tower of Terror ride, not knowing that's Viv's least favorite ride. When we get there, Viv squeaks and hides behind me. Candace says "What's wrong Viv? you look kind of squeamish!" Viv says "Well, I wasn't expecting us to go on this's creepy!" Sav says "Come on Viv, you can do it!!!" Viv says "Well, okay...." We get on there and Viv screams like a girl. I'm laughing and can't stop. Vivian says, "Ori, it's not funny! I'm truly creeped out by this ride! Last time I went on here, I shit my pants!!!!! Oh, that's too much information!" And then I say, "Really? I didn't know that you would get creeped out easy and shit, literally!!!"! Vivian says "I shouldn't have opened my mouth now everyone knows my secret!!!!" Joe says "So, Vivian has a secret? And everyone was saying I'm bad with my farts!!!!! The truth has a way of coming out, doesn't it?" Viv says, "Joe, you can help it with your farts...I can't !!!! If I shit myself on this ride, consider yourself and everyone else warned!!!!" Everyone says, "Vivian this is a different time. You're with family!!!!!! You won't shit yourself!!!!!!" Vivian says "Well..okay....but if I do..I told you so!!!!" We all get on board the ride and the ride commences...then suddenly......It starts to stink on the ride. I holler "Vivian!!!!! Did you shit your pants!!!!!" Vivian says "I told you guys and you wouldn't listen to me!!! So enjoy the stench!!!!!! You all were asking for it!!!! Now you know that's it's a fact that on this ride , I'll shit myself!!!!"After the ride, Vivian and one of the security guards go to the hotel close by where we have the suite on the top floor and Vivian cleans up right away and rinses out his underwear and pants. He gets into the shower and showers. He afterwards puts on clean clothes and he tells Ethan, "I'm ready , Let's go!" Ethan texts Phil and asks, "Where are you?" He texts back "We're at Cinderella's castle, the ladies wanted to see Cinderella's castle. Mostly your sister...Guess why." Ethan laughs. Ethan then says, "What's Candace doing? Is she enjoying all of this? Because there's going to be something special coming up later. I made reservations for all of us a a five star restaurant and something special is going to occur!" Phil says "Can you tell me what it is?" Ethan says "It's a surprise!!!" Then Phil heard this noise over the phone. Phil said "What was that?" Ethan said, "I'm really excited about what's going to happen!!!! So excited that I farted!!" Vivian says, "That wasn't a fart, It was an explosion!!" I look and realize a bomb just went off. I scream and and holler "Phil! A bomb or something just went off!" And Phil not totally getting the intensity of the situation.. says "Well your brother just farted!!!!!" I scream."That was not a fart!!!!!!"I point and say "Look Phil!!!! It was Cinderella's castle that we had just been in moments ago!!!!" He looks and says "OMG!!!" He texts back Ethan and told him "There was a bomb that went off in Cinderella's castle!!!!!!! We were just in there a few moments ago!!!!!" Ethan says "OMG!!!!! That's terrible!!!!!" Vivian was going to leave the hotel and then he realized that he forgot his wallet and had to go back and get it. He took the elevator and a fan was in there with Vivian and Ethan. The fan asked "Aren't you Vivian Campbell from the band Def Leppard?" He was going to reply and the elevator got stuck between floors. Ethan grabbed the phone in the elevator and said that they're stuck in the elevator. Then the elevator started moving again and everyone was holding their breath until the elevator made it to the ground floor and then the doors opened and the all got out of the elevator. The fan asked again "Are you Vivian Campbell?" Vivian said "Yes! Last time I looked I'm Vivian Campbell. I look like him. So I must be him! So I suppose, you would like my autograph, right?" Ethan told Vivian, "We have to hurry and go to meet the others. There's been some trouble over at the Cinderella's castle." Vivian said "Oh no! What happened?" Ethan said, "I'll explain it all to you on the way." On the way, Ethan told Vivian what Phil told him over the phone about a bomb going off at Cinderella's castle. Vivian said "Oh no!!!! that's terrible!!!!" Ethan then said "They were just there moments before that happened!!! I think someone's after you guys." When they get to us, Viv notices I'm bleeding. "What happened?" Sav tells him. "Someone tried stabbing Ori." Ethan says "OMG!!! We'll have to go!!!!" He checks where I'm bleeding at and he says "Yeah we have to leave." We all leave and we report the incident to the authorities and go to the emergency room and get I checked out to make sure I'm okay and then leave to go to the hotel. Viv sits in his hotel room, which he shares with Rick, and cries. Viv says "I wish this stuff doesn't happen! It's very unfair! We go and do things as a family and there's these assholes that are very mean and they can't stand it that other people are happy!" Rick replies, "Yeah, it is very unfair!!!! We can't even be out and about like normal people ..even with heightened security, it's dangerous!" Ethan walked in and said "Okay , we have to be very careful. We have hired additional security some guys from Disney World and some from this hotel!!!!! When we walk around from now on we have to be incognito! Oh also, I want you to get cleaned up for tonight because even though the show's tomorrow evening there's something special going on tonight ! I made a reservation at a 5 star restaurant and there's something special that's going to occur!!!" Rick says "I hope it's something nice and positive!!!!" Ethan says "Believe me it is!!!! Trust me!" At the restaurant, someone tries to go after Vivian. Ethan, Ian, James and the new security guys grab this person....turns out it's a she!!!! This woman is obsessed with Vivian. She thinks that she's married to Vivian! She got the idea at one of the concerts when he smiled at her. She's a real nut case! She hollers "But Vivian and I are man and wife!!!!!! I'm pregnant and he's the father!!!!! You can't do this!!!!!" I hold Viv's hand. "You'll be fine." As we're leaving, fans ask us for autographs and I see a couple friends. I smile and go talk to them. "We wanna help you guys." I laugh. "Do you know how hard you guys are gonna have to work?" I signal for them to come with us. I ask Vivian, "I wonder what my big brother has up his sleeve for tonight? I'm curious as to what's going on with him." Vivian says, "Don't know, but whatever it is it's supposed to be something big!!! Time will tell!" Just then Ethan walked in. He was followed by Candace. Ethan took a glass of champagne and announced "May I have everyone's attention please? The announcement that I'm about to make comes after a lot of decisions and thought. It's a very big decision in my life! Without further ado. My announcement is that I have asked Candace to be my wife!!!" Candace is just as much surprised by the announcement and Ethan's proposal of marriage! Ethan gets down on one of his knees and says to Candace "I've never met a woman quite like you!!! You've showed me that there is a second chance for love and we both are soul mates and I truly love you Candace! Will you marry me?" Candace looked at Joe and Joe said, "Well, you would be a fool not to accept Ethan's proposal of marriage! I give you both my blessings! Go and have a wonderful married life Ethan and Candace!!!" I tear up and hug Viv, crying. Then Ethan says "Wait maybe we could have a double wedding!!! Kyle and Ori, and Candace and me!!!" I ignore him. That is, until he touches my shoulder. "Yeah, bro?" I look up at him. After the festivities everyone goes back to the suite to prepare for tomorrow evening ,Candace and Ethan are too excited to sleep!!!! So they do other things. Me and Kyle decide on watching some netflix on tv and the guys are sitting around with a much deserved cup of tea. Viv says "Ori you really look adorable when you and Kyle were dancing!" I say "Awww Vivian you're sweet to notice that!!!!! Thank you!" then Vivian says. "I feel like having a midnight snack. "Yeah I normally don't do that but for a one time deal. I would like to call room service for a slice of turtle cheesecake!!!!! How about you Ori and Kyle?" I scream, "I want ice cream!!" He then says "Okay, ice cream for you, it is!!!! What flavor would you like to have?" I give him "The Look". He laughs. "Just checking." He then calls room service for the decadent turtle cheesecake and ice cream. Also what came along with those desserts were chocolate cake, carrot cake, and banana cream pie. Vivian told the person who presented him with the other rich dessert..I didn't oder the two cakes and the pie! The person said it's on the house!!!!!! We appreciate you booking a suite with us!!!!! Enjoy!!!! Just then Joe and the others came in and said "Where did all this come from?" Vivian said "Well I decided to treat Ori, Kyle, and myself to something sweet because we've done very well at working out and this other decadent treats, I was told were on the house as appreciation for us booking a suite with them!" Just then Ethan and Candace walked in. Candace said "How did you know that my favorite kind of cake is carrot cake?" Ethan smiled and and said "Yeah and I see that there's a very decadent chocolate cake that inviting, but not as much as you Candace!" The other guys said "Wow!!!!" Sav says "Well! Ethan, You remind me of the cheshire cat!!!!!!! Yo're obviously happy and you were grinning from ear to ear when you entered the room and you too Candace!!!!! What were you two doing? Huh?" Viv says "Awwww. Is this turning into lover's lane? There's two couples. Well let's all enjoy our sweets with a cup of tea and then we should center our thoughts on going to sleep because tomorrow's a big day!" Everyone ate their sweet treat and then went to bed because morning comes fast and they wanted to get enough rest for the next day. The next day turned out to be a nice day. The weather was warm and sunny. Everyone prepared for the concert that night. Ori and Candace decided to go and get their haircut and makeup done. They both went together while in the beauty shop. There was a crazed fan on the loose in the mall he held the beauty shop customers and owners hostage. Ori was able to text Kyle and let him know what was going on and he informed everyone and the authorities were informed. They sent a swat team to the mall to address the issues with this crazed fan. The crazed fan refused to let them all go unless his demands were met. 10 yrs of meet and greet with the band and $100,000.00 in cash was this crazed fans demands. It does get resolved. The swat team arranges everything and they have only a smaller amount of cash in the bag and the tickets are arranged. They meet the crazed fan and other authority figures are waiting. Finally the crazed fan is apprehended at the location that the bag is dropped off. Kyle and Ethan come to the beauty salon and both me and Candace are crying. We say "OMG!!!! We were afraid!!!!!!" Both Kyle and Ethan say "Well it's over and the person was apprehended an hour ago." It's then that evening and the concert goes on without any type of incident. We're all on the stage and Joe hollers "Do you want to get Rocked!!!!"

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