California dreamin

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Tony was taking a 6 hour bus to the airport in the morning. We went back to his house to eat cake and he just did some last minute packing. I wasn't excited about him leaving by all means. Him and Antonio were psyched.

"Troy are you going back to Vermont?" Tony asked zipping his suitcase up and putting it in the corner

"Nah are you crazy bro, I'm staying here" Troy said

"My moms letting you live here" Carter said

"Yup and now you go off to college" he said rolling his eyes

"I'm sorry you'll have Carter and I bet you'll see a lot of Alai" Tony said looking at me and Troy just smirked

"Troyes stop it she's illegal for you" Tony laughed

"Oh fuck" I shouted tearing the covers off me and throwing them on Alai.

"What's going on?" Alai said groggy rubbing her eyes.

"I gotta go" I said pulling my jeans on as I stumbled around the room avoiding my brother sound asleep on the floor.

"Tony why are you leaving now?" Alai said getting out of bed.

"Because my bus leaves at 6:15"

"Tony don't" she said grabbing my face stopping me in my tracks.

"Baby Alai I gotta go" I said gathering my things and started rolling it down the stairs

"I'm gonna miss you Tony a lot" she said pouting in my doorway

"I know you are, are you coming for the ride?" I said walking down the stairs as she followed me. "Antonio at you awake?" I yelled busting through the kitchen door.

"Tony I don't want you to leave" she said wimping and I spun around pulling her close.

"It's ok I'll be back in 4 months"

"That's so long from now" alai whined

"It's gonna be okay princess" Antonio said putting his arm around her

The first week of summer started up and Austin was throwing a big party to kick off summer. He invited practically the whole school but he gave me one of the 100 personal invitations he made. I didn't really have any friends to hang out with since two of them were off to college. The only person I had to hang out with was Zach and we're starting to get closer cause we have no one else to hang out with.

It was a weird scene to see Zach sitting on my bed while I found something to wear instead of Tony sitting there. Zach was just lying there half asleep until I started whining about what dress to wear.

"Wear this white one this is pretty" he said

We showed up to Austin's party fairly earlier then it started but there was already a bunch of people there. The party started at 10 and the house was booming with music and strobe lights it's was like a club you couldn't see anything or anyone. I then realized a lot of the people were wearing white. I saw Austin walk up to me with a cup of alcohol.

"Hey pretty thing, here have a drink" Austin said sipping his drink looking to the left

"Thanks mahone" I smirked

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