Day One Alive

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beep beep beep no ... beep beep beep ughh ... beep beep beep

*jumps up* First day of school i look over to the clock 6:59 i run my hands over my face trying to block out the sun shinning in my room i squint my eyes and theirs all boxes around my room the only thing really out was some clothes i haven't even unpacked my bed yet i'm sleeping on the floor with a blanket and a pillow i pulled the single blanket off of me and stood up getting a sharp pain in my back from sleeping on the hard wood floor trotting over to my many boxes i moved them around slowly until i found the one labeled Alai bathroom i fumbled around until i found my bag filled with shampoo and other bathroom things i slipped on my slippers and opened my bedroom door right across the hall my brothers door was cracked open a bit i should probably wake him up but i walked right past his door to the bathroom closing it i dropped my bag on the counter and turned the shower on letting it warm up before i pulled my pjs off and got in grabbing my coconut shampoo lathering it in my hair then grabbing my same smelling body wash putting that all over my body i turned the water off and heard screaming

"Atticus im taking the bathroom first move"

"Mike just shut up i was up way before you"

My annoying brothers were yet again fighting over who got the bathroom first i was hoping to leave that back in Canada but i guess not i have two brothers Atticus was my older brother he was 18 on his last year of high school.As for Mike hes my younger brother hes 13 in his last year of 8th grade hes a good boy around my parents and honestly my best friend my parents are always bragging about how we get along so well and they have never seen siblings get along as good as we do walking back to my room passing my brothers who were fighting by the stairs to Atticuss' room it was like a staircase that led up to the attic it was this big cool room that he got because he was older but honestly i wouldn't want it ive been up their once and its so hot hes always shirtless with a bunch of fans and an AC in his one window he has closing my bedroom door behind me double checking time 7:15 i put on jeans a black tank top with a sweater over it and pulled on some UGG grey boots and started straightening my hair by the time i was done with my make-up i didn't have time for breakfast because i had to get to school

i walked down my loud wooden stairs with my backpack over my shoulders turning the corner to see my brothers actually having time for breakfast because they could care less how they looked

"were going to be late come on" i said opening the front door

My brothers came out behind me while Atticus locked the door we had to walk to school because out parents were at work they worked early in the morning at like 5am it was mid winter it wasn't exactly snowing because it was Texas but it was mid 65 degrees but were used to it since we come from Canada all of our schools were a good walking distance away from our house

i pushed the double doors open and walked to the front office their was a lady behind the small glass window typing on her computer i knocked on the window lightly and her head popped up she seemed young and didnt seem mean the window flew open

"how can i help you guys?" she asked

"im new here and i just needed my Schedule im Alai woods" i said

"And I'm Atticus woods"

the door unlocked and i stepped up the two stairs which seemed dangerous when kids are running out of school at the end of the day i looked down the hallway and La Vernia High School seemed very nice by the looks of it the lady handed me my schedule and i looked it over i was taken to my locker by some one who worked their and put all my things away then she walked me to my first class which was biology their was one seat left in the back behind this boy in an orange beanie which i gladly took the teacher continued to speak about what she was doing 

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