Park Avenue Leads To SKID ROW

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Later that night, we all go out to eat at an exclusive restaurant. Joe looks over and sees Sebastian Bach, the former lead singer for Skid Row. He gets up and walks over and starts talking to him. They then get up and move over to our table. The waiter helps transfer their order to our table. Sebastian and his date dine with us. Joe introduces us. Sebastian already knows the guys but he's never met the new additions to Def Leppard. Joe introduces me as another lead guitarist and vocals and Candace as a keyboardist and vocals. Also we both help with the lyrics. After dinner, we all head back to Joe's place and me, Viv, Sav and Rick start playing Skid Row's '18 And Life'. Afterward, we all gather in the studio and work on some lyrics. Sebastian wants us to write a song for him. We all work on the lyrics and then get the musical part set on the lyrics. While I write, I can't stop staring at Sebastian. Viv nudges me. He says "Don't stare!" I say "I can't help it!!!! He's cool and he's also hot!!!!" Viv says "Well, I'm sure that other ladies say the same thing!" I laugh. Viv then says "I love you!" I mess up his hair. "I know you do you big goofball!" And he just says, "That's my girl!!!" Joe says "How's that song coming along?" Viv says "Good, but Ori's too busy staring at Sebastian!" Joe says, "Go in the other room." When Joe's not looking I stick my tongue out at him. Sav sees me and sort of giggles. After that I walk in back of Joe and give him bunny ears. Rick smiles and snickers to himself. Rick takes a picture of each goofy action. Joe comes over and talks to Candace. He starts calling her Ms. Shakespeare as a nickname. He says "So what do you have written down so far as far as the lyrics go?" She says "Well this is what I have so far.....Let's take this to a higher level, you know that you want to, Time is of the essence, will you grace us with your presence." Joe looks surprised and shocked. Candace says "Well this is what came to me at the moment... some more comes to me...Are you a spur of the moment, when you approach me with your component." Joe smiles and says "Candace!" Everyone laughs! I say "Well, we're all adults here! To go around thinking or saying that this doesn't happen ..we're in denial!" Candace looks at Ethan and says "Hey darling.. are you going to approach me with your component?" Joe says "I don't know about you, Candace! But I like it!!!" Sav says "Can I work on that part with you? I mean help write it!" Viv catches me staring at Sebastian and says "Sweets, you can't be staring at Sebastian even though you say he's cool and hot!!!" I say "Yeah I know but he's addicting. A person, well women, can't stop staring at him. He's phenomenal." Then Sebastian sees me staring and he walks over and talks to me. He says, "I know you think I'm cool!!! I'll take that as a compliment! Thank you!" Viv says "Ori's my girl!!! I want you to be aware of that and not forget that!!!" Sebastian says "Yeah..well I don't see any signs of ownership, buddy!!!" I say "I'm a woman ..not a piece of property!!!!!!" Sebastian says "I'm sorry, I'm didn't mean it that way!" Joe walks up and says "What's going on here?" I'm in the corner crying. Viv is standing across from Sebastian, giving him a dirty look. I say, "Joe, tell Viv and Sebastian to stop fighting. They're fighting over me. I love them both but I love Viv more and I love Sebastian as a friend." Joe then says "You guys need to get along since we're working together! Apologize and shake hands. Both of you!" So Viv and Sebastian apologized and shook hands. We then continue working on the lyrics. Joe looks at Candace and says "Candace!" She says "What?" Joe says "So we're cousins, huh?" She says "Yeah." He says "Could we be kissing cousins?" Candace says, "I guess..but why?" He says "There's nothing like keeping it in the family!" Candace looks around at everyone. Everyone has the look that says "Well?" Joe says, "Well? What's it gonna be, Candace?" She says "Well... give me a moment and then I'll let you know." Joe says "Time is of the essence. I'm going to approach you with my component!!!" Candace says "You're using my own words to your advantage!!" She walks into the other room. She comes back and says "Okay." Joe says "Okay, what? Does that mean that the answer is yes?" She says "Yes. I did find some evidence on the family tree of cousins together. I know, it's weird but I guess it has happened!" Candace looks and says to Ethan, "But I do still love you and you'll always be in my life." Joe says "Well then, let's go!" Ethan starts crying. Candace says "We're doing the song? or are you telling me let's go?" Candace hears Ethan crying and tells him, "I really do love you!!! please understand." Joe and Candace start to leave. Ethan says, "Candace wait!" She tells him "Please understand..I really do love you!!!! When I was an adult I would have only you in my life but we're all transformed into teenagers again and try to understand how teenagers think, well how some of them think." He then says "Okay." He then says to Joe, "You better treat her right or you will have me to answer to!!! I don't care if she's your cousin! Treat her right!!" Joe says "I give you my word. I will treat her right! I love my cousin!!!" Phil walks into the bathroom and see Joe and Candace. He then turns around and walks out and says "Sorry!" He's snickering as he walks away. He tells Sav about what he saw. Sav snickers and says "Well that's Joe alright!" Phil sees me and Viv. He tells us what he saw. I text Joe.

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