My kind of sweetness

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2 weeks later put us at April 3rd. Tony and I have gotten so much closer if that's even possible. He asked me if I wanted to go on a road trip with him and his family this weekend and I agreed of course, but I was nervous to meet his parents and his brothers because I wanted to make a good impression on them. Not that I'm dating Tony I just want to make a good impression on everyone i meet. We walked into school with Tony dragging me by the wrists he was spinning me around and pulling me into him trying to tickle me which pissed me off beyond belief. I broke free from him and walked my ass down to my locker.

"Are you mad at meee" he said "Alai princess"

He's been calling me that for the past week and I can't help but blush by it so I always my face. I stuck my head in my locker and then pulled it out slamming the door leaning against it with my chemistry book pressed firmly against my chest. Tony was trying to get me to talk to him but I was trying to ignore him as best I could. Alex walked by and I got the chance to talk to him and ignore Tony. Alex and I have gotten a lot closer over these past three weeks were practically best friends now I tell him everything I mean. I'm not sure why we just have. It's not because we've had sex I mean it might be. I've made up with Austin and we've been getting along well too which was good I guess.

"Alex hey come here" I said and he walked over he had three books under his arm

"Can you walk me to math?" I asked him and he glanced at Tony and grabbed my arm

"Hows your morning?" He asked

"Let's not focus on me how's your morning?" I asked looking around I spotted faded red hair walking down the hall with two boys behind him it was Austin we glanced at each other and everything felt like in slow motion I know we're getting along but what he did the other day

I was walking out of school when Austin came around one corner of the building. He came up to me and pushed me against the brick wall. He was all over me trying to kiss me and feel me up. Austin was just so hot I couldn't help but wanna make out with him but he made me feel uncomfortable he scared me. Tony and I have been having sex I just don't feel comfortable making out with a guy and then fucking Tony later on it just doesn't seem right-

"Alai Alai are you okay?" Alex asked moving me out of the packed hallway

"Oh yea sure" I said playing with my hair

"Come on Alai don't lie to me I know you better then that"

"I'm just really stressed and having issues my problems aren't yours so don't worry about it" I said

"No shut up, I'm slowly becoming your best friend I wanna know things like this" I just gave a look and it was like he could read minds "it has something to do with Austin dosent it" he said

"Why would you think that" I said and the bell rang "oh we gotta go"

I scurried into math and Alex followed quickly behind me. He slammed his books on his desk and growled angrily for me to tell him.

"Mr.Constancio please take your seat"

He pulled his chair out and sat down next to me. We had those two person desks in almost all the classes here which was awesome when you had a friend in that class. We had to hand in our homework and then do a bunch of problems from the book. Alex finally got the chance to talk to me when the phone rang and the teacher was on it.

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