Guilty pleasure

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When Tony left me to go to his locker I walked by the crew and Austin was no where to be seen that's awfully strange I brushed it off and grabbed what I needed for biology I got to my class and Austin wasn't sitting in front of me he wasn't even in the class 20 minutes later he walked in class with nothing but his phone that he put his his pocket and walked over to his seat the teacher didn't even bother saying anything to him

"Ok everyone needs to work on their project that's due next week" the teacher said

Austin was my partner but he just sat I front of me until I said something

"Are you gonna work or not?" I said

"Don't tell me what to do"

"Don't be such a douche" 

The rest of the class was kind of awkward and we didn't really say anything more to each other 

Lunch time rolled around and I got to my table before everyone else when I looked at the crews table Austin still wasn't to be seen everyone else soon joined me and we began having the typical lunch time conversation

"Hey Alai wanna come over my house tonight and watch movies and eat food" Tony said

Was that his idea of asking me out?

"Sounds fun sure" I said and he smiled and whispered a little yes to himself

Today Tony walked with me to Spanish so I wasn't late and it was honestly pretty confusing Tony has been coming here for months and he got lost on the way Spanish was our last class of the day which sucked because we had another 45 minutes until school was over we had to work on some big project and it had to be in all complete Spanish I didn't really understand Spanish at all

"Wonderful I don't get Spanish" I said

"Aren't you lucky you have a partner who speaks fluent Spanish" he said shocked

"Shut up"

When I was done at my locker I had to wait to Tony because his locker was down 2 flights of stairs and all the way towards the gym on the other side of the school it really must suck to have a locker all the way down their there was only like 5 lockers so it wasn't crowded that was probably a plus it took him all of 8 minutes to get from his locker to my locker and another 4 to get to the front doors

When we got outside I was looking for Antonio but he wasn't their he was our ride home

"Hey where's Antonio he's our ride?" I asked

"Oh I told him he didn't need to I got my car back from my brother this morning" he said walking over to a deep blue Camaro my dream car it was beautiful inside and out

"So you will be over at 8 for the movies" he asked paying attention to. The road

"I thought we were going to your house to watch movies" I asked

"I thought maybe we could go out" he said slowly

"Like on a date" I asked excited

"You could call it that I guess" he said trying not to smile

"Ok cool I'll be ready by 8 then"

He dropped me off at home and I couldn't be more excited honestly I've always thought Tony was so cute and he's really sweet I guess we will just see where it goes from tonight

I had dinner around 5 with my brothers we just kind of made pizza and devoured it all I left then a little while later to watch tv so I could start getting ready for my "date" with Tony I had to get ready and walk to his house because I wasn't going to have him pick me up too I showered and looked for something to wear to the movies I put on some tight leggings and a tank top that said wild is my middle name I let my hair curl at the ends while I dried it and applied some light make up along with some really good lip balm to get some kissing in 😏😏 and just some sons of Mars Jordans by this time it was 6:45 and I decided to text Tony

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