I like AC

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Alex and I went out that night alone. He was telling me all about Austin birthday bash he's having and how it's going to be a night to remember cause he'll be 18. We were standing in line to buy tickets to the boy it was supposed to be some scary horror movie where the girl went and babysat a puppet but it started doing paranormal shit. Alex bought our tickets which I offered like nine times I would buy my own but he told me it was only seven bucks he could handle it. I admired his outfit when he walked over to the guy who rips the tickets. He had on a white shirt with zippers on the side, blue ripped jeans and some white Jordan's he didn't exactly dress up that's what he usually wears but I didn't mind. I myself had on short shorts with a tribal shirt and some white converse. It was so hot in Miami how could you not wear as less clothes as possible. 

"Okay I'll buy the snacks" I said pushing him aside taking out my wallet he gave me a playful shove and smirked at me

"Cute boyfriend" the lady behind the counter said

"Oh he-

"Than you." Alex said grabbing the snacks we bought and walked away

"Why did you lie to her?" I asked confused

"Why ruin the ladies day?" He said more like a question

The movie was scary as fuck. It was awesome though I love scary movies and so does Alex we were laughing through all the parts people were screaming over. We got out of the movies and Alex's phone kept ringing Austin was calling him. He had a bunch of missed calls from him

"Hey bro... Yea just at the movies... Oh no one... Yea... Ok... Yup cool... Bye bro"

"Who was that?"

"Austin he's here with his date" he said in quotations

"His date?" I asked

"Yea not really just a girl he hopes to sprinkle a little romance on and then fuck her later and never call her again"

"He's such a sweet guy" I said sarcastically Alex just laughed

We got to his house because he wanted me to stay over for dinner. We walked through the door and Alex out his keys on the little stand when you open the door. Right when you walked in their was a big open space and then their was stairs and a balcony. Everything was opened into each other the kitchen was beautiful and then next to it was the living room and dining room. You could see him mom cooking dinner while that boy drew from school was sitting at the dining room table eating some snacks while on his phone.

"AC how was your d- heyy Alai" he said going upstairs

"Drew will be drew"

"How was the movie you two?" His mom asked

"Good movie" Alex said popping a grape in his mouth

"Yea it was pretty scary to everyone else their but Alex and I were laughing the whole time cause we love scary movies"

"Yes Alex is a big fan of those"

"Ma what's for dinner"

"Chicken mashed potatoes and a vegetable mix"

At dinner Alex pulled a chair out for me next to him and then drew came and sat next to me.

"Andrew eat your vegetables"

"No I don't like peas or carrots"

"Just eat them drew"

"You eat then Alex"

"I already ate mine now eat it"

Reminder I was in the middle and their parents were starting to get mad at them for arguing over me.

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