Scary Ireland

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We fly back to Belfast for some shows and decide to visit a castle. While there, I get possessed by a ghost and try to kill Stuart. Joe and Sav stop me. Viv and Phil are scared. REALLY scared. While Joe and Sav hold me, Lauren tries to talk to the ghost. She talks to the spirit. She says "I would like to talk to the spirit that is in my friend. Who are you?" The ghost, an old Irish queen, says that this is her home, meaning the castle. Lauren tells her that she's not alive in the physical world anymore. The ghost says that she's not leaving, that this is her home and she's not leaving. When she threatens to stay in my body, Lauren tells her that it isn't possible to remain in my body and that she needs to leave and cross over. The ghost keeps refusing. What got her annoyed is that we started fighting her when you did things opposite of what she wanted or liked. She wanted to continue to be alive physically. she wanted me to dress the way she did and I continued to dress the way I want and continue to wear makeup. She does leave, but not 100%. The ghost left but there were parts of her personality that stayed, like remnants of her accent. Viv notices and gets a little scared. Then Joe notices. He gets a little scared too. They just stand there and then I leave the room. At the same time, they say "Wow." Viv follows me out of the room. He mentions to me that I have an accent. I say "Really? I didn't notice that I now have an accent!" Viv says "Ori, you definitely have an accent now. Even though the ghost is gone, she's left some remnants of her behind." The guys feel a little threatened but they come around and think it's cool. Candace says "Ori, I love your new accent! It's totally cool!!!" Ethan says "Yeah. It's great!!!!!!" I smile and say "Really?" Everyone says "Yes!"Candace then says "Gee, I wish that I had a cool accent. I still sound like I have a northeastern minnesota accent with an educated way of saying things. I don't say all of the slang that is said there." Ethan says "You'll pick up on our accent!!!!" She says "Yeah really?" Ethan says "'re already picking up on our slang that we use so you'll be talking like us in no time!" Joe looks at her and smiles and says "Yeah!!!" We all then go into the kitchen to have tea and cakes.

The next day is Halloween. There's a party at Joe's house and the house is decorated to look like a haunted house. Joe is dressed up like a soldier from the revolutionary war. Candace is dressed like Bridget Bishop from the Salem Witch trials. Ethan's dressed like George Washington. Rick is dressed like a pirate. Sav sees who Candace is. "You need to be burned at the stake for being a witch." He accuses. She says, "I'm innocent!!!!" He smirks. "Yeah right witch." And she says, "I'm not a witch!!!!!" I defend her. "She's right. She isn't a witch." Joe and Ethan are fighting. Rick walks around talking like a pirate. Phil's dressed as a boxer. Sav's a member of his favorite soccer team, the Sheffield Wednesday Owls. Viv and I are a prince and princess. When we enter, everyone turns to look at us. Everyone except Rick. He pushes past us to the kitchen. "Richard John Cyril Allen, come back here now." I order. Rick comes back. "Yes, Your Majesty?" He replies. I say, "Now that's more like it!!!!!!!" Rick smiles like a pirate. Later, Vivian goes out in public to get coffee and for everyone and this hater walks up to him. This hater lies to him by saying that he won a special prize and that he needs to come to his car to get the special prize. Vivian says "Well, what is the special prize?" The hater says, "Well come with me and find out!" Vivian leaves with this hater to go see what the prize is that he won. When they approach the car, the hater pulls a gun on him and says "Into the car!!!!! You're coming with me!!!!!" The hater pulls out a set of handcuffs and puts them on Vivian. The hater is delusional. He says that Steve told him to do this and we know that that's not true. Viv says "That's not true!!!! Steve Clark would never tell anyone to do what you're doing!!!!!!" The hater says "SHUT UP!!!!!! He told me to do this!!!!!" The hater then calls Joe's house and tells him about him abducting Vivian and what we have to do to get Vivian back! The hater says "I want 3 million dollars in cash.....brought to this certain location!!!! No police involvement!!" I hear the threat and start crying. We do contact the police and other authorities. The authorities work with us and help us to get Vivian back. Just then, the hater sends us a video of Vivian being tortured. I get scared and we're all crying. The authorities set up the communication between them and the hater. The hater wants Joe to deliver the money at this undisclosed location, no police. Joe follows the instructions to a tee with no issues whatsoever. There are undercover officers there but they appear undetected by the hater. Joe arrives at the location and he meets the hater, who has Vivian with him. Joe gives the hater the bag of money. The hater takes it and goes to leave. Joe says "Not so fast!!!!!!!!!!! I kept my end of the bargain. You keep yours." The hater says "Oh yeah, right." He then releases Vivian,who limps over to Joe. Joe and Viv leave quickly. Not too long after that the hater is apprehended and locked up. Joe brings Viv to the hospital to assess any injury. Viv's fine, but he has a twisted ankle. Other than that he's okay. They send him home with Joe with meds for the pain in his ankle. When Viv comes home, I hug him tight. As I hug him, I start to cry tears of joy because I never thought I'd see him again. I cried and said "Viv, I love you ..I don't want anyone to ever take you from me!!!" Ethan walked up and said "Viv, you can't be going anywhere by yourself anymore. I know that at times you get annoyed at security, but our job is to keep you and the others safe!!!!!! So, we're going to step up on security more. Guys I would like you to meet Brutus!!!! He's my martial arts instructor. I've hired him as another security officer and bodyguard. Phil, he will be with you to teach you more intricate options as to how to alleviate a dangerous situation." Phil looks and says "Holy sh*t!!!!!! He's more ripped than I am!!!!" Brutus says "Well, Phil I can also help you to be as ripped as I am..I know that you already work with someone, but I can also be there to show you all what I know and do!!!!" Candace walks in and says "Holy sh*t!!!!!! he's build like a brick sh*thouse!!!!!!!" Ethan looks at her and says "You shouldn't have said that!!!!! Because now he's going to be your personal trainer Candace!!!!!!!! And Phil can't help you either because he'll also be working with Phil too!!!!" Joe looks and laughs "Candace......looks like you got yourself over extended!!!!" She says "Sh*t!!!!! what have I done?" Brutus laughs and says " look like you would benefit from my services too!" I ask Joe "What's the matter?" Brutus says "Alright then. Now that I've made myself clear, the ones that I'm going to work with suit up! You will find your exercise gear in the locker rooms. Go and suit up!" Everyone gets ready. We're working out, except for an injured Viv, when the room starts to smell. I say "Alright who the hell farted!!!!!" Joe says "Why is everyone looking at me and thinking that I'm the guilty party here? It could be the toilet backing up you know!!!" Candace says, "Yeah right!!!! I saw you eat the rest of the pork and beans and you had 6 deviled eggs and a can of your Down n Outz beer!!!!!" Someone else walks in and says "OMG!!!!! What is that smell?" Phil punches Joe. And Joe says "What's that for..?" Phil says "We all know that you farted Joe!!!!!!!!" Joe laughs and says "I can't help it the exercise pushed that fart out!!!" Candace comes back with some air freshener. I take it and start spraying. Then I go and spray Joe's butt! Joe says "Ori, you're getting my jeans all wet!! Now it looks like it had an accident in my pants." Brutus says "Joe take your jeans off!!! anytime you do a have to have exercise gear. Go into the men's locker room and get a workout outfit." Joe goes and comes out with a tanktop and and rather snug shorts that show his endowment. We then continue to workout until we're all pure sweat. Then Brutus says "Okay that's is for 45 minutes everyday we will be working out!!!! Hit the showers. Men go to the men's locker room. Ladies go to the women's locker room." I sort of overdo it a bit and I have a charley horse in my leg. After I'm done getting cleaned up, Viv meets me outside of the locker room. He asks if I'm okay. I tell him that I sort of overdid it and have a charley horse in my leg. He helps me the best he can. With my arm around his shoulder, he helps me walk a bit. So we all meet in the dining room. Ethan says "Are you okay?" I tell him what happened. I say well, "I sort of over did it. I'll be okay but I'll have to go in to see if my leg is okay. It feels like a charley horse in my leg." So then Ethan, Viv, and Stuart bring me in to have my leg checked out. It turns out I had a bad sprain so I take it easy for a couple weeks. At least I have time to hang out with Viv!!! Me and Viv sit and watch the others do the workouts. I notice that Candace's abs are starting to look a lot better. I mention that to Ethan and he says "That's what I like!" She goes to get her destroyed jeans on and they're loose on her and she shows that to Ethan and he says "Nice!!!!!" Then Candace decides that she wants to go shopping. She mentions it to Ethan and he says "Babe, I don't want you going by yourself. I'm coming, so is Brutus and other security people and whoever wants to come to go shopping can go." She says "Okay, I'm not going to argue with you!" She then asks me and Viv if we want to go with them. We all go in a limo. People recognize us and Brutus says "I'm part of security you can see and talk to them but not too close!" The fans talk to us and are by us but not too close. We all go to where we're going to the departments that we're going to. Security follows us all. Brutus follows us to make sure no one doesn't do anything to us. Candace finds a half a dozen pairs of jeans, some skinny jeans and regular jeans some destroyed jeans too and some jeggings. We then walk over to the makeup department. We head back to Joe's, then to the mall. We get tattoos and t-shirts at the mall. Then we go to lunch at Applebee's. Afterwards we head to Phil's place. We act weird in his pool. Ethan pushes Phil in and gets dragged in. Brutus jumps in, water coming out of the pool. Sav does a belly flop. Me and Viv don't go in cuz we're still on crutches. Afterwards, we sit and talk about the new Album and the tour. We end up staying up most of the night. We have the next day off. We sleep in. But Brutus is up making smoothies and energy drinks. There's other stuff for us to eat. Candace and I both have muffins. Joe has eggs, toast and coffee. Viv comes in and has grapes and a bagel with cream cheese. Later that day, Viv puts 'Love and Affection', off Hysteria, on the radio. He pulls me close and we start dancing. Rick videotapes it. Ethan's crying because he's never seen me so happy. I whisper in Viv's ear, "I'm glad I have you baby." Viv says "I love you too, Ori. I'll have it no other way. I want to be with you forever!!!" I blush because I love him. He's my world. I don't know what I'd do without him. We keep dancing and I put my head on his shoulder. Then he looks at me and we start kissing. Then we both walk away with both our eyes locked on each other. Ethan smiles and says "See you later." He's got this devilish look in his eyes and this grin! Ethan then goes over to Candace and talks to her. He says "When?" She says "When what?" Ethan says "When are we going to go out there and dance?" She says "Anytime you want!" Ethan says "How about now?" Candace says, "Well, I'm game!" Ethan says "Alright then let's go!!" They go out to where Viv and I were dancing. Ethan says "What's next after this?" She says, "Well, we can arrange something! Like what, Ethan?" Ethan says, "Well like the song says, do you really, really want to do this?" Candace says, "Well Ethan, let's go! But you gotta practice what you preach, everything's within an arm's reach!!!"

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