I Get My Wings With Winger And Aerosmith

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Joe walks in and says "Hey!!!! Can I have everyone's attention please!!!!!" Everyone gathers around. "I just wanted to give you all a heads up on who we're touring with this year, Winger and Aerosmith." I freak out because my room is covered with posters of old bands, and yes, Def Leppard is one of them. ..Ethan says "Yeah, sis I know that you love Winger and Aerosmith but please chill out." I say "CHILL OUT!!!! I love them both and you, my fine big brother tell me to chill out? Not gonna happen!!!! I can't chill out!" Ethan rolls his eyes. Right then, Kip Winger walks in. I get all excited and say "OMG!!!!!" Ethan says "Ori! He's only a man!!" I say "Only a man!! I don't think so!! He's a Rock God!" Vivian says "I thought that I was a Rock God!" I laugh. "Viv, you're a Rock God too!!!" Viv says "I love you Ori. I always have and I always will." Viv gives me this big hug and kiss. Viv then says "Let's go!" We go and do the new song, Let's Go. Viv and me help out with the vocals too. When we get to the venue, I yell to Viv. "Hey Viv!" He turns around. "Yeah Ori?" I try not to giggle. "You're one dangerous man. Yes, that pun was intended." Viv laughs and says "You say that I am!!! So I must be!!!" I say "Yeah!!!! Dangerous and Hot!!!" Viv says "I still got it!!!!! I'm the man and I still got it!!!!" Joe says "Yeah..but I got it too!!!! The women all love me!!!!" Stuart gets excited and runs over to me. I say "Well don't forget about Stuart!" I pick up Stuart and he gives me kisses! I say "Stuart loves me!!!" We go over to where Vivian is and he says "You know, Stuart really loves you!!!!" I say well "I love Stuart too!" I sit next to Viv and we snuggle.

Later, Viv drops me and Stuart off at the dog park. Stuart runs around and sees another chihuahua. He goes over and sniffs her. I walk over. "Stuart..." He looks at me. "Are you saying hi?" He barks happily. "This is Stuart." I tell the other dog's owner. "This is Misty." Misty barks. We talk for a little while until Viv shows up. Then me, Viv and Stuart go to leave and Stuart starts crying because he doesn't want to leave Misty. Misty's owner gives me and Viv their address so Stuart can come over and visit. I call the owner of Misty and ask if we can come over the following day. Misty's owner says "Sure! come over..Misty would love to see Stuart!!" We go over to visit and Stuart and Misty are playing. I throw the ball for Stuart and Misty. It becomes apparent to me and Viv that Stuart loves Misty. Stuart and Misty do get married. Me, Viv and Misty's owner do a wedding for Stuart and Misty. I take pictures of the happy couple. They both look adorable!!! Viv is the best man and I'm maid of honor. It's really cute too!!!! We filmed the ceremony and me and Viv took the happy couple for a drive around town. It was filmed in the car with the couple and the best man and maid of honor talking stuff. It was really cute too because the happy couple Stuart and Misty were kissing. Stuart and Misty were very happy! Not too long after their wedding, Stuart found out that he was going to be a father. Viv thought it was cute and told Stuart, "You sly old fox!!!!! You were planning that all along weren't you Stuart?" Stuart barks. Stuart was smiling and all excited. He was wagging his tail because he was all excited. We then had a baby shower for Misty. She found out that there were 5 puppies. The time came that Misty had her puppies and me and Viv took photos of the puppies and Stuart and Misty with their new family. One day, a pair of cats come over. Their names were Mittens and Princess. Stuart and Mittens decided to snuggle one day and I see them. I say "Awwww. This should be taken a photo of." I take the photo and then decide to film Stuart and his friend mittens the cat with their families. The families then decide to all take naps together and I say "Awwww how adorable!" The 2 dads then looked at their families and had a look of pride that shown like the sun. They were beaming. I snap a photo of Stuart and Mittens beaming over their families. Viv says "Wow!!!! I'm proud of Stuart!!!! I feel like a grandpa!!!" I laugh. Viv says "Yeah..I'm a proud grandpa!!! I feel great !!! I want to be the best grandpa around...one that totally rocks!!! Yeah!! This puts me into orbit!!!! I'm just tickled that Stuart and Misty are parents and they are great parents at that!!" Joe walks in and says "Awwww..what do we have here?" Viv says, "Joe these are Stuart's and Misty's family and his friend Mitten's and Princess's family." I decide to name Stuart and Misty's five puppies after each of the guys. There were also five kittens, who Ethan names after the Foo Fighters, Taylor, Dave, Pat, Chris, and Nate.


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