Tonys love

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*Tony's in picture*
Tony's  Point of view
"Where the hell is Alai! She's not answering" I yelled to no one sitting on the swing in the park

"Tony" I heard behind me I knew a mile away it was my brothers voice

"Oh my god carter what why the hell did you follow me here" I cocked

"Because your my brother and you don't seem alright" he spoke slowly with his hand out to me "lemme help"

"Alai is missing Carter and I'm fucking worried" I said tears stinging the back of my eyes as I tried to blink them away

"We'll find her man I promise" he blabbed my brother dosent make promises

Alai's point of view
"Austin please let me go home please" I begged

"Stop it Alai now" he raised his voice

"Fuck you Austin I wanna go home okay I'm done playing your little games I don't play games I don't do sports" I claimed

"I want you to be quiet I'm making a phone call"

Tony's point of view
"I don't know where to look for her Carter" I whined

"Tony relax we'll figure something out can't you track her home or Somethin?"

"I don't even know how would I do that I can just randomly track her"

"There's probably an app-

"Wait shut up I'm getting a call from a blocked number"

Tony's phone
Tony it's Austin
Where's Alai I growled
Relax Tony she's safe I want you to come here
Where no I want her home now
No can do Tony boy she's staying here now you come here and I'll fill you in capeesh?
Fine where are you?
My house dummy Miami road house 4 I could hear him smiling
See you soon

"Let's go Carter she's at his house"

We got back to my house and I hopped in my black BMW. It started raining all of a sudden so I was driving in the pouring rain.

"Tony heat please"Carter said rubbing his hands together. I flicked the switch on. Glancing over at my brother. My arm resting on the window waiting eagerly for the light to turn green. My hand squeezing the wheel so hard my knuckles turned white. When the light switched I stepped on the gas zooming down the Texas streets.

"Tony turn left" Carter said staring down at his bright screen. I took the turn Turing the wheel with both hands looking at the house with a confused look "Alright let's go"

I knocked on the door Carter standing behind me. The door swung open to a tall blonde haired buff older dude.

"Tony?" He asked

"The one and only" I said scratching the back of my neck out of nervousness a bad habit of mine. I peered at Carter he looked lost.

"Who's the boy" the guy asked

"My little brother" I said flatly

"Dave stop fucking around and let them in before the neighbors see this shit" Austin said loudly walking down the stairs

We entered the house and Austin came up to us. He had us follow him up to the room I assume Alai was in and he asked me who Carter was and everything. When Austin opened the door she looked so scared and broken I felt tears welding in my eyes.

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