Parents crashing

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I woke up in my bed. I remember all of last night and I wasn't that drunk. I finally got to leave the party around 3am so I'm super tired. Austin did drive me home like he promised and I was fine. Tony never returned my call which was odd. I really didn't feel like going to school today especially without tony. The boys seemed so different last night their way nicer in person then in groups they were always trying to show off how tough they were. I was really thinking hard about the offer I have to tony before he left cause he was so sexy but at the same time I don't wanna loose what we have. I've never had a best friend other then Cameron but he's basically family, I know Tony said I would get with him if he came back but that's a long complicated story. I processed all these thoughts as I got my outfit on for the day I didn't wanna face school alone, I know theirs Tony's best friends their but just something about it didn't seem right without him here.

"Haaha Tony always did the oddest shit" Antonio laughed

"I can't wait to tell him this when he comes back" I chuckled

"So what happened with you two the other night, ya know you went to his house?" Zach said raising his eyebrows

"What are you talking about" I said stabbing my salad

"Wait. You and Tony did something" Antonio said with a smirk

Antonia's girlfriend wasn't here today or else she would probably have something to say about this too. I didn't know how to answer I mean they were his best friends he didn't tell them?

"Tony and I uh had ya know" I trailed off

"OOOH BOY!" Antonio yelled jumping up "ya boy fucked Alai Woods fuck yes" he smiled

People glanced In the lunch room.

"How long have you known Tony?" I asked curiously

"Why, he dosent have a STD if that's what your asking" Zach chuckled while Antonio collected himself

"No not that. Like has he ever ya know-

"Been with other chicks?" Antonio questioned my question


They looked at each other and laughed. Why?


"Tony with other girls what are you trippin. Tony has never got passed naked with a girl ever" Antonio laughed

"What? Why?"

"Because he never was with the girl long enough. Never liked her enough-

"Basically he's never found so called the one he's wanted to give his vcard too" Antonio finished for Zach

Wait hold up. The one?

"Congratulations you have Anthony Myers virginity" Zach smiled

"But what? I'm so confused? Tony's so sexy and hot and just like who wouldn't wanna fuck him?"

"I'm not saying that I'm saying he's never liked a girl enough to fuck her" Antonio said "It made him God material"

The bell rang. I had Spanish but Tony usually walked with me. I was upset cause I had to walk alone. Antonio and Zach had gym on the other side of the school so they couldn't. I was walking down the hall and I saw Sarah fighting with Alex. She was against the wall while Alex was yelling at her. The bell rang but they continued I was kind of interested in what they were fighting about.

"Whatever Alex fuck you" she said walking up the stairs

"Fuck you to bitch" he responded

I saw Austin in the distance behind some lockers, he was gripping onto a girls jacket she was all over him she had the same hair as Sarah and the jacket im seeing things. They staged making out and I don't know why it bothered me. I just walked by Alex and he grabbed me and pushed me on the wall and we literally started making out right their. I knew this wasn't right. He had a girlfriend. I had Tony. Austin was gonna kill him. But he was such a good fucking kisser my god. I pushed Alex off me. I was so mad at Austin.

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